The Life of Lewis - Cover

The Life of Lewis

Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas

Chapter 7: Six Months Probation

Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 7: Six Months Probation - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.

Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Ma/Ma   Ma/mt   mt/mt   Teenagers   Coercion   Consensual   Rape   Gay   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Torture   Anal Sex   First   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Doctor/Nurse   Teacher/Student  

Then she kissed his groin each side, letting his cock flex against the side of her face. Arnold was crying out in delight now, so she took his tip in her mouth and slowly slid her lips down into his hairs. ‘It’s definitely grown more.’ she thought as it filled her mouth.

As she started sliding her lips up and down, Arnolds cries increased. ‘It’s a good job we’re detached.’ she thought to herself. She knew he’d be exceptionally excited after what he had just done to her, so she didn’t attempt to slow down.

As she went faster, and faster Arnold cried out ‘I’m... ‘ as his cock throbbed like mad in her mouth and shot five good blasts of cum. As he made ecstatic noises, Kaye was moving her lips up and down and swallowing at the same time.

‘As the jets of cum came to an end, she slowed down then stopped. She still had to keep swallowing as Arnold seemed to have exceeded all previous volumes. Then as his cock shrank in her mouth, she kept hold of it with her lips as she gave his tip a long, sensuous, lick.

Arnold was in heaven, every experience with Kaye seemed to get nicer each time. ‘Surely that can’t keep on happening.’ he thought to himself as he had a mental image of him and Kaye in their eighties having sex and getting a new experience. As Kaye returned to his side and took him in her arms, he was grinning.

When she asked what was funny, he told her what he had just thought. Kaye laughed too, but she was also thinking how nice it was that Arnold was thinking of them as being together for life.’

Then Arnold got out of bed and put his underpants back on. Getting back in they wrapped themselves in each other’s arms and were asleep in seconds. As Keye drifted off she thought how good Arnold was covering his cock up without being told.

They woke up early the next morning and Arnold nipped out of bed for a wee. Returning he got back into bed and took Kaye in his arms. He had returned from the bathroom soft, but as soon as a naked Kaye was against him, he shot up hard immediately.

They had a long kiss and Arnold caressed all over Kaye’s body. Then they got up and after a shower each, they packed up. They returned to the club house for a light breakfast and then set out on the next section of the Pennine Way.

Today’s section was shorter, only eighteen kilometres this time. By three o’clock they had reached Standage. They had to get a taxi to take them to the nearest main line railway station, but then they were able to get a train home. After walking up from the station, they sat and had a coffee with Arnold’s mum and dad and told them all about their walk.

When they told them that they had walked twenty-eight miles in the two days they were amazed. But when Kaye told them the full length of the Pennine Way was two hundred and sixty-eight miles, they were flabbergasted.

‘So, we’ve only got two hundred and forty miles left to do.’ Arnold said cheerily. ‘Rather you than me,’ Arnold’s dad said, ‘But all credit to you both if you manage it.’ As Arnold got up to go to bed, Kaye told him, ‘I’ll be up in a moment for your weigh in.’

She gave him chance to have his shower then said goodnight and went up. Walking into Arnolds bedroom she found him sitting on the side of his bed ready. He was naked and the scales were on the floor.

As Kaye walked in his cock, which was already half hard shot up to hard. She smiled, always pleased to see the affect she had on him. She walked up to him and as he stood up, she held him close and kissed him.

‘Ok, on the scales.’ she told him. Looking down at the reading on the scales she had to move her head slightly. Arnolds hard cock was waving about and blocking her view. She longed to get hold of it, but refrained in case it affected the weight reading.

‘Ten stone twelve pounds,’ she told him. ‘That’s another two pounds off. Considering you’re getting very near to your target weight, and you had a big meal on Friday, that’s excellent. That’s eight stone nine pounds you’ve lost so far, it’s incredible.’

As he stepped off the scales, she took him in her arms and kissed him. ‘Get into bed now.’ she told him. Once he was lying on the bed, his cock sticking up like a tower, Kaye sat on the side of the bed facing him and started stroking it.

He was soon saying, ‘I’m coming any second.’ Then as he shot all his cum, he muffled his cry of joy and his hand on Kayes breast held it slightly firmer. Kaye loved feeling his cock throbbing in her hand as it shot. After it had gone soft in her hand, she lay it down and covered him up.

She had held his cock over slightly so all his cum had shot over the side of the bed onto the floor. She leaned over and kissed his forehead. Then sitting smiling at him, she told him about the following weekend in London.

‘This weekend in London is not just a birthday present,’ she told him. ‘It’s a reward for all the weight you’ve lost and for turning into the lovely, person who has stolen my heart.’ Arnold beamed at her. ‘Next Friday night when we go to bed in London, you can give me another climax like you did last night,’ she told him, ‘It was so lovely.’

As Arnold looked delighted, she added, ‘But on Saturday night you are not allowed to do that.’ When Arnold looked puzzled, Kaye told him, ‘On Saturday night if you want to, we will make love for the first of what I hope will be many times.’

Arnold looked as if he had won the lottery. He sat up and took her in his arms. ‘I can’t think of anything I’d rather do,’ he said, ‘I’ve dreamt about it for so long. But do you feel really sure about it?’ ‘I’ve wanted to do it for so long,’ Kaye told him, ‘But now is the right time. You are no longer a boy. You are a man now.’

They had a long kiss and then Kaye returned to her bedroom as Arnold settled down to a happy dream. As she walked along the landing Kaye knew that once they had made love, she would find it very, very, difficult to sleep alone each night.’


At seven o’clock Kaye and Arnold arrived outside the video hire shop. Kaye had told Arnold she wanted Lewis to see how well he was doing. She knocked firmly on the door. The light came on and they saw Lewis crossing the shop.

He let them in, then locked the door. ‘Hi Arnold,’ he said, ‘You’re looking good, come on through.’ They went into the back room. To Arnolds surprise Dudley was sitting in the armchair. He stood up and looked Arnold up and down. ‘You’ve done really well, you look great.’ he said.

‘You’ve grown taller and slimmer,’ Dudley told him. ‘Are you ready to do a naked comparison like last time?’ ‘Yes, please.’ Arnold told him feeling excited at the thought of comparing cocks. He felt sure his would be much closer to Dudley’s size by now.

‘Ok,’ Dudley said, ‘Strip down to your underpants first.’ As he spoke Dudley started stripping down to his shorts. When they stood facing each other, Arnold still had a few patches of fat which would take a while to go, but even so he looked good.

‘Ok,’ Lewis told them, ‘Turn back-to-back. Now take your shorts off.’ Once they were naked, Lewis told them to turn to face each other. When they did, they both looked at the other’s cocks first. ‘Yours looks the same size as mine to me.’ Dudley announced.

Arnold felt so excited, he had been thinking the same too. ‘Come closer.’ Dudley told him. They moved so they were almost touching, then Dudley took hold of his own cock and Arnolds. He held them alongside each other. Each of their tips was touching the other’s hairs. Looking down on them they both looked the same diameter too. ‘I’d say they were identical.’ Dudley said.

Arnold was beaming fit to burst. ‘We’d better see how they compare hard though,’ Dudley said, ‘Just to be sure.’ He took one step back and grinned at Lewis. He turned to Kaye and said, ‘If you get hold of a cock in each hand, I’m sure they’ll stand up for you.’

Kaye looked surprised, then excited and moved close with her heart beating. She reached out and took hold of one in each hand. Everyone noticed that Arnolds cock shot up hard the second she touched it. Dudley’s cock wasn’t far behind, but Dudley and Lewis grinned at each other. They had suspected last time that Kaye and Arnold were getting close. This seemed to prove it.

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