The Life of Lewis - Cover

The Life of Lewis

Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas

Chapter 1: Imagine We Have Sucked Each Other

Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 1: Imagine We Have Sucked Each Other - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.

Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Ma/Ma   Ma/mt   mt/mt   Teenagers   Coercion   Consensual   Rape   Gay   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Torture   Anal Sex   First   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Doctor/Nurse   Teacher/Student  

‘When I came round,’ Peter continued, ‘I have no idea how long it was after I’d passed out. Albert was thrusting his cock into me like mad. The pain was terrible, and I was soon crying my eyes out.’

‘No one took any notice, not even his dad. As far as I could tell, he was watching his sons cock going in and out of me whilst he played with his own little cock which was still soft. Then Albert started going faster and thrusting in harder. I cried out louder, I couldn’t help myself with the pain.’

‘Then as he gave a few even harder thrusts in, I felt his cock inside me throbbing and my insides went wet and warm. As his cock started to shrink, the pain started to fade. But then it was replaced by another as all my insides started stinging. I felt like my insides were on fire.’

‘Albert pushed himself hard against my bum to hold himself inside me until he had finished shrinking, then he just slid out. As he stepped back, I felt so relieved, but still terrified at what might happen next. I managed to stop crying with an effort, thinking about his threat to squeeze my balls. The stinging was very painful, but I managed to bear it.’

‘I moved my head to try and see Alberts dad. He now had a hard cock, thanks I think to him watching Alberts cock going into me, and part because Albert was now giving it a good stroke. He was also playing with his balls.’

‘Go ahead dad,’ Albert encouraged, ‘Get it in him whist you’re stiff.’ He came round behind me and as he took hold of my hips, I braced myself for more pain. He put his tip to my bum and pushed in much slower than Albert had done.’

‘I hardly felt it going in. When he started thrusting in and out, I was aware of it moving inside me, but I had no pain, apart from the stinging which hadn’t faded. I could hear the old man starting to get breathless. ‘Go on dad, you can do it.’ Albert encouraged him.’

‘It seemed to take him ages and require a lot of encouragement from Albert before he eventually managed to fire. I couldn’t tell his cock was firing and I didn’t feel any wet or warmth. I was pleased that the stinging didn’t increase either.’

‘The minute he stopped he must have shrunk fast, because in seconds he had dropped out of me and was moving away. As he came into view, I could see his cock was now even smaller than at the start. He was still breathing very heavily, but he looked happy.’

‘Albert came into view now and they hugged, kissed and played with each other’s cocks. They both stayed soft as Albert said, ‘I told you you’d manage it dad.’ Then they both turned and looked at me. I went cold as I wondered what would happen now.’

‘What shall I do with him dad?’ Albert asked, ‘Shall I kill him like the last one?’ His dad grabbed hold of my hair and lifted my head up. ‘Who are you going to talk to about what happened?’ he asked. ‘No one,’ I said with some feeling, ‘I couldn’t possibly admit to anyone what has just happened to me.’

‘He stared at me, then he said, ‘Very sensible. If you told anyone Albert would kill you very painfully and very slowly.’ I shivered. ‘Anyway, you wouldn’t want to have to stand up in court and tell a load of people what you have just done would you.’

‘No,’ I told him, and I meant it. ‘I’d be far too embarrassed about it.’ ‘Anyway, we would say you begged us to do it for you,’ he told me, ‘And it’s two against one, so we’d be the ones who were believed. Ok son, you can let him go.’ he told Albert. The two of them ignored me and got dressed.’

‘When they had finished his dad just left. Albert came over and started undoing me. ‘I’ll be watching you closely,’ he threatened, ‘As will be my pals. Any hint you’re misbehaving, and you’ll disappear. Believe me you’ll regret it. Before I do anything else I’ll crush your balls flat.’ I shivered at the thought.’

‘He finished untying me and just walked out. I stood up, got dressed and went home, my insides still stinging.’ What were you like for the next few days?’ Lewis asked. ‘I got home and had a long soak in the bath,’ Peter told him. ‘My bum was still sore, but not too bad.’

‘The stinging was still really painful, and I was scared that he had done some damage to my insides. But when I went downstairs, I managed to act as if nothing had happened so mum didn’t get worried. By the time I went up to bed my bum was easing but the stinging hadn’t altered.’

‘I lay in bed and the whole thing kept going through my mind over and over again. I relived the pain and as I was drifting in and out of sleep, a few times I saw what was happening as if I was looking down on it.’

‘When that happened, I saw a picture of my bum which looked enormous. Then Alberts cock tearing into it accompanied by the pain. I didn’t sleep at all well that night.’ ‘How were you the next morning?’ Lewis asked.

‘Tired, but the pain in my bum had gone completely. I was still stinging, but it was nowhere near as bad as it had been. By the end of the day, it had practically gone. I didn’t do much that day and when I went to bed Sunday night, I went to sleep quite quickly being over tired.’

‘I woke up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat, seeing a mental image of my bum and Alberts cock tearing into it. I was terrified, but once I woke up, I soon relaxed. The next morning the stinging had gone completely.’

‘At school that day we had sports. When Dylan and I went to get changed, I suddenly found that I was more embarrassed about my bum being seen than my cock. That was the first time I had ever got changed facing the room.’

‘When I thought about it afterwards, I couldn’t come up with any logical reason why I felt like that. I just seemed to feel that if people saw my bum, they would be able to tell what had happened to me. Or even worse, when I had my back to the room someone might thrust themselves up me.’

‘I knew that was ridiculous, but that’s how I felt. Then right up until leaving school I kept my bum facing the wall whilst getting changed.’ ‘How long did the nightmares continue?’ Lewis asked. ‘I still have them.’ Peter told him.

‘Right afterwards, they happened every night. Then I started to get the odd night nightmare free. Six months later they were down to three a week, now it’s half a dozen a month. But although the frequency is less, they are still just as terrifying when they happen.’

‘Well done,’ Lewis told him. ‘That’s the last time you’ll ever need to tell anyone about that. Now, let me give you some information. If a woman is raped, she can experience the same pain as you did. But when she is going to make love with her boyfriend, there is a long build-up of petting and kissing. During that time her vagina produces a lot of oil. Then when your cock slides into her, it slips in easily, lubricated by her oil.’

‘Albert thrust his cock into your bum without any lubrication on it, and your bum doesn’t produce lubrication either. So, his dry cock scratched the walls of your bowel. That gave you the pain that made you pass out, and as he thrust in and out, he aggravated the scratches, keeping it painful.’

‘Then when he shrank, his cock didn’t press on the walls the same, so the pain reduced. But now he had fired, so all of his cum went into the scratches and stung your insides. Once the scratches healed up, that was that, so there’s no lasting damage, nothing to worry about.’

‘But the memory of the pain remains. When his dad went up you, his cock being so small, plus Alberts cum having lubricated your insides meant that he slid into you easily. If you hadn’t been so frightened, you might even have enjoyed it.’

‘When he shot, because of his size and his age, the amount of cum would have been very small, so that didn’t increase your stinging. Your bum is bigger in diameter than Alberts cock. If it hadn’t been, the pain from it stretching and the stinging would have lasted several days more.’

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