The Life of Lewis
Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas
Chapter 5: Let Your Balls Go Now
Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 5: Let Your Balls Go Now - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.
Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa mt/Fa Ma/Ma Ma/mt mt/mt Teenagers Coercion Consensual Rape Gay BiSexual Heterosexual Fiction Incest Torture Anal Sex First Massage Masturbation Oral Sex Petting Doctor/Nurse Teacher/Student
‘I went along to the local library and asked if they knew of any local clubs. They didn’t but told me there were two clubs in the next town. The gentleman I spoke to was very helpful. He said if I got in touch, he felt sure there would be members living locally who would give me a lift.’
‘It’s never appealed to me,’ he said, ‘But I know a local guy who used to belong to a similar club when he lived down south. I’m seeing him this weekend as it happens,’ he told me. ‘I’ll ask him if he knows of any nearer.’
‘He can’t do much himself anymore because of his health, but he may know someone. Leave me your phone number,’ he said, ‘I’ll give you a call when I’ve spoken to him.’ I gave him my number and thanked him.’
‘On Monday I had a call from him. ‘There’s a small local club apparently,’ he told me. ‘My pal is still a member, although he doesn’t go walking anymore because he can’t walk very well. But he does go to their meetings.’
‘He says there are two other members who live near you. They have a weekly meeting on a Wednesday night and if you give him a ring, he’ll collect you and take you along this week. It’s held at the local British Legion Club.’
‘I thanked him and rang his pal who was called Luke. I told him how the tv program had sparked my interest. He asked me my address, took my phone number and told me he’d collect me at seven on Wednesday.’
‘He arrived on Wednesday, came in and met mum and dad then we went off to the British Legion. On the way he told me he used to love going walking but a year ago he had had to have a replacement hip joint. ‘I can get about ok with it now,’ he said, ‘But hill walking is out for me I’m afraid. Although,’ he added, ‘There are many people with replacement joints who still can.’
‘Going in he took me to meet the secretary, then we went round the room as he introduced me to everyone there. We had a short film show about one of their past walks with some tremendous views.’
‘Luke explained that they arranged regular weekend trips and usually stayed overnight in tents, bunk houses or hostels to keep costs down. ‘Although we have a membership of around forty,’ he told me, ‘There are usually only around twenty at a meeting and about fifteen on the walks.’
‘But at least fifty percent of the people on the walks are different each time.’ I liked the sound of that, I thought meeting lots of new people might help me get rid of some of my shyness.’
‘The secretary came over to speak to me after a while. He told me there was a membership fee of ten pounds a year, but he suggested that I did a weekend trip with them as a guest first to make sure I liked it. I thought that was very fair and arranged to go with them that coming weekend.’
‘Luke took me over to speak to Bert who lived nearest to me. He was around thirty and arranged that I could travel with him and two others on Saturday. At the end of the evening, after I’d thanked Luke for bringing me, Bert dropped me off at home.’
‘On Saturday,’ Bert picked me up and already had two other men with him. One I’d met at the meeting, Paul who I estimated to be around forty. The other one was introduced as Steve, he was a similar age to Bert.’
‘They all made me welcome and by the time we had reached North Wales, I felt as if I’d known them all for ages. Bert, I discovered was an electrician and Steve a plumber who often both worked together. Paul was something in an office and loved getting outdoors at the weekend.’
‘We were going to do two hill walks in the Snowdon Mountain range, but not up Snowdon itself. On the Saturday we walked up one that had a path of sorts but was quite hard going. By the time we reached the top I was worn out and my legs were aching.’
‘We sat at the top admiring the view and having a rest. We had a good view of Mount Snowdon towering above us, I decided I’d need to do a few more of the lower ones before tackling that. A few stragglers took another half hour to join us, but no one seemed to mind, it was a very relaxed group which was nice.’
‘Eventually we started back down. It was much easier of course, but it still made my legs ache, because on the steeper bits you were working hard not to break into a run. By the time we reached the bottom I was exhausted, and my legs ached even more.’
‘We were spending the night in a pair of big tents on a camping site. The tents had a centre room and four bedrooms off it. Each bedroom had a pair of thick foam mattresses on the ground sheet, with a sleeping bag on top.’
‘Bert and I had been allocated one bedroom. When we got back to the camp, he asked me if I’d ever stopped on a camp site before. When I told him, ‘No.’ he said, ‘There are a few things you should know.’
‘He took me to the shop where we each bought a shower token for one pound and hired a towel for another two pounds. ‘You’ll get a pound of that back when you return the towel.’ he told me. We went over to the men’s shower block.’
‘Avoid showering in the morning if you can,’ Bert said, ‘It’s always very busy then and the hot water can run out much quicker. As he spoke, he was stripping off, so I did the same. It was the first time I had ever stripped off with a stranger, but for some reason it didn’t bother me.’
‘When you put your token in,’ he told me, ‘You should get hot water long enough to have a shower as long as you don’t hang about. But as soon as you have hot water, wash your hair and all of your head, then rinse the soap off.’
‘Then do the same from your neck to your balls. Finally do your legs. Then if the hot water goes off before you expect it to, you only need to wash your legs with cold water. We had been given a small sachet of shower soap with our token.’
‘I tried it as he had said. It was easy enough to do and I had just washed the soap off my legs as the hot water gave out. I felt quite pleased with myself. As we got dried Bert asked if it had helped my aches. He didn’t seem at all bothered about me seeing him naked.’
‘After an initial moment of shyness, I had felt ok about it too. I was quite surprised. He was about two inches taller than me, much stronger looking and lots of hairs on his chest. His cock looked about an inch longer than mine and a bit thicker.’
‘I had looked at it discretely, or so I thought. But he must have spotted me. He grinned at me. ‘Don’t feel embarrassed at looking,’ he said, ‘Men always want to know how theirs compares with someone else’s. It must be something in our genes.’
‘You’ve got nothing to worry about anyway,’ he told me, ‘You’ll be at least as big as me when you finish growing.’ We went back to the clubhouse and had a meal with the others. The food was basic but nice and well cooked. I had egg and chips and got loads of chips.’
‘I had a coke with mine and Bert had a beer. After we’d finished eating, we sat for a while chatting to the others, then Bert said, ‘I’m going to turn in. Some of the others stayed for another drink. As we stood up, I couldn’t stop myself letting out an ‘Ow’ as my legs hurt.’
‘Just walk slow to start off with,’ Bert told me, ‘The best cure for aching muscles is movement, they’ll soon ease.’ As we walked slowly back to the tent, Bert told me, ‘I like a drink too, but I never feel it’s a good idea on trips like this as alcohol always affects your balance.’
‘Back in the tent we zipped our bedroom door up and stripped to our shorts as it was a warm night. Bert pointed out a torch he had brought. He put it between the two beds. ‘If you need to go to the toilet block in the night,’ he told me, ‘You’ll find that handy, take it with you. If you come regularly, it’s well worth getting one of your own.’
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