The Life of Lewis
Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas
Chapter 1: Peter Has a New Experience at Carols
Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 1: Peter Has a New Experience at Carols - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.
Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa mt/Fa Ma/Ma Ma/mt mt/mt Teenagers Coercion Consensual Rape Gay BiSexual Heterosexual Fiction Incest Torture Anal Sex First Massage Masturbation Oral Sex Petting Doctor/Nurse Teacher/Student
Saturday morning, Peter arrived at Carols as usual. He let himself in, then went through the house and out into the back garden. His usual first job on a Saturday morning was to mow the lawns front and back. He opened the shed up and wheeled the motor mower out.
As he always did, he checked the oil and petrol before turning the fuel tap on and setting the choke. Giving the starter rope a good pull, he was pleased to hear the engine kick into life right away. He reached for the choke lever and returned it to open so the engine could get maximum air. Letting it run for a few moments to warm up, he hooked the grass box on the front.
Pushing the accelerator lever up slightly, then putting it in gear he set off around the lawn. Carol had told him when he first started working there, that he needn’t bother trying to get straight rows of cuts like posh lawns, all she wanted was it cut neat. So, he did what he usually did, started in the corner nearest the shed and went round in ever decreasing squares until he reached the middle, then went over any bits he’d missed at the corners.
As always it took him less than quarter of an hour to mow the back, including two empties of the grass box. So next he wheeled the mower through the side gate and did the front lawn. That was much smaller and only took him ten minutes. As he was finishing, the lady next door came out, so they stopped to chat for a moment as they did occasionally.
Taking the mower back, he parked it on the lawn in front of the shed and did his usual clean up, brushing as much of the grass bits off it as he could. Often that was all he did before putting it away, but today as it was warm and sunny, he reeled out the hosepipe and gave it a good wash down. Leaving it out to dry in the sun, he put the hose pipe away.
Next on his agenda was trimming the edges. There was a gadget in the shed that could be wheeled around on the edge of the lawn which had a short blade hanging down over the edge of the grass. All he had to do was wheel it around all the edges to produce a nice neat clean edge. Ten minutes later he had done front and back. That implement was washed and laid out to dry too, then he went around with a bucket to pick up all the bits the edge tool had cut off.
Dumping the bits on the compost heap, he saw that it was gone half past ten, so he decided to take an early coffee break. Going into the kitchen, he put the kettle on whilst he prepared his cup and got a couple of biscuits out of the tin. Sitting down to his drink, his mind wandered back to the day he had gone upstairs to the toilet only to meet a naked Carol stepping out of her bedroom.
As usual, just the thought started things moving down below. He let his thoughts run free whilst he finished his drink, then getting up from the table, he had to leave a gap between himself and the sink because of the bulge in his trousers. He concentrated his thoughts on washing his cup, wiping the table and putting everything away. Going back out to work in the garden, he had gone down partially, a spell of weeding seeing him off altogether.
He was on his knees weeding about half twelve when Carol walked in through the side gate. She wasn’t usually home at all on a Saturday, so he was surprised to see her. “Hi Pete,” she called out as she closed the gate. “I’ve got an unexpected free afternoon, so I’ll put the kettle on for lunch. Have you got food with you, or do you want me to make something for you?”
Returning her hi, Peter told her that he had intended going to the chippy. “I’ll make you something instead,” Carol told him, “How about sausage, egg and chips?” Peter smiled at her, “That would be lovely,” he told her. As Carol went into the house, she called back, “Give me fifteen minutes then come in, it should be nearly ready by then.”
Peter found it hard to concentrate on his weeding and kept checking his phone for the time. He wasn’t expecting any repeat of last time, but he knew just sitting in the kitchen with Carol would make his mind go back to seeing her naked and he had no doubt he would have to be careful getting up from the table.
At long last the fifteen minutes were up so he went over to the house. Taking his boots off before going in, he managed to surreptitiously tuck himself in a bit better whilst facing the closed door. Going in, he found Carol just finishing at the stove. The table was set ready, so he went to the sink and washed his hands.
Carol served the plates of food and sat down. Peter dried his hands and slid carefully up to the table, relieved that Carol seemed to be looking elsewhere as he did so. The two of them tucked in so there was silence for a time, then once their plates were clear, Carol asked him how he was enjoying his summer holidays. Peter told her he would rather be on holiday than at school, but it seemed a long break this year as the family weren’t going away.
When asked why, he told her they were saving up to go to Disney World next year. “Lucky you,” Carol told him, “But you’ll be glad you made the sacrifice when you get there. Any girlfriend yet?” Carol asked. “Not yet,” Peter replied right away. Thinking as he did so that he would have gone red and been embarrassed in the past had she asked such a question, but after their last experience, he felt completely at ease with her. Often worked up perhaps, but still very much at ease. “It will happen soon enough,” Carol told him. “I’m sure you’re having lots of nice dreams in the meantime.”
Peter grinned. “Carol twigged immediately. “Silly me.” She said grinning back, “Of course you’re still having dreams. But surely you dream about some of the girls at school as well?” “Oh yes,” Peter said, “But dreams are always so much better when they’re about an experience rather than just a desire.” “You’re getting to have an old head on those young shoulders,” Carol told him. Peter smiled at her, “I’ve grown up a lot since I started gardening,” he said. Carol laughed.
“You’ll find a couple of chocolate eclairs for afters,” Carol said, “They’re in the box on the worktop.” Peter looked around and saw that to get them he would have to stand up. He couldn’t really get out of it, so he slid out from under the table and quickly turned his back to Carol, Reaching the box, then taking the eclairs out, he put them on plates. He turned round as little as he could to clear the dirty plates off the table, then keeping the éclair plates in his hand, he slid back into his seat before putting them down on the table. Carol didn’t show any sign of noticing anything so as the very hard swelling in his trousers flexed about, he relaxed and let it, now it was hidden by the table.
Carol had realised that Peter would probably have erected as they were talking, even if he hadn’t been already. She had deliberately told him to get the eclairs then had watched his manoeuvring with hidden amusement as he tried to hide his bulge. She could almost feel him relax as he sat back down to hide it under the table.
She knew he hadn’t realised that she knew and had seen, so kept up the pretence. But then sheer devilment took hold of her. They were sitting on opposite sides of the table, so Carol slipped her shoes of, then waited until they were just finishing their eclairs. She lifted her feet off the floor and holding them up, she stretched them out slowly until they made contact with the inside of Peters thighs.
As they touched, he jumped as if he’d been shot, then a look of incredible pleasure showed on his face which increased as she slid her feet slowly up the inside of his thighs. If he hadn’t already been hard by then, he would have swelled up double quick.
Carol moved her feet up further until she could wrap her toes around the hard lump between Peters legs, enjoying feeling it leap about and throb against her feet. Peter cried out as she played with it with her toes.
Peter had been sitting there happily eating his éclair, content that his bulge was hidden by the table when suddenly two things touched the inside of his thighs then started sliding up them. It took him a few seconds to realise that it was Carols feet then he cried out at the pleasure as they slid higher.
Carol had by then dropped her poker face and was laughing at him. She put her feet around his erection and played with it as best she could through his trousers. By now he was crying out continuously as her feet did lovely things with him.
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