The Life of Lewis
Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas
Chapter 8: Bill and Barry Explore More Than They Expected
Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 8: Bill and Barry Explore More Than They Expected - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.
Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa mt/Fa Ma/Ma Ma/mt mt/mt Teenagers Coercion Consensual Rape Gay BiSexual Heterosexual Fiction Incest Torture Anal Sex First Massage Masturbation Oral Sex Petting Doctor/Nurse Teacher/Student
Sunday morning Bill and Barry had arranged to meet up and spend the day climbing and exploring the nearby quarry. Bill had sat up late into the night watching his new video all the way through. He had got very worked up and had fired himself four times between ten pm and two am when he had finally fallen asleep.
When he woke up Sunday morning and saw the blank tv screen, he realised he would have to be careful that he didn’t fall asleep and leave it running for his parents to find. He found it hard to muster the energy to get up, but he made the effort.
He arrived at their meeting point a few minutes late. When he apologised to Barry, he said, “I’ll tell you why I’m late afterwards.” They cycled to the hillside where the quarry was and padlocked their bikes together round a tree. As they walked through the woods to the Quarry, Barry told him he had looked it up to find out why it was there.
Apparently, it had been dug out as an open cast mine to get limestone out, mainly for use on buildings in the nearby city. When in full production, it had had its own branch railway line to carry the stone away. Barry was a railway fan, so he wanted to try and locate the old track bed.
Reaching the Quarry, they looked down into its depths, Bill reconned it was about seventy feet deep. There was a pathway which meandered down the far side, but it was very long winded. They both preferred to climb straight down. It wasn’t an exceptionally difficult climb as long as you were careful. It was more moving from ledge to ledge than climbing as such.
It took them half an hour to reach the quarry floor. There was a cave in the quarry wall which they went into and explored. It was about ten feet high, twelve feet wide and only went back about thirty feet. Coming back out, they found a sunny corner and settled down to have a snack and a drink from the goodies they had brought with them. They chatted about the week gone past. Neither of them had
done much. Barry told Bill he had gone to Blackpool for the day with his parents. They had gone up Blackpool Tower, had a ride on the trams up the prom and been to the fairground. Bill told Barry he hadn’t been anywhere really, but he had acquired something unusual which was why he had been late.
Barry said, “That sounds interesting.” Now that it had come to it, Bill was unsure whether he should say anything or not. He had only just become friends with Barry, so he didn’t know him well enough to know his opinion on anything really. He didn’t have many people he could call friends and he didn’t want to risk losing him. Barry could tell he was hesitating, so he said, “It’s ok if its private, you don’t have to tell me.”
Bill told him, “It’s not that, we’ve only just become friends and I want us to stay that way. It’s something you might not approve of.” Barry looked even more interested. “Now you’re making it even more intriguing.” He said with a big grin. Then he added, “Will it help if I tell you that I want to stay friends with you too and that doesn’t mean that I expect to agree with everything you say or do, any more than I expect you to agree with me.”
Bill thought for a moment then decided to risk it. “I got a porn video,” he announced. Barry looked at him with his mouth open, “Wow,” he said, “That’s amazing, a real proper one?” Bill nodded, cheered by Barry’s evident excitement. “Tell me what sort of thing is on it,” Barry asked agog, “I’ve heard about them, but I’ve never ever seen one.”
Bill told him, “It starts off with a couple getting undressed then having sex, then another guy comes and joins them for a threesome. Next there’s two men playing with each other and then having sex, Then there’s...” “Stop,” Barry called out, “I’m getting too worked up, you are a lucky sod, how did you manage to get it?” Bill looked at him and saw the front of his trousers had a big lump in them. “I discovered I knew someone who had some,” he told him. “He agreed to let me have one providing I promised I would never ever let it out of my sight as he could get into a lot of trouble for letting someone so young have it.”
“Have you watched it?” Barry asked? “Yes, last night for the first time,” Bill replied. “That’s why I was late, I didn’t get to sleep until two am.” “How many times did you fire yourself?” Barry asked. “Four,” Bill answered, “I was worn out.” “I’m not surprised,” Barry said, “Did you fire quicker than usual because of what you were watching?” “Definitely,” Bill told him, “It made you feel you were in there with them taking part.”
“So, to keep your promise,” Barry asked, “If you let someone else watch it, would that mean you would have to watch it with them?” “Yes,” Bill nodded as he spoke, “So it would have to be someone I knew well in case they got over excited.” “You mean in case they got carried away and wanted to fire themselves in front of you?” Barry asked. Bill nodded.
How long would you have to have known someone before you felt that much at ease with them?” Barry enquired with a smile. Bill gave it some thought, “I don’t think time would be a factor,” he mused, “It’s more a case of how much at ease I felt with them and that’s something that I would feel right away rather than later.” “Then there’s hope for me yet?” Barry said laughing. Bill grinned at him, “Would you really like to watch it? He asked. “Definitely, yes!” Barry told him, “What do I have to do to persuade you?”
“Let’s go and sit inside the cave,” Bill said, “I have an idea.” They picked up all their stuff and went into the cave, sitting a few feet back from the entrance. There was a flat bit with grass growing on it that was quite comfy to sit on.
“Now,” Bill said, “I know from watching it last night, that it would be impossible to watch without getting a hard on. I think you proved that earlier by getting one just from my description.” Barry gave him a sheepish grin as he nodded. “I also doubt that anyone could watch it without an overwhelming urge to play with himself and fire himself at least once. So, if two friends were watching it together, they would have two choices. One is that they kept their erection in their trousers, perhaps put a blanket or something over them and fired themselves quietly, trying not to look at the other person doing the same and trying not to cry out when they fired.”
“Two is much nicer, if they felt at ease enough with each other, they could strip off at the start so they could see each other naked. Then they could see each other stiffen up and see each other playing with themselves. Finally seeing each other firing. That way both of them could concentrate on enjoying themselves instead of worrying what the other person was seeing or thinking. Who knows, they might even play around a bit with each other.”
Bill looked at Barry saying, “I think the second choice would be the best, which one would you choose. “Two,” Barry said instantly, “As long as it was with someone, or some people I felt comfortable with.” Bill looked surprised, “It hadn’t occurred to me to have more than two, but I suppose there’s no reason why not. But we’ll stick to two for the first time at least.”
“Now,” suppose the two of us were to do it, “We would strip off first, so we would see each other naked, how would you feel about that?” Barry smiled. “I don’t suppose you’ve got anything that I haven’t got, so no problem.” “When we started watching the film, we would both get erect,” Bill said, “So I would see you with a full hard on and you would see me.” “If anything, that would make us both even more excited,” Barry replied. “Now as we watched the film, we would almost certainly want to play with ourselves, so we would each see the other’s hands moving out of the corner of our eyes, so we would be bound to look over and watch briefly.” “As no doubt we would both be doing the same thing, I can’t see any problem,” Barry answered with a big grin.
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