The Life of Lewis - Cover

The Life of Lewis

Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas

Chapter 5: Would You Mind Jordan Asked

Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 5: Would You Mind Jordan Asked - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.

Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Ma/Ma   Ma/mt   mt/mt   Teenagers   Coercion   Consensual   Rape   Gay   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Torture   Anal Sex   First   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Doctor/Nurse   Teacher/Student  

Jordon was out of breath having run straight from school. He looked terrified. Danny welcomed him and shook his hand. ‘Have you been here before?’ he asked. ‘Yes,’ Jordon told him sounding sad. ‘Well, I’m just using the house for counselling until it is repossessed.’ Danny told him.

‘There’s no danger of Clarkson ever returning. I checked over the house as soon as I arrived, and I can assure you there’s only you and me here. But to help you best I need you to be fully relaxed. So, if you’d like to check it for yourself, please do. I’ll come round with you if you want.’

‘Would you mind?’ Jordon asked. ‘Not at all,’ Danny said. ‘You go and look anywhere you want, and I’ll follow you close behind.’ They went upstairs and Jordon looked in every room. Then he checked all the downstairs rooms including the lock on the back door and then the toilet under the stairs. At the front door Danny told him to put the snip on.

‘Thank you,’ he said, ‘I’m sorry to be such a nuisance, but I feel better now.’ ‘You’re not a nuisance,’ Danny assured him, ‘You’re bound to feel scared here.’ They went into the kitchen and had the coffees Danny had prepared ready.’

‘I’m sure I already know what Clarkson did to you,’ Danny told him, ‘Because you are not the first one that I’ve counselled and may well not be the last. I also know how embarrassing you find talking about it. I know that because it happened to me some years ago.’

As Jordon looked surprised, Danny told him, ‘That’s how I got into counselling.’ Danny explained all about what would happen next and about leaving anytime he wanted to. ‘I’m not going to ask much about what happened to start with,’ Danny told him.’

‘First of all, I want to find out all about you and your life. I also want to get you feeling more relaxed with me than you have every felt before with anyone else. Now we’ve finished our coffee I’m going to go through to the lounge.’

‘If you decide you don’t want to stay, just let yourself out. You can always return in the future if you want to. If you’re prepared to give me a try, follow me through, take your shoes off and lie down on the settee.’

‘Then I’ll explain the next bit.’ They stood up. Danny smiled at him and turned away. When he reached the end of the settee, he looked round and saw Jordan sitting down. He paused for a moment looking round, then took his shoes off.’

‘He lay down on his back looking scared. Danny came to his side and asked, ‘Are you ok if I sit here,’ as he pointed to the spot. When he nodded, Danny sat on the edge of the settee by Jordans hips.

‘Let me first reiterate the promises,’ Danny told him. ‘Nothing you do or say in this room will ever be repeated to anyone without your consent. Nothing will take you by surprise. I will tell you each time before we do anything, what I want to do and what I want you to do.’

‘I’ll tell you why I want to do it, and what I hope to achieve by doing it. But even then, unless you say it’s ok to do it, it just doesn’t happen. I can also promise you that if you give me your full cooperation, you will leave here free from worry and without your nightmares.’

‘If you want to, you can also leave here with a better sex education than most of the boys in your class have. Even the ones that think they know it all.’ Jordan went red at that. Danny studied him. He was about an inch shorter than Danny and very thin.

His figure was a good shape with regards to proportion, but Danny couldn’t tell how strong he was. The impression he got was that he was easily pushed about. ‘In a moment I want you to turn over on your front.’ Danny told him.

‘When you do, I will massage the back of your head. You will, I hope, find that relaxing. When you say, ‘Go.’ I will massage all the way down your back. As I go down, I will ask you questions about yourself and your life. If I ask you anything you feel unable to answer, just say ‘Pass.’

‘If you do, we’ll ignore the question and move on. But we will return to it later when you’re more relaxed. Ask any questions if you have any, then take as much time as you like and turn over when you feel ready.’

‘Are you a policeman?’ Jordan asked. ‘No,’ Danny told him, ‘I’m training as a doctor at the university. But I do work with the police at times, hence you being given my number. But neither the fact that you are here or anything you tell me will ever be passed on to the police or anyone else without you giving me your full agreement at the time.’

‘Thank you,’ Jordan said and turned over. Danny massaged the back of his head. He had short black hair. He lay still and seemed to be enjoying it. Then he said ‘Go.’ As he moved down onto his shoulders Danny asked, ‘When were you fourteen?’ ‘A month ago.’ Jordan told him.

‘Who do you live with?’ Danny asked as he massaged down his back. Even through his clothes he could feel his bones. ‘I live with my mum and my grandad,’ Jordon told him. ‘My gran died three years ago and when my dad died two years ago, grandad moved in with us.’

‘How do you get on with them both?’ Danny asked as he neared his waist. ‘Mum and I have always got on well.’ he said. ‘Grandad was ok, but a bit bossy when he first moved in. But either I’ve got used to him or more likely mum has told him off, because we’re fine now.’

As he answered Danny had moved up over his cheeks. Jordan had gone very tense but said nothing. ‘Is my touch there bringing back bad memories?’ Danny asked. ‘Yes.’ Jordan admitted. ‘Can you tell me why you didn’t call ‘Stop?’

‘You said you needed me to be relaxed with you,’ Jordan said. ‘Although it scared me, I knew you weren’t going to do anything bad to me, so I decided I needed to get used to it.’ ‘Well done.’ Danny told him, ‘That took some courage, but it’s a good sign we are going to succeed.’

As he moved down the back of his thighs he asked, ‘What made you ask me about working with the police?’ ‘I was scared that I might end up in court as a witness and everyone would know what had happened to me.’ Jordan told him.

‘Fair enough,’ Danny said, ‘I can understand that worry, but I can assure you it will never ever happen.’ ‘Thank you.’ Jordon said sounding relieved. As he reached his feet and started back up, Danny asked, ‘What sports do you like at school?’

‘All of them,’ Jordan said. ‘I’m just not very good at any of them but I enjoy trying.’ ‘How do you feel about getting changed for sports with the rest of your form?’ Danny asked as he moved up his thighs. ‘Getting changed doesn’t bother me.’ Jordan said.

‘Seeing the other’s bodies makes me miserable sometimes though.’ ‘Why is that?’ Danny asked as he massaged his cheeks, this time with no sign of any reaction. ‘There are a few overweight ones that I wouldn’t want to swop with,’ Jordan admitted, ‘But most of the class have bigger, stronger and better bodies than I have. It upsets me sometimes.’

‘I’m sure you’re not alone in that.’ Danny told him. ‘Have you ever thought that the overweight ones probably look at your slim trim body and wish just as fervently that they could swop with you?’ ‘No.’ Jordan said sounding surprised, ‘That never occurred to me.’ He sounded happy to realise it.

As Danny reached his shoulders, he massaged briefly then took his hands away. ‘Turn over now please,’ Danny instructed. As Jordan settled on his back, Danny told him he was doing fine. ‘How are you finding it?’ he asked as he massaged the front of his head.

‘It’s nothing like I thought it might be,’ Jordan told him, ‘And the massage is nice. I’ve never had one before. Although I’ve seen them done in films.’ ‘Say ‘Go’ when you’re ready,’ Danny told him, ‘Then I’ll massage down your front.’

‘Go.’ Jordan said immediately. As he massaged his shoulders Danny asked, ‘Can you describe what the body having a massage in a film looks like?’ ‘It’s usually someone with an amazing big strong figure and they just have a towel over their waist so you can be envious of it.’ Jordan said wistfully.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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