The Life of Lewis
Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas
Chapter 4: Im Coming Too
Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 4: Im Coming Too - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.
Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa mt/Fa Ma/Ma Ma/mt mt/mt Teenagers Coercion Consensual Rape Gay BiSexual Heterosexual Fiction Incest Torture Anal Sex First Massage Masturbation Oral Sex Petting Doctor/Nurse Teacher/Student
‘Jack kept going slowly, and I had a long period of pleasure before my feeling kicked in. Then the sensation was even better as that built up. ‘I’m getting near.’ I told him with a beam on my face. He started going faster and my feeling built up to a point I thought I was going to explode.’
‘Any minute,’ I gasped out, then seconds later I called out, ‘Now!’ as my cock throbbed and a long stream of cum came soaring out of my tip. The feeling that went through me was the best I’d ever experienced so far.’
‘As all the cum soared up in the air, I watched it heading towards my face. Then it dropped down onto my chest and started forming a lake. As it stopped flowing, Jack kept stroking my cock, then came to a stop. But the wonderful feeling was still going through me.’
‘Then as my cock shrank in Jacks hand, the sensation faded. I lay there spent and happy. ‘Wow,’ I said smiling at him, ‘That was amazing.’ ‘Just lie still.’ he said as he wriggled away and got off the bed. He returned shortly and mopped my chest with tissue.’
‘He gently washed it with a wet flannel, before drying it. He slid my foreskin back and dabbed my tip with the wet cloth. He was so gentle, and it sent a lovely shiver through me. As he laid my cock down on my hairs, I was eager to do the same to him.’
‘Relax for a few minutes.’ he said, sitting on the side of the bed and stroking my head. When I did get up, he got into my place, and I got into the same position as he had been in. As I took hold of his cock, I realised what a perfect position I was in.’
‘Not only could I reach his cock and his balls easily. As well as being able to play with them both at the same time, I could see exactly what I was doing. I could even run my fingers through his hairs. As his cock throbbed in my grip, I started stroking it.’
‘My eyes were flitting between my hand stroking his cock and the cock itself. Then down to the pair of balls I was fondling in my fingertips. Both views were exciting. The feeling from either of them was stupendous.’
‘Feeling them both together and seeing clearly what I was doing was impossible to describe. Like Jack had done, I kept going slowly to make it last for both our benefits. I glanced at Jacks face occasionally too. His eyes were closed.’
‘But the beam on his face said it all. Every so often he was letting out a quiet happy noise and I’d noticed they were becoming more frequent. So, I speeded up my stroke slightly. That increased his noises too. Then he said, ‘Any moment.’
‘I did about three more strokes going even faster, then he just made a sort of ecstatic wail as his cock throbbed in my hand and pumped out a great load of cum. I had hold of his balls at the same time and I could feel slight movement from them as they unloaded themselves.’
‘His cum went up a bit higher in the air than mine had done and landed on his chest higher up too. When his lake had formed on his chest, the top of it was above his nipples. He definitely shot a lot more than I had done.’
‘As I slowed my stroking to a stop, I felt his cock start to shrink. I kept hold of it, it felt lovely and made me feel very close to him. Jack was lying there with his eyes closed and a lovely smile on his face, so I slid out and
went to the bathroom.’
‘When I returned, he hadn’t moved so I mopped the worst up off his chest. Then as I washed it with the flannel, he opened his eyes and told me it had been lovely. I dried his chest and went to peel his foreskin back to dab his tip.’
‘But although he was now soft, he didn’t have one. He saw my puzzled look and explained the difference between being circumcised or not. ‘I have no idea why I am,’ he said, ‘I think someone in a family does it for whatever reason and then generations just copy them blindly. A bit like religion really.’
‘Come back up here.’ he said moving over to the side of the bed. I lay on my back alongside him feeling very contented. Then he turned on his side and lifted up on one elbow. As he looked down into my face, he gave me a smile.’
‘Then he leaned down and kissed my forehead, both eyelids, my nose, my lips and then both my nipples. Each single kiss sent a happy shiver through me. He lifted his head up again and asked me, ‘Has anyone ever kissed you on your lips before?’
‘No,’ I told him, ‘Never.’ He started to lower his head down and I felt so excited realising he was going to go straight to my lips. As they touched mine so very lightly, I couldn’t stop myself throwing my arms up around him and pulling him tight to me.’
‘That made his kiss even firmer as our lips were forced tighter together. The result was amazing, I had no idea what I was doing, but I kissed back. When we eventually stopped for air, Jack said, ‘Wow, are you sure that was your first time?’
‘He got up and put the duvet over me. Then he got back in and switched the light off. He took me into his arms, and we kissed gently. Then we both went mad and kissed so passionately. I have no idea if we finished kissing or not before we fell asleep.’
‘How was your last day?’ Danny asked. ‘I woke up first the next morning and lay there watching Jack sleeping.’ Scott said. ‘I was thinking bed would never be the same again after he’d gone home. He opened his eyes, saw me and smiled.’
‘I just moved close, put my arm over him and kissed him. ‘Thank you,’ I said when I came up for air, ‘This has been a fabulous weekend.’ ‘We’ve still got one night left yet.’ he reminded me. I grinned at him, ‘I know I can’t wait.’ I told him.’
‘We had a great day out with the family and soon it was time to go to bed for our last night. After a trip to the bathroom each, we stripped off together. Surprise, surprise, we were both rampant by the time we were naked.’
‘Is there anything you would particularly like to do tonight?’ Jack asked me. ‘I’d love to fire you again.’ I told him. ‘Well, I’d like to do the same to you.’ he told me. As I looked pleased, he said, ‘So how about we fire each other at the same time?’
‘It sounded good, but I must have looked puzzled. ‘Let me put us in position and explain.’ Jack said. ‘Then you can decide. If you don’t like the idea, we can repeat any of the things we’ve already done.’ ‘Ok.’ I told him, ‘That sounds good.’
‘Jack pulled the duvet off and told me to get up on the bed at one side. ‘Lie on your back.’ he instructed. Then he moved his pillows to the foot of the bed and lay beside me, but the other way up. His head was by my feet and his feet were by my head.’
‘Our cocks were now level with each other’s. He took hold of mine, so I took hold of his. ‘If we have a play with each other first,’ he said, ‘We could then fire each other at the same time. We might not actually shoot at exactly the same moment, but we won’t be very far apart.’
‘I liked the idea and said so. We started playing with each other. I was enjoying it, yet sad that this would be the last time. After a while Jack said, ‘Ok, let’s go for it now.’ He started stroking my cock with one hand.’
‘I did the same, which meant we could lie comfortably on our backs and using one hand on the others cock it was as easy as firing ourselves. But of course, it felt so much nicer and far more exciting having someone else do it for me.’
‘Jack kept his stroking at a slow steady speed, so I did my best to copy him. We seemed to go on for ages, which was great as I didn’t want it ever to end. Then Jack started going a bit faster. My feeling had just kicked in, so I guessed his had too. I copied him.’
‘We stayed at the slightly faster speed for a short time then Jack said, ‘I won’t be long now.’ ‘Me neither,’ I told him happily. Then as I felt his cock swell in my grip, he called out, ‘I’m coming right now.’ I felt it throbbing in my grip.’
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