The Life of Lewis - Cover

The Life of Lewis

Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas

Chapter 2: I Fired Very Quickly

Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 2: I Fired Very Quickly - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.

Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Ma/Ma   Ma/mt   mt/mt   Teenagers   Coercion   Consensual   Rape   Gay   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Torture   Anal Sex   First   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Doctor/Nurse   Teacher/Student  

Martyn showed no sign of wanting to move so Danny asked, ‘Would I be right in thinking I’m only the third man to have given you a hug that you have enjoyed?’ ‘Yes.’ Martyn replied. Then he lifted his head and asked. ‘How did you know?’

‘An educated guess.’ Danny told him, ‘Stay sitting up.’ He stood up and moved to the end of the settee. ‘Lie down with your head on my lap.’ he instructed. Once Martyn was settled, looking very much at ease, Danny said, ‘Continue your story about your holiday, including your hug of course.’

As he went a bit red, Danny rested his hand flat over Martyn’s balls with his cock standing up firm between his thumb and index finger. As Martyn collected his thoughts, Danny asked, ‘So how did your first night go?’

As he tried to puzzle out how Danny could possibly know that he and Rich had hugged, Martyn continued, ‘Our first night seemed very strange. We had no problem getting changed for bed, we’d seen each other getting changed for sports often enough.’

‘But when we got into bed and sat up talking, it seemed weird to both of us being in bed with someone else. ‘I’ve often dreamed of being in bed with someone,’ I told Rich, ‘But it was someone like Anthea from school. I’d never have thought of it being you in my wildest dreams.’

‘Have you had a girlfriend yet?’ Rich asked. When I told him, ‘No,’ he admitted he hadn’t either. ‘Doesn’t stop you dreaming though, does it?’ he added with a beam. ‘My current one is Jennifer out of Jason’s form.’

‘Seeing me looking at him he added, ‘Yes, I know she’s a bit old for me, but it doesn’t matter in a dream, does it?’ ‘No,’ I agreed. Even so I decided not to tell him about the vivid dream I’d had about Miss Grenfell, who is our geography teacher. She must be at least twenty-five if she’s a day.’

‘Anyway, we settled down and I don’t know about Rich, but I slept like a log. The next morning it gave me a shock to open my eyes and see a face in front of me on the pillow. Rich was still fast asleep, so I lay there watching him.’

‘When he opened his eyes, I saw him have the same shock as I had. I grinned at him, ‘Strange, isn’t it waking up to find another head on the pillow alongside you.’ He went to get up, then stopped. ‘What’s up I asked?’

‘I was about to jump out of bed,’ he said, ‘Because I’m bursting for a wee.’ ‘So am I,’ I told him, ‘But go ahead, you can go first if you want.’ Then I realised what was bothering him. ‘Mine’s gone hard too,’ I told him, it always does when I wake up needing a wee.’

‘He still hesitated, so I said, ‘Why don’t we throw the duvet off, so we can both see the bulge in each other’s shorts. Then you can get up and relieve yourself.’ I picked up the duvet in front of me and he did the same. ‘On the count of three,’ I said. ‘One, two, three.’

‘On three, we both threw the duvet down the bed. We looked at the front of each other’s shorts. We both had a tent pole. After that he seemed to relax, then he got up and went. ‘Don’t be too long,’ I said as he went into the bathroom.’

‘When he came back a few minutes later, I was sitting on the side of the bed waiting. The front of his shorts where now flat, but as I stood up mine stuck out. He grinned when he saw it. ‘I’ve never seen anyone erect before.’ he said as I walked over to the bathroom.’

‘When I came back, he had just finished stripping off ready to get dressed. I looked at his cock now soft and hanging down limp. I’d seen it like that before and knew it was pretty much the same size as mine. ‘We’re both the same size near enough,’ I said, ‘I wonder if there’s any difference when we’re erect?’

‘Why wouldn’t we be?’ he asked puzzled. ‘I remember reading somewhere that everyone erected at different percentages to their soft size.’ I told him. By now I had stripped off too and we did something we’d never done before. We stood and studied each other’s cocks.’

‘Previously we’d seen them whilst getting changed at school, but now we were looking properly. Apart from Rich having lighter hairs than me, they looked identical to me. We got dressed and went out for the day. Apart from the railway, Goathland is famous as the village featured in the tv series ‘Heartbeat.’

‘It had been a favourite programme of Rich’s dad, so that’s why they had picked it. The first day we did a tour of the village and Rich’s dad was clearly made up to see it all. We looked at the railway station briefly and saw a steam train pulling in. We were going on that tomorrow.’

‘How was your second night?’ Danny asked. ‘We got stripped off ready for bed and we both looked at each other’s cocks again.’ ‘Do you really think we are identical in size?’ Rich asked. ‘It looks like it to me,’ I said, ‘But we can easily test it.’

‘How?’ he asked? ‘If we stand face to face and hold them side by side, it should tell us near enough.’ I told him. ‘By then I wanted to know too, so I asked, ‘Shall we try it?’ ‘Ok,’ he said, ‘Tell me what to do.’ I went over and stood in front of him.’

‘I picked up my cock with my right hand and held it out straight. ‘Do the same with yours with your right hand.’ I instructed. When he did, I moved closer to him until our tips were touching each other’s hairs and one side of each cock was touching the others.’

‘It sent a lovely feeling through me, and looking at Rich’s face it was doing the same to him. As we both looked down and studied our cock’s side by side it was clear that they were identical in length, and they looked the same in diameter too.’

As we stood there, neither of us wanting to break the spell, we both suddenly started swelling. As we grew, we looked at each other in horror. In seconds we were both rock hard and neither of us knew what to do.’

‘Rich spoke first. ‘Well, I guess we may as well compare them hard now.’ he said grinning at me. My cock flexed at the idea. ‘Your cock agrees,’ Rich said, ‘How about you?’ ‘Ok,’ I agreed feeling so excited. We took hold of ourselves like last time and moved back together.’

‘We couldn’t get as close this time because we were both quite a bit longer. As we held them side by side, the feeling of someone else’s hard cock against my own made it very difficult to concentrate on anything but enjoying it.’

‘I’m longer,’ Rich announced suddenly. I looked closer. His tip was pressing into my hairs, and I could feel it against me. But my tip was only just touching his hairs, I reckoned a quarter of an inch difference. But our thickness still seemed identical.’

‘We’ll have to get a tape measure,’ Rich said, ‘Evidently pleased about it. As we finally stepped back and let go, we stood staring at each other fascinated. ‘Yours is the first erect cock I’ve ever seen apart from my own.’ he said. ‘Me too.’ I told him.’

‘We let go and put our night things on. ‘How do you feel?’ Rich asked as we got into bed. ‘Excited,’ I told him, ‘It was a special thing to see and so lovely to feel yours touching mine. I don’t think I could have done it with anyone else though.’ I told him.’

‘I know what you mean,’ he said. ‘So that’s another experience we’ll have to keep to ourselves. I wonder if we’ll have any more?’ he said as he settled down and turned his back to me. I wondered what he meant but said nothing and settled down too.’

‘I went to sleep remembering the feel of his cock and staying hard for ages. If Rich hadn’t been in bed with me, I would have definitely fired myself. The next morning, we woke up and I jumped out of bed bursting for a wee.’

‘I wasn’t a bit concerned now at his seeing the front of my shorts sticking out. When I came back, he stood up to go and I could see his tent pole as well. As I looked at it, it waved about in his shorts. He looked at me and grinned.’

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