The Life of Lewis - Cover

The Life of Lewis

Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas

Chapter 8: That’s All Your Fault

Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 8: That’s All Your Fault - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.

Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Ma/Ma   Ma/mt   mt/mt   Teenagers   Coercion   Consensual   Rape   Gay   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Torture   Anal Sex   First   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Doctor/Nurse   Teacher/Student  

‘They deserve the same fate.’ Scott said. ‘I agree,’ Danny told him, ‘But that would raise just as many problems and risks. However, there are always alternatives. Suppose for example that the three of them were kidnapped, castrated, and then left tied up in a public place with a note saying what they had done and what had happened to them.’

‘Then the hunt for Keto’s killers would cease. There would be no need for a hunt for missing brother’s or their killers and the general feeling of the public would be that they had got what they deserved. Everyone would quickly loose interest and no one would have any reason to involve Brian. There is the extra bonus,’ he added, ‘That castration often makes someone into a nicer person.’

‘But to do any of that would need the three of us to agree on what was to be done, understand the risks we would be taking and feel able to cope with having been part of it for ever after.’ As Scott looked at Andy for guidance, Andy said, ‘Forget me, forget being a policeman, this has to be your own personal decision.’

It didn’t take Scott long. ‘I like the idea,’ he said, ‘And if Andy is ok with it, I am.’ ‘Ok we’re all agreed then,’ Andy said smiling at Scott. ‘Over to you.’ he said to Danny. ‘First things first,’ Danny said, ‘I’ll try my luck with Brian, then we can talk again.’

‘They chatted a bit longer, then got up to go. After saying goodbye at the front door, Scott stepped out down the path. As Andy went to follow him, he said quietly to Danny, ‘Interesting change in security here since my last visit.’ Danny just smiled at him.


The next night at four thirty Danny was parked outside the building site where Brian worked. He had studied the photo Andy had supplied. As people started drifting out, he left the car and walked over to the gate.

As Brian approached, he was talking to a couple of his pals. ‘Hi, Brian,’ Danny called, ‘I’ve got a parcel for you. Janet wants you to drop it into her parents for her.’ Janet was Brians wife. He came over to Danny looking puzzled and asked who he was.

‘I’m Danny,’ he said offering his hand. Then as Brian shook it, he added, ‘I’m a friend of Keto’s.’ He felt Brian go rigid. ‘The parcels in the car,’ Danny said loudly and turned away. Brian had gone white. After standing frozen to the spot, he moved after Danny. When they reached the car Danny flashed his police station access card at him.’

‘If you don’t do as I say, you will be arrested for the murder of Keto Umboto before the night is out.’ Danny told him. ‘If you come with me now and have a chat, I might be able to save you from being arrested. Go and tell your friends you can’t join them for your usual Friday night drink then come back and get in the car.’

Brian still looked shocked and walked off slowly. He spoke to one of the other men then came back. He got in the passenger seat and said sadly, ‘I always knew this would happen one day.’ As they drove away, he just sank into the seat.

When they pulled up outside the safe house, he looked puzzled. ‘This doesn’t look like a police station.’ he said. ‘It’s not,’ Danny told him, ‘It’s where people are interviewed privately. In your case because you are considered worth helping. I’ll explain more later.’

‘Now, if you want to get home for nine o’clock let’s get a move on.’ He was deliberately dropping snippets of information to show Brian that he had been under observation. They went in and sat at the dining room table. Danny made them both a coffee.

‘You are not yet under arrest,’ Danny told him, ‘Which, means you are free to leave here anytime you want. But if you stay and hear me out, you might just keep your freedom and your wife and your family. Whilst you finish your coffee just reflect on these pictures.’

Danny opened a folder and laid some pictures on the table. There was a view of the gate to the field where Faisal had been attacked. Another of the gate and the corner of the field taken from the middle of the field. A photo of Keto aged seventeen and an earlier one of a younger Keto with his parents.

There were also three head and shoulders police pictures of the three brothers. ‘When the magistrate gave you probation three years ago,’ Danny told him, ‘You turned your life around. That is why you are getting this chance, don’t blow it.’

‘You are a parent yourself now,’ Danny said. ‘Just think how you would feel if something happened to your Jacob. Even worse, if he suddenly just disappeared and you had no idea what had happened to him. ‘There’s not a day gone by when I haven’t thought of that,’ he said, ‘Especially since Jacob came along.’

‘You are here instead of a police cell,’ Danny told him, ‘Because people have said you deserve a chance. But before we even look at the options, you have to convince me. To do that I am going to give you a number of physical and mental tests.’

‘The mental tests are all questions about your entire life, your opinions on what you have done and why it all happened. The physical tests are a check on your health and fitness. You will also get a massage which will help you relax and answer the questions.’

‘But let me warn you, unless you are prepared to give me your total cooperation, I will decide that we’re wasting our time, and your chance is gone. You should also know that if you choose to stay, no member of the public or the three brothers will ever know you have been here, spoken to me or know anything you tell me.’

They had finished their coffees so Danny stood up. ‘Decision time,’ he said. ‘You can let yourself out, go home and await developments over which I have no control. Or you can follow me into the lounge and see what I can do to help you.’ He walked out. As he stopped at the end of the settee he turned and found Brian standing behind him.

‘Ok, a physical fitness test first, plus a check on old injuries and identification marks.’ Danny told him. ‘Strip to your shorts. You can put your clothes on the table.’ Brian was still looking decidedly scared, but he stripped off without question.

As he stood there, he looked strong. He had broad shoulders, lots of muscle and a hairy chest. His stomach was reasonably flat. His shorts were loose fitting and hid the size of his bulge. ‘Sit down please,’ Danny ordered.

Danny felt all over his head, looked in his eyes, ears, and mouth, then checked his neck movement. After testing the movement of his arms, he told him to stand up. As he took deep breaths Danny sounded his chest front and back.

Next, he had him lie on the settee and relax, took his heartbeat, got him to do five press ups and then measured his heartbeat again. Brian had done the press ups without any apparent effort and hardly increased his heart rate.

Getting him to relax, Danny pressed firmly into his stomach in several places. Then he told him to stand up. ‘Take your shorts off.’ he instructed. Brian did without hesitation. His cock hung down soft. It was slightly longer than Dannys and a bit thicker.

‘Turn round and bend over with your hands on the seat of the settee.’ Danny told him. When he was in position, Danny examined the base of his spine, then parted his cheeks and studied the opening to his bum.

‘Stand up now facing me with your legs apart.’ Danny felt down both groins, reached between his legs and took hold of his balls. ‘Give a hard cough.’ he instructed. Then he felt carefully over each ball. ‘Lie down on your front.’ he ordered.

He ran his fingers all the way down his spine then the back of his legs. ‘Turn over,’ Danny instructed. ‘Draw your knees up and your legs apart.’ Danny pressed into his abdomen then examined his cock. He pulled the foreskin back carefully and checked his tip, then let it go.

Sitting on the edge of the settee facing him, Danny asked, ‘What caused the small scars on your cheeks. Before you answer be sure to be truthful. Remember that I already know an awful lot about you. Lies will bring your only hope to an end.’ ‘A pen knife,’ Brian said. ‘How old were you when it happened?’ ‘Sixteen.’

‘I’m not going to ask you a lot about that just yet,’ Danny said, ‘Just tell me who did it?’ ‘Garth.’ he admitted. ‘Which one of them was the first to put their cock up your bum?’ Danny asked. Brian looked both embarrassed and surprised that he knew, but he answered, ‘Garth.’ ‘Who was next?’ ‘Glynn, then Taffy.’

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