The Life of Lewis - Cover

The Life of Lewis

Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas

Chapter 6: Pumping Some Sense into Luke

Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 6: Pumping Some Sense into Luke - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.

Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Ma/Ma   Ma/mt   mt/mt   Teenagers   Coercion   Consensual   Rape   Gay   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Torture   Anal Sex   First   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Doctor/Nurse   Teacher/Student  

Ron looked at Luke and told him, “Well Luke, I have to say I’m surprised. When I first met you, I felt sorry for you. As I got to know you over our first coffee, I liked you, you came over as a nice person. But based not on my opinion, but on your own admissions, I have to say that as a partner, you are lazy and inconsiderate. The wonder is not that Beverly threw you out, but that she didn’t do it much sooner.”

Luke looked startled. “What do you mean?” he asked. “We got on well together.” Ron shook his head, “No, you did your own thing all the time. Beverly waited on you hand and foot and supported you financially. She must have really loved you.”

“I still don’t understand,” Luke said sounding puzzled, what did I do wrong.” “Where shall I start?” Ron told him, “You had sex without protection showing absolutely no regard for the repercussions of pregnancy which would have fallen entirely on Beverly. By your own admission you had sex whenever you wanted it and how you wanted it, without any thought to what Beverly wanted. You lazed around the flat on your days off leaving Beverly to do all the cleaning, cooking and washing. You bought booze and felt good, but you drank most of it yourself. You sat and watched tv after Beverly had cooked you a roast dinner, no doubt washed up and then had to carry on working whilst you just sat there. In other words, you blew it big time.”

“Personally, I doubt Beverly will want to know anymore, but if you do want to try and get back with her, you’re really going to have a job convincing her you’re going to change your attitude. Just try putting yourself in Beverly’s shoes.”

“Imagine it was you who was working five days a week. You came home every night to find your so-called partner had done nothing but laze about all day. Instead of putting your feet up, you had to cook a meal, then wash the dishes, then clean up the flat and after that wash the clothes. If you wanted a drink during the evening, you had to get up and get it whilst your partner just sat there. You paid all the bills for the flat, rent, rates, electricity, gas and bought the food. Your partner bought some booze but drank the bulk of it himself. He was too tight to treat you to a meal out, just paid for an occasional takeaway meal. All the rest of their wages they spent on enjoying themselves. You couldn’t do that because you had no money left after paying all the bills.”

Luke had sat there as Ron reeled it all off, looking increasingly horrified. When he finished, Luke said, “That’s awful, I never realised, I just didn’t give it a thought. I wouldn’t want to live with someone like that either!”

He sat with his head in his hands for a while, then looking at Ron, he asked, “What can I do?” Ron smiled at him, “You’re halfway to solving it already. The first step in solving any problem is to admit that there is a problem and realise what it is. Long term the solution is simple, when you love someone enough to want to share your life with them, you put their needs before your own. The word partner means equal, in other words you share the good times, the bad times, the labours and the pleasures. There is a very true saying, ‘Those who wash up together stay together.’ You don’t have to share everything, there will be some things your partner is better at doing than you, so you do some of the other things to equal it up.”

“With regards to Beverly, if you really want to get back together, you need to go and see her, tell her you’ve been doing a lot of soul searching, tell her you realise what a pratt you’ve been and that you are going to change. Tell her you know you don’t deserve it. Tell her you love her and want her to love you, not just to put up with you. Suggest she looks after the joint finances. Tell her you will give her your wages and she can allocate spends based on what you can afford as a couple after the bills are paid. Tell her you will go shopping with her, help to clean the flat and will never demand sex again, it will always be a joint decision.”

“So, did you feel that you would like Beverly by your side for the rest of your life, or was she just easy sex and a roof over your head.” “I didn’t realise until I was sitting by the canal today, just how much I love her and will miss her. I’m going to go and see her and try to convince her to give me another chance.”

“Good,” Ron told him, “But if that doesn’t work, you’ll just have to mark it down to experience and move on. Another thing too, you mentioned about feeling out of it when your mum remarried, I think it’s more than likely that her new family spotted right away how lazy and demanding you were to your mum and didn’t like what they saw. Perhaps you need to build some bridges there too.”

“Luke,” Ron asked, “Did your mum and dad ever tell you why they split up?” Luke nodded, “Dad told me that mum had just got fed up with him. Mum said she had had enough of doing everything whilst dad just did his own thing.” As he stopped talking, Ron saw the realisation hit him. “That’s exactly what I’ve been doing isn’t it?” he said. Ron nodded, “You’ve inherited your behaviour from your dad. Either through your genes or simply by living with him. But you are young enough to change so you can stop it blighting your life.”

“Look, it’s getting late,” Ron said, “perhaps you should sleep on it overnight, give it all a lot of thought, then go and see her in the morning when you’re refreshed. She will have had two nights alone by then so she’s bound to have felt lonely which might help in your favour.”

“That sounds good,” Luke said, “but I’ve nowhere to sleep and I’ll need a wash before I go to see her if I’m to stand any chance.”

“That’s no problem,” Ron told him, “Why don’t you sleep here tonight, then you can have a shower before you go and see Beverly in the morning.” Luke looked so relieved, “Could I?” he asked, “that would be wonderful.” Ron smiled at him, “Why don’t you go and have a walk along the tow path and clear your head. Come back in half an hour and I’ll have a meal ready for us. We’ll have sausage eggs and chips with bread and butter, ok?”

When Luke said great, Ron said, “Set your phone alarm for fifteen minutes then you’ll know when to turn back.” After Luke had set off, Ron put the table up and peeled some spuds.

He laid the table, put the food out ready then buttered some bread. Once Luke had been away for twenty minutes, he put the chips in to cook and the sausage under the grill.

When Luke returned looking a lot happier, he gave Ron a hug. “Thank you so much for everything.” he said. Ron hugged him back and gave him a kiss. “I’ve done very little,” he said, “You’re the one who will have to do all the work.”

They sat down and tucked in. The plates were cleared in no time, then Ron got a couple of cream cakes out of the fridge for dessert. When they had gone, Luke got up and said, “I’ll clear away and wash up.” Ron smiled at him, “starting as you mean to go on,” he said. “We’ll do it together.” Luke cleared the table whilst Ron got the sink ready. Then he washed and Luke dried. When everything was away, Ron made them a coffee each. They went and sat outside in the bow. It was starting to get dusk but was still a warm evening.”

As they sat with their drinks, Ron said, “You mentioned some new experiences with your friend Stan, care to tell me what they were and how they came about?” “Sure,” Luke answered.

“I stayed with him a couple more times so when we watched more porn videos, we fired each other like the first time, and he gave me another suck. It was great fun. Then I think it was the third time I stayed we were watching a video where two young men were sucking each other at the same time. Stan and I were sitting naked side by side and holding each other’s cocks. We were both hard, but neither of us had yet fired.”

After the two on screen had fired, Stan looked at me and asked, “Do you fancy trying that?” “I had been thinking how nice it had been when Stan had sucked me and thinking that perhaps I should do it for him. I nodded and said yes.” Stan asked if I was sure, “don’t do it just because I did,” he said, “Only do things you are happy to do.” “Did you think that was good of him?” Ron asked. “Yes,” Luke said. “He was being very considerate, wasn’t he?” Ron said looking pointedly at Luke.

Luke hung his head, “Yes, just like I should have been with Beverly.” Ron squeezed his shoulder. “Carry on with your story,” he said. “I told him I was sure,” Luke answered, “then he told me that I didn’t have to swallow it like he had done, if I wanted to, I could finish off with my hand, or I could hold it in my mouth then spit it out. Whatever you do, I’ll enjoy it he told me.” “What did you decided to do?” Ron asked.

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