The Life of Lewis - Cover

The Life of Lewis

Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas

Chapter 2: Simon Admits His Problem

Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 2: Simon Admits His Problem - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.

Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Ma/Ma   Ma/mt   mt/mt   Teenagers   Coercion   Consensual   Rape   Gay   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Torture   Anal Sex   First   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Doctor/Nurse   Teacher/Student  

On Monday, Danny and Lorraine decided they wouldn’t meet that day so as not to chance fate. They arranged they would go to John’s Tuesday afternoon to have their first bare sex.

On Monday morning Danny had a text from John to say his friends had invited him out again the following day. They had got some cancellation tickets for a coach trip, so he would leave home at half past nine and wouldn’t be back until after eight at night. Hope you have a nice day, he finished off with, adding a smiley face.

Danny texted David who lived next door to John and suggested he met him at Johns at ten in the morning if he would like to. David replied a few minutes later saying, “Yes please, be lovely to see you anyway, but I also want to ask you about my friend Simon. Tell you the details when I see you.”

Tuesday morning, Danny arrived at Johns just before ten. At ten past there was a knock on the door. It was David who apologised for being late, but his mum had been late leaving. “It was easier to wait until she had gone rather than explain where I was going,” he told him. Once the door closed behind him, David threw his arms around Danny then they had their usual kiss.

They went through into the lounge and settled down on the settee. Danny sitting at the end and David lying flat with his head on Danny’s lap as usual. They chatted for a few minutes about what David had been up to since Danny saw him last, then Danny asked, “What’s the problem with Simon?”

David looked up at him saying, “You know I told you we got on really well together. Well, we’ve spent a lot of time together over this holiday, at each other’s homes and out on our bikes. Yesterday, just after your text, I was at his house whilst his parents were out. We were playing computer games, then after a while, Simon asked me if I’d ever watched any porn. I told him I hadn’t and asked if he had. Just once, he told me. I was wandering around the internet the other night and came across a site. I had a look and saw a film showing a couple having sex.” “I said Wow, was it any good?” “It was very explicit,” he said, “I learned a lot.”

“Anyway,” David continued, “I said, can you still find it, I’d love to see it. Simon said it would still be on his search history so he was sure he could find it. He checked, found it and opened it up, then he put it on his laptop screen.” “Did you enjoy it?” Danny asked. “It was very exciting,” David told him, “I went stiff the moment it started and as it went on, I found it hard not to get myself out and fire, regardless of Simon being there.”

“How was Simon reacting?” Danny asked. “I didn’t realise at first,” David told him, “I was too busy watching the film, then I glanced at him and realised he wasn’t watching the film, he was watching me. More particularly, he was watching my hand which was rubbing over my cock. He must have been able to see I was hard from the bulge, but when he saw I’d seen him looking, he asked,” “Have you got a hard on already?” “I said and how, it went stiff the moment the film started, how about you?”

“His face just disintegrated into sorrow, then he burst into tears. I was startled and didn’t know what to do for a moment, then I put my arm around him, pulled him close and held him tight. As his sobs eased, I asked what’s up? he just said,” “Put your hand between my legs.”

“That surprised me, but I did. It didn’t register for a moment or two, then I realised I couldn’t feel anything. I moved my hand around a bit and realised he was still completely soft. Once he could tell I knew, he said,” “I can’t get an erection, not just now, I’ve never ever had one.” “Then he burst into tears again.”

“I held him close, reached out for the control and stopped the film, then just held him close until he stopped crying. I told him, you’re young, you might just be a late developer, but I have a good friend who would know what to do. If you are ok about it, I’ll ask him if you can meet him. He’s so easy to talk to. I’m seeing him tomorrow, so I’ll ask him then if you like.”

“I’ve never told anyone until now,” he said, “Would he laugh at me?” “Never, I told him, he’s an expert at dealing with people’s problems, he’s the one who looked after me when I hurt my leg. He’s only a few years older than us and I’ll stay with you if you want me to.” “Ok, yes please,” he said.

Danny said, “I’ve never heard of that before in someone so young, but it’s interesting, why don’t you ask him to come round this morning if you’re ok about it.” David gave him a hug, “I hoped you say that he replied, I like him, and I’d like to help him. I can’t imagine not being able to fire.” “Give him a call now then,” Danny said.

David rang, getting Simon at the second ring. “He’ll see you if you can come round now,” David told him. Simon must have said yes for David told him, “It’s the house next door to mine, the one on the left as you face mine. Ok?” then he hung up. “He’s on his way round, David told him, “I said I felt so sure you would see him, so I had him on standby, I hope you don’t mind.” “Of course not,” Danny said laughing and giving him hug.

Ten minutes later there was a knock on the front door. They both went to answer it, to find Simon on the step. He was a little taller than David with broader shoulders. He looked quite strong. David introduced him to Danny who shook his hand and invited him in. As they went through to the lounge, Danny said, “Don’t worry Simon, anything that happens in this room goes no further.”

Once in the lounge, Danny told him, “I’m going to get you into a relaxed position first, then I’ll tell you how I want to handle your problem. You can then decide if you want to stay or not, ok?” Simon nodded; he was already feeling a little easier now he had met Danny.

Danny sat David at the end of the settee, told Simon to take his shoes off and lie down with his head on David’s lap. Then Danny sat on the edge by his hips, facing him. “Now Simon,” Danny started, “David has told me your problem. If I can’t solve it, you might need to go to your doctor for medical advice, but I’ll know better later on. On something so personal I would normally see you on your own and I’ll still do that if you want to. However, the first step in solving any problem is to tell someone about it.”

“You have trusted David with the knowledge, which is why you are here today. That shows how comfortable you feel with him, so I think it would be a good idea for David to stay with us, but as I said, that’s entirely your choice. I’ll ask you to decide that shortly.”

“Let me tell you first what will happen if you stay. I will need to ask you a lot of very personal and embarrassing questions. I will also need to examine you, both your body generally and obviously the offending part. To do that I will try to keep you very relaxed the whole time by giving you a relaxing massage and undressing you a little at a time as you become more at ease. At any stage you can say stop and pack up. Understood?” Simon nodded.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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