The Life of Lewis - Cover

The Life of Lewis

Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas

Chapter 5: That Confirms My Suspicions

Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 5: That Confirms My Suspicions - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.

Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Ma/Ma   Ma/mt   mt/mt   Teenagers   Coercion   Consensual   Rape   Gay   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Torture   Anal Sex   First   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Doctor/Nurse   Teacher/Student  

‘Then Rich kissed me and said, ‘Imagine I’m a girl and your cock is in my vagina. Make love to me.’ I couldn’t believe what I was hearing, but sliding in had sent such an amazing feeling through me I didn’t hesitate.’

‘I lifted my hips and thrust back down. How I stopped screaming in delight I’ll never know. I kept going. I felt Rich’s hands on the cheeks of my bum, pushing hard each time I thrust in. In no time at all I knew I was about to fire.’

‘It never occurred to me to say anything, I just went faster and faster then shot my load as I thrust in extra hard. As I finished firing, I slowed down to a stop, then lay still as my cock shrank. ‘Oh, wow.’ I told him, ‘That was amazing.’

‘We lay locked together for a while kissing, then I rolled off him. Rich wiped between his legs with some tissue. I had moved further over on the bed and was in no doubt what I was going to do next. ‘Pass me the soap.’ I instructed.

‘I rubbed a good helping between my thighs and told him to come on top of me. I guided his cock down between my thighs. ‘Make love to me.’ I told him, then I kissed him. He started moving and feeling his cock sliding in and out between my legs was almost as lovely as what I’d just felt.’

‘Soon I knew he was about to fire. I had hold of the cheeks of his bum too and was adding to his thrusts. Then as I felt his cock pulsating and the wet cum on my legs, I knew it was something I’d never ever forget.’

‘After he had finished, he lay still on top of me. After we had kissed, he told me, ‘I don’t want to marry you, or even live with you, but I love you so much.’ I told him I felt the same. He rolled off me and I mopped the worst off my thighs.’

‘We went and had another shower together before we got dressed. After breakfast we set off home. We never had another holiday or night together and we didn’t repeat anything we had done, but we always felt very close to each other afterwards. We still do.’

‘Thank you for telling me all that,’ Danny said. ‘Now I really feel I’ve known you for years. One last thing before we look at what happened. When did you have the first indication that you were going to have a problem with Clarkson?’

Martyn gave it some thought then replied, ‘Just over four months ago.’ ‘Ok,’ Danny said, ‘Now before we look at it, tell me how Scott fitted into your life from as far back as you can remember, up until four months ago. I want to understand how close you both are and how you feel about each other.’

Martyn smiled, ‘He’s been in in my life as far back as I can remember.’ he said. ‘I think of him as a mixture of my dad, my big brother and my best friend. I don’t remember my dad dying, but mum has told me that Scott started looking after me from then onwards. He would have been nine at the time.’

‘Before today he was the person who knew most about me. Over the years he’s bathed me, tucked me up in bed, baby sat me, played just about every game with me. He’s comforted me and read me stories. He’s taught me lots of things, including how to ride a push bike.’

‘He’s taken me to football matches, kicked a ball about with me and taught me to swim. And I’ve probably forgotten as many again that I’ve never really thought about,’ he said, ‘Scott has just always been there for me. I love him with all my heart.’

‘Over the years,’ Danny asked, ‘Have you asked him questions or told him things that you wouldn’t have dreamt of saying anything to your mum about?’ ‘Yes, many times,’ Martyn said grinning, ‘Particularly as I got older.’

‘So why didn’t you tell him the first time your problem occurred?’ Danny asked. ‘I felt far too embarrassed about it, even to tell Scott,’ Martyn admitted. ‘Does Scott know anything about your week with Rich?’ Danny asked.

Martyn thought for a moment then said, ‘I think so, but I don’t know how or how much.’ As Danny looked puzzled, Martyn told him, ‘The following week after the holiday, Scott had come round as he often did. He had finished his police training by then and had been posted to a station away from home.’

‘He had come home for the weekend and as always came in to see mum and me. Mum had gone shopping just before he arrived, so the two of us were alone. He sat down and I immediately got up on his knee. I loved sitting on his knee and feeling his arm round me.’

‘Some years back he had told me, ‘I love you sitting on my knee and you can do it for as long as you want to. But I understand why you enjoy it, it’s because you have missed out so much on being close to your dad. Other people might not understand and would poke fun at you because they think you’re getting a bit old to do it now.’

‘So, from today we should only do it in future when we’re alone.’ We had done that ever since. ‘How was your week away in Yorkshire?’ he asked. I went bright red and said, ‘Oh, er, it was great thanks, I had a lovely time.’

‘He had met Rich many times, and he knew how well we got on. He gave me a smile and said, ‘That won’t do at all, people will wonder what you’ve been up to. Try not to go red and answer just the same as you did, but with confidence as if you were talking about an ordinary holiday.’

‘He made me repeat it three times before he was satisfied. ‘I don’t know exactly what the two of you did,’ he said, ‘But just answer me this. Did you enjoy it?’ ‘Yes.’ I admitted. ‘Did Rich?’ ‘Yes.’ ‘Did he force you to do anything you didn’t want to do?’ ‘No.’ ‘Did you force him to do anything he didn’t want to do?’ ‘No.’

‘If you knew everything that was ging to happen on the holiday before you went, would you still have gone?’ ‘Yes definitely.’ I answered firmly. ‘Then you don’t need to feel ashamed about anything you did.’ he told me. ‘But that’s no reason why anyone else should know about it. So, remember if anyone asks you, they’ll never know unless you give it away like you just did to me.’

He gave me a hug and told me, ‘My cousin Jack, who’s a year older than me, came to stay with us for a long weekend when I was around your age. We had always got on well and he had to share my room. We probably did all, or at least some, of what you and Rich did. Many teenagers do.’

‘I couldn’t resist asking him, ‘Did you do a proper kiss?’ ‘Yes,’ he said, ‘That was my first one, he taught me how to do it.’ ‘We’ve never kissed like that,’ I said. ‘No,’ he told me, ‘I’m a lot older than you so it would be wrong for me to encourage you to do certain things.’

‘Have you ever wanted to?’ I asked. ‘Yes, many times.’ he said looking at me and smiling. I got up and sat astride his legs facing him. I put my arms around him and put everything I could into a kiss on his lips. ‘Wow!’ he said, ‘You did have a good week, did Rich teach you that?’

‘I think it was a case of us teaching each other,’ I told him. ‘That one is just to let you know something that I hope you already know. That I love you very much.’ He hugged me tight. ‘I know.’ he said. I noticed his eyes were very wet looking.’

‘Have you ever seen each other erect?’ Danny asked. ‘No, never,’ Martyn answered. ‘We’ve seen each other soft many times when getting changed, but never hard.’ ‘How would you say Scott’s cock compares to yours at the moment?’ Danny asked. ‘About four months ago it was very slightly larger than mine,’ Martyn said. ‘I’d guess at half an inch perhaps in length but still about the same diameter.’

‘Ok,’ Danny said, ‘Now start with the very first moment you realised something was starting to happen with Clarkson. Take me through every single experience, right through up to the time when Scott pulled him off you.’

Martyn collected his thoughts and relaxed. He knew he would be able to tell it all to Danny now, without any problem. He wasn’t even amazed to find that he felt like that. Without realising it, he had accepted he would be able to do so a long way back.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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