The Life of Lewis - Cover

The Life of Lewis

Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas

Chapter 7: Putting Archie in His Place

Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 7: Putting Archie in His Place - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.

Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Ma/Ma   Ma/mt   mt/mt   Teenagers   Coercion   Consensual   Rape   Gay   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Torture   Anal Sex   First   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Doctor/Nurse   Teacher/Student  

When Ron’s alarm went off the next morning, he came to to find that he had turned over in the night so now had his back to Archie who was cuddled up close to him, with an arm over him. He lay there for a moment, coming to, then felt Archie stir as the sound of the alarm penetrated his brain.

Archies arm moved off him and he backed away slightly as he stirred, so Ron turned over to face him. Smiling at him, he could see Archies look of surprise turn to remembrance of the previous day, followed by a big beaming smile. He came back close and wrapped his arms around Ron.

As they hugged and kissed, their cocks came together for the first time. They were both semi stiff with their early morning ‘I need a wee’ swelling, so as soon as they touched together, they both went into full erection. They both enjoyed the feeling, then Archie slid his hand down and took hold of Ron’s cock, feeling it was bigger than his own. He held it as it throbbed in his hand then stroked it down until he could cup his hands over Ron’s balls. Ron made some happy noises and turned over onto his back.

Archie threw the top cover off and looked down at the big hard cock in his hand. It throbbed and pulsed as he did. He took hold of its tip and slid his hand down making it dance about. He let go for a moment and slid his fingers through Ron’s tuft of hairs then thinking about how lovely Ron’s unexpected suck had been the previous evening, he made a decision.

He moved round and sucked both of Ron’s nipples. Much to Ron’s enjoyment and producing a very happy cry. Then he kissed his way down his chest, over his stomach, down his abdomen and then down one groin, letting Ron’s cock bang against his face as it danced with excitement. When he had kissed as far down as he could, he came back up and kissed his way down the other groin.

Moving around in between Ron’s legs, he pushed them as wide apart as he could then putting his nose against the bottom of Ron’s cock, Archie took both of Ron’s balls into his mouth, playing with them with his tongue accompanied by a string of even happier sounds from Ron.

After sucking them for a while, Archie let them slip out gently one at a time. Moving his hand up the inside of Ron’s thigh, again accompanied by cries of joy from Ron, he played with Ron’s Balls with his fingers, then took hold of his cock, this time holding it firmly so that it couldn’t move about.

Ron’s tip was sticking out some way from Archies hand, so he leaned forward and put his lips around it. Ron cried out loudly as his lips touched, then again as his lips slid down until they touched his hand. Taking his hand away, Archie slid his mouth further down, feeling Ron’s cock sliding deeper into his mouth and throbbing as he did so. To more cries of pleasure from Ron, he slid his mouth down until Ron’s cock touched the back of his throat and he had to stop. His lips still hadn’t reached Ron’s hairs.

Savouring the feeling of having a cock in his mouth for the first time, Archie remained unmoving for a while, just enjoying feeling his mouth filled with a large thick cock which throbbed and pulsated against his lips and the roof of his mouth. It felt so exciting he was glad he had decided to try sucking instead of his first thought, to fire Ron by hand.

Lifting his mouth up, to more noises from Ron, he pushed his mouth down again quickly, doing his best to stop just before Ron’s tip touched the back of his throat. Moving his mouth up and down slowly, he enjoyed both the feeling and hearing Ron’s ecstatic noises. After half a dozen up and downs, he increased his speed slightly, feeling Ron’s cock throb in response.

Ron laid his hands gently on Archies head, just letting them move with his head. Archie took this as a signal so increased his speed once more. The higher speed soon started off Ron’s special feeling which grew quite quickly. Ron tapped the sides of Archies head to let him know he was near. Archie responded by increasing speed again which brought Ron to the edge. He tapped vigorously on Archies head then a second later his body went tense, his cock swelled in Archies mouth and as he shot a great load of cum, he gave a long happy wail of joy.

Archie sensed Ron going tense, felt his great cock swell even more in his mouth, then suddenly his mouth filled with a great load of warn creamy cum. Hearing Ron’s cry as his mouth filed gave him an amazing feeling of pleasure. He hadn’t decided what to do with the cum up to that point, but as Ron had swallowed all of his, he thought the least he could do was to add to his experiences and taste it. He took a tentative gulp, found that it tasted quite nice, so took another swallow. Still happy with the taste he polished off the lot.

As he finished, he felt Ron’s cock start to shrink, he licked his tip and found a final drop of the tasty stuff, then let it slide out of his mouth. It lay semi soft between Ron’s legs. Then they both said together “I need a wee.”

“Come on,” Ron said, “We’ll squeeze in together.” They both went into the tiny toilet area and aimed at the pan. Neither of them felt embarrassed at weeing in front of the other, plus they were both desperate, so they instantly started flowing. They were looking at their own cock to make sure they didn’t miss but couldn’t help but watch the others at the same time, being so close.

When they had both finished and shaken the last drops off, they stepped out into the centre corridor, threw their arms around each other and kissed. Their now completely limp cocks hanging between their legs were touching, feeling nice but not making any attempt to swell up. Ron told Archie that had been a lovely way to wake up. Archie replied that it was a very small thank you for yesterday.

Archie told him that it was the first time he had ever been sucked, plus the first time he had ever sucked anyone, the first time he had ever slept the night with anyone and the first time he had ever had a wee with anyone. Ron smiled at him and stroked his head. “It’s the first time I’ve ever had a wee with anyone,” he told him.

They went back into the bedroom, Archie put the bathrobe on, and Ron got dressed. Opening everywhere up, Ron felt Archies washed clothes which were dry but still felt damp. The sun was shining nicely so Ron spread them back out on the roof, telling Archie they should be wearable in a couple of hours.

They put the table back in place, then Ron cooked up a good breakfast. They sat at the table and tucked in, Archie especially enjoying it. Finishing off with a coffee, Ron told him, “After we’ve washed up, we’ll take the table down again, then if you want to, you can stretch out with your head on my lap, then as promised I’ll tell you what I think about you, your past and your future.”

“Yes please,” Archie told him, “I’m not sure I’m going to like what you say, but I think that it would be good for me to hear.” They finished their coffees, cleared the table and took it down. Then Ron washed the dishes whilst Archie dried. “How often did you help wash up at home?” Ron asked. “Very rarely,” Archie admitted, “Mum used to do it all.”

Once Ron had put the dishes away, they went back into the dining area. Ron sat at the end of the bench seat, whilst Archie lay down on his back with his head on Ron’s lap. Once they were settled, Ron smiled down at Archie, saying, “I’m going to tell you my opinion on everything you’ve told me. I believe that what I’m going to say will be of benefit to you. But whether you like it or not or whether you put it to use or not is entirely up to you. But I do ask you for two things. One is that you listen to me, without interrupting until I have finished. The other is that whatever you decide to do from here on, you give me your mothers phone number so that after you have gone, I can ring her, tell her I just met you and that you are still alive and well. Will you do that?”

Archie nodded. “Yes, I will, thank you.”

Ron rested one hand on Archies head and the other on his stomach over the bathrobe. “I’m going to split this into three sections,” he told him. “First my assessment of your home life before you left. Second your experiences of being homeless and thirdly how I think you should move forward from here. When I’ve finished, if you want to ask anything at all, you can do.”

“First, your homelife. Remember this is my opinion based purely on what you have told me. You have a mum and dad who love you dearly. Your mum goes out to work to help provide for you. On top of that it would seem she does all the work at home with little help from you. Your parents provide you with a safe and warm home, feed you, pay for your holidays and even give you pocket money that they have to go out to work for.”

“When you left school, it would have been a reasonable assumption on their part that you would get a job. I doubt they would mind if it wasn’t a well-paid job, just the fact that you were earning and could help with something towards the family budget would be enough. If nothing else it would show you cared about them, not just yourself.”

“Now I haven’t got kids, but I can assure you that no kid of mine would get a penny in pocket money for doing nothing. It would be in return for help around the house to take the weight off a mother who sounds like she is driving herself into an early grave.”

“To see you lazing round making little or no attempt to support yourself, whilst they slaved away all week supporting you would be both annoying plus heart breaking for any parent. I would suggest that the mere fact they hadn’t thrown you out themselves before now shows just one thing. That they love you very much.”

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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