The Life of Lewis - Cover

The Life of Lewis

Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas

Chapter 6: Take Them Off

Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 6: Take Them Off - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.

Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Ma/Ma   Ma/mt   mt/mt   Teenagers   Coercion   Consensual   Rape   Gay   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Torture   Anal Sex   First   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Doctor/Nurse   Teacher/Student  

Peter smiled to himself as he conjured up the picture in his head. ‘Nothing would look the same,’ he said. ‘I am five foot ten, Dylan is five foot seven. I have broad shoulders, am quite strong but have too much padding.’

‘Dylan is slim, doesn’t have an ounce of fat on him and although he looks weak, is surprisingly wiry. My hair is jet black, but Dylan’s is fair. I’m of a nervous disposition and often look scared. Dylan is too, but he always seems to look confident and happy.’

Lewis had reached his feet and started back up as Peter continued, ‘I have chest hairs but with bits of the skin of my chest showing through them. Dylan has hardly any hairs at all. In fact, at first glance, you might think he has none at all, although that’s because his hair is fair. My stomach is well padded, his is completely flat.’

‘My cock is about three inches soft, but quite thick. Dylans is about four inches soft, but very thin. He’s circumcised and I’m not. My bag of balls is twice the size of his. I think that covers just about all of it.’ ‘Well done,’ Lewis said, ‘That was a very clear description.’

‘So, soft there was an inch in difference between the length of your cocks,’ Lewis commented. ‘Was it the same difference when they were hard?’ ‘No... ‘ Peter said then he broke off, his neck going very red. ‘Don’t be embarrassed,’ Lewis told him, ‘It would be most unusual if you hadn’t seen each other hard.’

There was silence as Lewis massaged over his cheeks again, this time Peter seemed completely relaxed. He didn’t say anything to Lewis, but he was surprised to find that he had quite enjoyed the sensation of his cheeks being massaged.

‘I won’t ask you how you know that just yet,’ Lewis said as he moved up his bare back, ‘But can you tell me what the length difference was when you were both hard.’ Peter’s neck still looked slightly red, but having let it slip out, he decided he may as well answer. ‘When we were hard, we were both the same length.’ he said. ‘It surprised us both the first time we realised. Although the difference in thickness was pretty much the same.’ he added.

‘Thank you,’ Lewis said as he massaged his shoulders, ‘Did you ever think you would, or even could, have this conversation with anyone?’ ‘Never.’ Peter said vehemently, ‘I still can’t believe that I let it slip out.’ Lewis massaged the back of his head, took his hands away and told him to turn over.

As Peter settled on his back, Lewis smiled at him. ‘You’re doing well,’ he told him. ‘I’m going down your front again now, with more questions. When I reach your waist I’ll take hold of your belt, pause then undo everything around your waist.’

‘That will remove pressure from your stomach and help you relax even more. It will also mean that I can give you some more relaxing options next time I go down your back. However, don’t forget we move forward at your speed not mine.’

‘If you don’t feel able to do that just yet, when I take hold of your belt, just say ‘Pass’ and I’ll skip over it. Say ‘Go’ when you’re ready.’ Lewis put his hands on the front of his head, massaged his temples briefly, then massaged the top of his head.

‘Go,’ Peter said very shortly. As Lewis moved down onto the front of his bare shoulders, he asked, ‘Now you have told me about your and Dylans cocks, how do you feel about the fact that I know you have seen it hard?’

Peter thought about that, then said, ‘Strangely enough, I don’t feel bothered.’ he answered looking surprised. ‘Good,’ Lewis said, ‘That just shows how much at ease you are feeling with me already. Tell me about your weekend away with Dylan.’ Lewis told him.

‘It was the weekend after Dylans thirteenth birthday,’ Peter said. ‘I had been thirteen for three weeks. They had an uncle and aunt who lived in Caernarvon in North Wales. We went down almost straight from school on the Friday and returned late Monday night.’

Peter paused. He looked down his front and saw Lewis’s hands holding his belt. He thought of all the things he had told Lewis so far and how nice he was finding the massage. ‘He’s only going to undo them anyway,’ he thought to himself, ‘It’s not as if he was taking them off.’ he lay silent watching.

Lewis waited a little longer then undid his belt. As Peter felt it slacken, he was surprised to feel a touch of excitement rather than fear. Then when Lewis undid his top button, the release of pressure on his stomach felt really nice.

As he relaxed enjoying the feeling of freedom, he felt his zip go down. Looking down his front he saw Lewis’s hands massaging over the front of his now open trousers. It felt rather nice.

As Lewis moved onto his thighs, he told him to continue his story. ‘They lived in a small, terraced house in the town.’ Peter said. ‘There were two bedrooms and a bathroom on the first floor and a third bedroom in the roof. We were given the room in the roof which we had to share. We saw no problem with that, because although very shy with everyone else we had got accustomed to getting changed with each other.’

‘We were surprised to find it was a double bed, something neither of us had ever slept in before. We both felt a bit embarrassed about that, but we agreed we didn’t really mind but we would never ever tell anyone we had slept together.’

As Lewis started back up from his feet he said, ‘The ceiling was the underneath of the sloping roof, so we could only stand upright down the middle of the room. At one end was a very tiny ensuite. At the other end there was a big skylight. From that we had an amazing view of Caernarvon Castle.’

‘The skylight pivoted in the middle and it could be swung almost completely round so you could clean the outside of the glass. We found that if we put it in the cleaning position, which meant the glass window was almost vertical, we could both squeeze between the window and the lower part of the frame.’

At that point Peter stopped talking and watched Lewis’s hand massage over the front of his trousers. It felt lovely, especially the bit when Lewis’s hand massaged over a tiny part of his shorts through his open zip. Peter gave an involuntary shiver.

‘Are you ok?’ Lewis asked. ‘Yes,’ Peter assured him, ‘Your massage felt so nice, that was a very happy shiver.’ ‘That’s good.’ Lewis told him as he carried on up onto his bare stomach. Peter continued with his tale unprompted.

‘That meant from just above our waists, our top halves were sticking out of the roof. We felt almost as if we were sitting on the roof. It was fascinating standing there and looking at the castle and the surrounding areas.’

‘We had arrived there just after seven, so we had a pizza delivered and sat around the table chatting, then we all had a game of Scrabble before going up to bed. Neither of us minded which side of the bed we slept on so in the end we tossed a coin. Dylan got the left side, and I got the right.’

At that point Lewis moved onto his head, massaged briefly then took his hands away. ‘When you turn over,’ Lewis told him, ‘I’ll go down your back again. When I reach your waist, I’ll take hold of the back of your loose trousers and pause.’

‘If you say nothing, I’ll massage your cheeks inside your trousers but over your shorts. If you say ‘Pass’ I won’t. Remember that if you manage to try it but then panic you only have to call out ‘Stop’ and my hands will return to your head immediately.’

‘Turn over when you feel ready.’ As Peter turned over, he didn’t think he would be able to do the next bit. Even so, as Lewis massaged the back of his head, he thought about how nice it had felt the last time he had massaged his cheeks over his trousers. He said ‘Go’ then when Lewis’s hands moved ever so gently onto his shoulders, he felt so relaxed he had to be prompted to carry on with his tale.

‘It was summer,’ Peter said, ‘So Dylan asked me, ‘What would you be sleeping in if you were at home?’ ‘Just my shorts.’ I told him. ‘I’ll do the same then.’ he told me. That sounded to me as if he usually slept in something different so I asked him, ‘What would you usually sleep in?’

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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