The Life of Lewis - Cover

The Life of Lewis

Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas

Chapter 6: Up Here It Can Be Fatal

Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 6: Up Here It Can Be Fatal - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.

Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Ma/Ma   Ma/mt   mt/mt   Teenagers   Coercion   Consensual   Rape   Gay   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Torture   Anal Sex   First   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Doctor/Nurse   Teacher/Student  

‘By the time Bert reached my knee, my cock was fully hard once more. As he reached it and massaged my hip it was flexing again and banging against his hand. ‘It’s a lively little devil, isn’t it?’ he said grinning at me.’

‘Has he had any proper exercise yet?’ I must have looked puzzled because he then said, ‘I mean have you had sex?’ ‘No.’ I answered, thinking he was only the second person I’d ever admitted that to in my life. ‘Don’t worry,’ he said, ‘I was quite a few years older than you are now when I had it for the first time.’

‘As he finished massaging my hip, I noticed his hand was brushing against my cock a lot more. I didn’t care as it felt lovely and so exciting. He went back down to my feet and paused. ‘I’ll do it once more like last time,’ he said, ‘Then when I’m back at your feet, I’ll have massaged almost everywhere between your waist and your feet.’

‘If you think the missing bit should be done as well, then before I take my hands off your ankles, just ask me to do the missing bit too. Otherwise, I’ll zip you up like I did last time.’ ‘Ok.’ I said, ‘My heart pounding in excitement.’

‘He massaged all the way up, this time doing both legs at the same time. At the top he moved my balls aside gently to reach the top of the inside of my thigh. That sent lovely shivers through me. Then he massaged all over each hip and down each groin.’

‘Going down each groin the side of his hand slid along my cock which was doing a dance. He massaged down both legs, and just as his hand approached my ankles I said quietly, ‘Will you do the bits you missed too please.’

‘He smiled at me and slid his hands slowly up the front of my legs. At the top he went up each hip to my waist, then massaged all over my abdomen. As his hand reached the top of my hairs, he took hold of my cock and held it still as he ran his fingers through them.’

‘I was making a happy moaning sound, doing my best to keep it quiet. He slid his index finger down each groin very slowly, still keeping a hold of my cock which throbbed in his hand. Then he changed hands. With one hand he held my cock and with his other fingers he played with my balls.’

‘I had drawn my knees up as he drew his fingers down my groin, so he had plenty of room. Then he took his fingers off my balls and ran one fingertip around the now exposed tip of my cock. My tip had produced a small blob of oil, so his finger ran round easily and felt so, so, lovely.’

‘He stroked my cock up and down a couple of times. I had to put my hand over my mouth to keep quiet. Tents aren’t very soundproof. Then he stopped and let go. As I took my hand away from my mouth and gave a long happy sigh, he asked, ‘Have you got any aches left?’

‘Just one.’ I told him. ‘I can probably guess,’ he said smiling, ‘But you’ll have to tell me exactly what you want before I can do it for you.’ I smiled back at him, ‘I’m aching to be fired,’ I told him. ‘I’m nearly there already, your touch is so lovely.’

‘He took hold of my cock again and my balls. He just held them still which felt lovely. He may not have been moving his hand on my cock, but my cock was certainly moving in his hand. He tightened his grip a little until it became still.’

‘Has anyone ever fired you before?’ he asked. ‘Yes.’ I admitted. ‘Then you know what will happen if I carry on?’ ‘Yes,’ I told him, ‘Please go ahead.’ He immediately relaxed his grip on my cock and started sliding his hand up and down it.’

‘As he did, he played with my balls. The feelings going through me started to grow to a level of ecstasy even greater than I remember with Jack. Whether it was the massage he’d given me first, I don’t know. But it was amazing, my feeling kicked in almost immediately.’

‘I said nothing, just left him to carry on. My feeling grew quickly, I was beginning to think I might explode rather than shoot it felt so wonderful. ‘I’m getting very close,’ I managed to gasp out. Bert just kept going at the same speed, but I felt him move my cock over slightly, so it was pointing to the side a bit more.’

‘Then as I managed to say, ‘Now!’ as firmly and as quietly as I could, my cock throbbed like mad. Jet after jet of cum shot out of my cock, soared up in the air and landed on the floor at the side of the bed. If Bert hadn’t moved my cock over a bit, I reckoned the cum could easily have landed in my mouth. I’d never shot so much, so far, before.’

‘Bert kept stroking until after I’d finished shooting, then he slowed down. He was still playing with my balls. As my cock shrank, he kept hold of it. The feeling I had had as I fired was the best one ever, and even afterwards with Bert just holding my soft cock I could still seem to feel it.’

‘Eventually, he laid my now very limp cock down in my hairs and lowered my balls onto the bed. He reached over to his bed, and he had a packet of wet ones. He opened them up and lifted my cock up. He pulled the foreskin back and gently wiped my tip.’

‘I was almost crying with delight as he did it. Then he laid it back down on my hairs and used a couple more wet ones to mop up the worst of the cum off the ground sheet. He put the used ones in the waste bin that came with the tent.’

‘He came back and sat on the edge of my mattress facing me. He smiled down at me and said, ‘I think you enjoyed that.’ I sat up and hugged him. ‘It was lovely,’ I told him, ‘I’ll dream about that for ages.’ ‘I enjoyed seeing you enjoy it,’ he told me, ‘But I’d never do it unless you agreed.’

‘I don’t doubt that.’ I said hugging him tight. Then I lifted my head and kissed him on his lips. He responded and we kissed for a while. When our lips parted, he kept hold of me and we put our heads on each other’s shoulders.’

‘That was a nice kiss,’ he told me, ‘Did whoever fired you before teach you that?’ ‘Yes,’ I told him, ‘It happened one weekend when we had a visitor.’ ‘Did you agree to everything you did together?’ Bert asked. When I told him, ‘Yes.’ he said, ‘That’s how it should always be.’

‘Did you do anything to him?’ he asked. ‘Yes,’ I admitted, ‘I fired him too.’ ‘Lucky man,’ he said. ‘Well, I’m not going to let you fire me tonight, but if we share again and you want to you can. But you don’t have to, I know it might not appeal doing it with someone so much older.’

‘I’d love to fire you,’ I told him, ‘Nothing to do with age, I like you a lot and after the pleasure you’ve given me, I’d love to return the favour. And I’m sure I’d enjoy it just as much,’ I added. he kissed my forehead. ‘That’s a nice thing to say,’ he told me. ‘My cock is yours next time if you still want it.’

‘Then he said, ‘Oh!’ ‘What’s up I asked concerned. ‘I was hard whilst I was firing you,’ he told me, ‘But I went soft afterwards. Talking about you firing me has made me go hard again.’ I started sliding one hand down his back. He realised where I was heading.’

‘You’re welcome to feel,’ he said, ‘But only over my shorts, you can save going on the skin for next time.’ I moved my hand round between his legs and took hold of it. It felt enormous through his shorts and throbbed continually in my grip.’

‘He let me hold it for a while, then he said, ‘Sleep now, time for dreams.’ He moved away, covered me up and zipped me up. He leaned over and kissed my forehead. ‘Goodnight,’ he said, ‘Sleep well.’ ‘You, too.’ I said and I was asleep before he was in his sleeping bag.’

‘The next day we did another lovely walk, although a big part of my mind was already on our next trip. The following Wednesday at the Legion the secretary asked everyone about walking up Snowdon. The general response wasn’t good.’

‘Threequarters of those present had already done it. Most of them said it had been hard going and by the time they reached the top, cloud and mist had descended. They couldn’t see a thing. The secretary took a vote and only four hands went up, so it was declined.’

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