The Life of Lewis - Cover

The Life of Lewis

Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas

Chapter 7: I Just Couldn’t Stop Myself

Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 7: I Just Couldn’t Stop Myself - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.

Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Ma/Ma   Ma/mt   mt/mt   Teenagers   Coercion   Consensual   Rape   Gay   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Torture   Anal Sex   First   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Doctor/Nurse   Teacher/Student  

‘I lay still trying to work out what it was.’ Peter told him. ‘It took me a while to realise that I was lying on my side with my knees slightly drawn up. Dylan was just the same but facing away from me. Both the cheeks of our bums were touching each other’s.’

‘Once I knew what it was, I relaxed a little. Then I realised that I was enjoying the feeling that the contact with his bare skin was giving me. I wondered what I should do. I had no idea who had moved so that we came into contact. I assumed that as he wasn’t moving Dylan was asleep as I had been, so it could have been either of us.’

At that point Lewis’s hands had reached his abdomen. Feeling the lovely massage in such an area, plus the difficulties he had had for ages getting pleasure from playing with himself, he felt his cock start to stiffen. He didn’t react because he assumed it would do what it usually did, make an attempt to go hard, then fade away.

As Lewis’s hands moved closer to his hairs, he could feel his cock still trying to grow. His mind wandered to the memories of his weekend with Dylan and what he had been describing to Lewis. The combination of the three resulted in something happening that he hadn’t experienced for a very long time.

His cock started growing and just as Lewis’s hands reached it, it became fully hard. As Peter tried to decide what to do or say, he just enjoyed it. Lewis saw it growing and got in first. ‘Don’t worry about getting erect,’ he told him, ‘From what you’ve told me, it’s a good sign that we’re winning.’

As Peter stopped worrying, he relaxed and enjoyed it, especially as Lewis had taken hold of it by now and was massaging it all over. Although a couple of inches shorter than Lewis’s, it was exceptionally thick.

‘I decided to just lie still and enjoy it.’ Peter continued as Lewis moved on down his legs, ‘I felt that if Dylan woke up, he would assume I was asleep too and just move away. A few moments later I heard the distant chimes of a church clock striking three am.’

‘I lay there for ages. My cock had gone hard by now and I was stroking it gently. I didn’t try and fire, because I didn’t want to disturb Dylan, so he’d move away. I heard the distant clock chime the half hour then the next thing I remember was waking up the next morning.’

‘I was on my side facing Dylan who was still asleep. He was on his side facing me, but there was more than a foot of gap between us. I lay there watching him and remembering the lovely feelings from last night. Lewis reached his feet and told him to pause there.

‘I’m going back up your front now.’ he told him. ‘I want you to just relax and enjoy the massage without any questions. When I reach your head, you can finish your story. After that you’ll be ready to tell me everything that happened.’

Peter gave him a smile, closed his eyes and waited for what he knew would be a lovely experience. He felt Lewis’s hands massage his ankles and move slowly up his legs. It felt lovely, but even better was the feeling he was getting as his cock did a dance of anticipation.

As Lewis’s hands moved higher, the feeling going through him got even nicer and his cock got more and more excited. His cock hadn’t stayed hard for this long since before Albert. It felt wonderful. As his hands moved over his knees, Peter drew his knees up and legs apart without thinking.

Lewis moved onto the inside of his thighs, knowing the softer skin would make the massage feel even better. As he moved upwards Peters cock was going wild. When Lewis’s hands touched Peters balls he cried out in delight.

As Lewis ran his fingers all over his balls, up and down his groins and all over his cock, Peter was making a nonstop wail of delight. Lewis had to hold his cock still to be able to do anything. But feeling his hand firmly around it sent lovely shivers through Peter every time it flexed in Lewis’s grip.

When Lewis moved up over his hairs and on over his abdomen it still felt lovely, but Peter was sad that he had let go of his cock. He had to struggle to stop himself taking hold of it and firing himself there and then. He felt sure that if he did it would actually work now.

Lewis massaged through his chest hairs, over his shoulders and onto his head. He gave his temples a short massage then took his hands away. He waited a bit whilst Peter came back down to earth and opened his eyes. ‘That was amazing.’ Peter told him with a beam across his face.

‘Sit up.’ Lewis told him holding his arms out. Peter sat up into them and as Lewis closed his arms around him, he put his head on Lewis’s shoulder and his arms around him too. ‘I never thought I’d be able to do this ever again with anyone but my mum,’ he said, ‘Thank you so much.’

‘In a moment,’ Lewis told him, ‘I’ll change position slightly, then you can lie down and finish your holiday story. Then you’ll be able to tell me all about Albert.’ They sat in each other’s arms for several minutes, Peter feeling so happy.

‘Sit up now.’ Lewis told him. After moving to the end of the settee Lewis told him to lie down with his head on his lap. Lewis rested his hands in the usual places. Peters cock had softened whilst he was in Lewis’s arms but as soon as he rested his hand over it, it shot back up fully hard.

Lewis opened a gap for it between his forefinger and thumb. ‘Ok,’ he said, ‘Carry on where you left off when Dylan was about to wake up.’ Peter collected his thoughts, then said, ‘After about ten minutes he stirred and opened his eyes.’

‘I smiled at him and said, ‘Hi.’ He grinned back and asked how I’d slept. ‘Fine,’ I told him, ‘I went out like a light.’ ‘I’m bursting for a wee,’ he said, ‘Can I go first?’ ‘Sure.’ I told him. He jumped out of bed, and I saw for the first time someone else’s erect cock. Although I knew it was because he was bursting and not sexually aroused, it was still exciting to see.’

‘When he returned, his cock soft and hanging down, I was ready to go myself. My cock was hard too, and I noticed Dylan studying it. When I came back, now soft myself, I sat on the bed to put my socks on and told him, ‘When you got out of bed just then, it was the first time I’d ever seen a hard cock apart from my own.’

‘I was the same when I just saw yours,’ he told me. ‘This is becoming a holiday of new experiences,’ he said smiling. ‘Sleeping in a double bed, sleeping with someone else. Seeing someone completely naked without anyone else being around and seeing our first hard cocks.’

‘He hesitated, then he said, ‘Actually, I had another experience during the night too.’ ‘What?’ I asked looking interested. He blushed. ‘I woke up just before three,’ he said, ‘I found that I was on my side with my back to you. You had your back to me too and our bare bums were touching cheek to cheek.’

‘How did you know the time?’ I asked. ‘I heard a church clock strike three,’ he told me. ‘What did you do?’ I asked. ‘I stayed still to see if you were asleep,’ he said, ‘Then I just lay there for a bit because by then I was finding the contact quite nice and anyway, I didn’t want to disturb you. Then the church clock struck again.’ he added. ‘I must have fallen asleep after that.’

‘We won’t have to tell anyone about that either,’ I said. ‘Can you imagine the ribbing we’d get if anyone knew we had not only slept together naked but had both enjoyed physical contact during the night.’ ‘Yes.’ he said as he carried on dressing. Then a few minutes later he looked at me puzzled and asked, ‘You said both of us.’

‘I grinned at him. ‘I woke up around the same time,’ I told him. ‘I liked the feeling too, so I lay still enjoying it because I thought you were asleep. I heard the clock strike three and then strike half past. When I fell asleep soon after, our bums were still touching.’

‘So, we were both wide awake, both enjoying the contact and both thinking the other was fast asleep?’ Dylan said laughing. I burst out laughing too. When we managed to stop, we finished getting dressed and went out for the day.’

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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