The Life of Lewis - Cover

The Life of Lewis

Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas

Chapter 1: You Shouldnt Be Doing That

Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 1: You Shouldnt Be Doing That - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.

Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Ma/Ma   Ma/mt   mt/mt   Teenagers   Coercion   Consensual   Rape   Gay   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Torture   Anal Sex   First   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Doctor/Nurse   Teacher/Student  

‘Just run the following through your mind first.’ Danny told him. ‘You only met me an hour or so ago. We are even meeting in the very spot where your attack happened. Yet you have felt able to strip off naked in front of me.’

‘You have laid there happily whilst I have massaged you all over. You enjoyed that so much that you became fully erect and far from being frightened or embarrassed about it, you enjoyed it. You were even able to enjoy me firing you, as well as telling me about your male and female experiences and dreams about sex.’

‘You must know how much at ease you feel with me now. Let me tell you also that I have already been told in full detail what happened to a boy from your school as a result of an attack by the same teacher. I have also been present in the past when people have been caught mid rape.’

‘As I told you earlier, I was once raped myself too. So, nothing you tell me is going to be new. I also know that none of it was your fault. You were attacked just the same as if you had been dragged into a corner and beaten up. Although that is often easier to get over.’

‘So please start at the first time something that struck you as being unusual or odd happened between you and Clarkson.’ Danny continued to massage his head very gently. His other hand rested flat and still over Jordans soft cock and hairs.’

‘Mr Clarkson had always been a teacher that I neither liked nor disliked,’ Jordan began. ‘He was firm and wouldn’t stand any nonsense, but always seemed fair. When he taught anything, he always managed to make it seem interesting.’

‘If you had to ask about something, he was always willing to explain anything you were having difficulty in understanding. I would have said he was a good teacher. Thinking about it afterwards I couldn’t remember ever hearing anyone saying they didn’t like him. But no one ever said they liked him either.’

‘Anyway, roughly three months ago in the playground, Arthur had told me that he had had a date the previous weekend with a girl in our year but from a different class. He said that when they had parted, he had hugged her and kissed her on her cheek.’

‘She kissed me the same,’ he said, ‘And I felt myself going hard.’ ‘What did you do?’ I asked him. ‘I managed to move my hips back away from her and then we parted.’ ‘Well if she did realise, I’m sure she will appreciate you backing off.’ I told him.’

‘I told him about the one I’d been out with who had grabbed me and undone my zip. ‘Wow,’ he said. ‘What did you do?’ ‘I backed off and left,’ I told him. ‘What about Samantha?’ he asked. ‘We’re just taking it slowly,’ I said, ‘We kiss, and I’ve caressed her breasts over her clothes.’

‘Doesn’t that make you go hard?’ he asked. ‘Yes,’ I said, ‘She’s happy to feel it moving between us and occasionally she rests her hand over it over my trousers, but neither of us feel ready to go any further just yet.’ We chatted a bit more then it was time for our next class.’

‘We were in the gym next, and we went to get changed. We did as we always did and got changed standing alongside each other. As we started getting undressed, our talk about sex must have reminded both of us about our two nights together.’

‘When we were down to our shorts, we were both hard. We looked at each other in horror then turned our backs and thought hard about anything but sex. We thought we’d managed to go soft before anyone noticed and we stayed soft for the rest of the lesson.’

‘When we got changed back afterwards, we turned our backs on each other from the beginning. Afterwards we congratulated ourselves on handling it successfully.’ ‘I can feel a ‘but’ coming on.’ Danny said sympathetically.

‘Yes,’ Jordan said, ‘Our P.E. teacher was off that day and Mr Clarkson was taking us. A couple of days later he was on playground duty. He wandered over and said quietly to me, ‘Stop behind when school finishes, I want a private word with you.’

‘I didn’t think I’d done anything wrong, but done so secretively it was a worrying request anyway. Our last class each day was usually with our form master which was with Mr Clarkson. So, when the bell went, I took my time collecting my things together.’

‘When everyone else had gone, I went over to his desk. He looked at me quite seriously. ‘I am concerned for the welfare of my students in all fields,’ he said. ‘So, when I spot something that bothers me, I look into it immediately.’

‘Three days ago, I was on P.E. duty as you know.’ he said. ‘I noticed what happened when you and your pal Arthur got changed.’ I could feel myself going red. ‘I think you both covered it up very well,’ he told me smiling, ‘But how you both handled it told me a lot.’

‘It is clear to me that there has been some sexual activity between the two of you, and perhaps others too. If you both consented and did nothing that would harm you, it’s probably ok. But there are many very bad things that might have happened that could do one or both of you lasting damage.’

‘I can look into this in two ways. I can do it officially here in school. That would mean Interviewing you and Arthur and anyone else I think could be connected with it. If I did it that way of course, it would likely mean half the class getting wind of what you’ve been up to.’

‘Or you can call round and see me in private at my home, so we can try to keep it between us.’ The thought of me and Arthur having sex play together being discussed by the rest of the class was terrifying enough for me to say, ‘At home please.’ immediately.’

‘Very well,’ he said, ‘Here’s my address. Call round at five o’clock the day after tomorrow, I’ll see you then. Off you go now.’ As I left school my head was in a turmoil. Should I say anything to Arthur now or wait until I’d seen what developed. I decided to wait.’

‘By the time I arrived here two days later I felt like a nervous wreck. He let me in, and we came into this room. ‘Sit there,’ he said pointing to the settee. He pulled up a dining chair and sat facing me. ‘As a teacher,’ he said, ‘I’m an expert at knowing when someone is lying to me.’

‘If you tell me the truth and cooperate, we can probably keep it all private between us. I don’t want to have to tell anyone what you’ve been up to, just as long as I can be sure you’re not harming yourself or anyone else.’

‘But the moment I suspect you’re hiding things from me it goes back to public scrutiny at school, do you understand that?’ ‘Yes.’ I said miserably.

‘Right, strip down to your shorts and sit back on the settee as you are.’ he instructed.’

‘As I looked at him in surprise and didn’t move, he said, ‘Here or school, it’s up to you.’ I stood up, stripped off and sat down again. I thought it was strange, but I knew he’d seen me in my underpants before, so I wasn’t too bothered.’

‘Now settle back and relax,’ he instructed. ‘Put your knees further apart.’ he ordered, then he moved his chair closer to me so that his knees were between mine but not touching. ‘Now,’ he said, ‘First of all I want to know exactly what you have been up to.’

‘Let’s look at Arthur first, before we move on to the girls,’ he said. ‘When and where did your first sex together take place?’ ‘A year ago, at Arthurs home.’ I told him going red. ‘Did you go there specially to do it?’ he asked.’

‘No, certainly not,’ I said indignantly. ‘I was staying for two nights whilst my parents were away.’ ‘Did you share a room?’ ‘Yes.’ ‘Did you share a bed too?’ ‘Yes.’ ‘Did you hold each other’s erection?’ ‘Yes.’ ‘Did you fire each other?’ ‘Yes.’

‘Did you kiss on the lips?’ ‘Yes.’ ‘Did you suck each other?’ ‘No.’ ‘Did you put your cocks up each other’s bums?’ ‘No,’ I said sounding horrified at the idea. Doing something like that would never have occurred to me back then.’

‘He seemed to believe me and said, ‘So you held each other’s erect cocks, fired each other and kissed each other whilst you were doing it, is that right?’ ‘Yes.’ I admitted. ‘And you did all that whilst sleeping for two nights in the same bed?’ ‘Yes.’

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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