The Life of Lewis - Cover

The Life of Lewis

Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas

Chapter 1: Be Sure You Can Live With It

Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 1: Be Sure You Can Live With It - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.

Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Ma/Ma   Ma/mt   mt/mt   Teenagers   Coercion   Consensual   Rape   Gay   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Torture   Anal Sex   First   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Doctor/Nurse   Teacher/Student  

‘What about my husband?’ she asked. ‘We already have his car,’ Brian told her, ‘It was found at the main railway station, unlocked and with the keys in it. It looks like he’s done a bunk. If we catch him, he’ll get at least twenty years in prison.’

As they got up, Reg came back in, shaking his head to indicate nothing found. ‘This is my assistant Constable King,’ Brian told her, ‘He will contact you in a few days.’ She shook hands with him. ‘You’ve all been very understanding,’ she said, ‘I’m sure I will be accepting your offer.’

Glenda was sitting in the car waiting for them. As Brian was about to get in, his phone pinged. It was a text from the Super saying Terminate Order. Brian moved away from the car and called Terry. He gave him Aiden’s location. Then he called Aiden to say Terry was on his way. Getting back in the car, he drove back to the station.

Terry rendezvoused with Len and Aiden half an hour later. Glynn had started complaining again, but once Aiden told him his safe had been opened, his assets seized and his wife knew what he had been up to, he shut up. As Terry arrived, Aiden dealt with him in the usual manner. He was soon on the board in the van enroute to the garages. Len and Aiden returned in convoy back to the station.

Reg had sat at the station watching Glynn Jones’s red dot stationary. He noted that it was nowhere near any railway station. It had been stationary on a deserted road for ages. Then it started moving, ending up in the station yard. Shortly afterwards Len and Aiden appeared.

Reg went over to Brian as soon as he was away from everyone. ‘Shall I go down and recover the traces from the station yard?’ he asked. ‘Good idea, yes please.’ Brian said. As Reg turned away, Brian asked, ‘What made you ask?’

‘I just thought their red dots drew attention to them.’ he answered. ‘Yes,’ Brian said, ‘I missed an obvious there.’ Shortly the two dots disappeared from the screen. Reg reappeared soon after and discreetly put the two switched off traces in the box with the others. No one other than him and Brian seemed to notice their disappearance from the screen,

That was that for the rest of the day.

Back at the garages, Terry unloaded Jones onto the bench, strapped him up and left. Sending the text ‘Item in Stock’ he returned to Widnes.

Later that evening William arrived and dealt with him the same way as the last one. Returning two hours later he put him in a body bag, put another can of blood in his boot, sent the text ‘Item Ready for Collection and went home.

Two hours later Paul collected it, took it home, popped it in a prepared block, filled it up with concrete then sent the text ‘Item Sold.’


The next day Brian decided that the first arrests wouldn’t remain secret much longer so if Russell hadn’t moved by eleven, they would raid both shops then pick him up later. At half past ten, Russell moved. He set out towards Newton-le-Willows, spending ten minutes at the home of Tony Cameron.

From there he went back to Perfect Transport, then on to park in a side street by ‘Useful Junk’ at Ince in Makerfield. This was by Tommy Bellis and his group, so they were notified to be ready to raid the shop. A picture of the card reader was sent too.

As soon as he drove away, Brian gave Tommy the go ahead. Reg knew Celia would be delighted as she hadn’t done a raid before. Len was despatched to team up with Tommy Bellis and keep watch on Tony Cameron’s house at Newton-le-Willows.

Word came from Tommy that they had found a large haul of drugs plus a card reader and several used cards. Brian asked him what the name of the shop was on each side. Also, what was the name of the shop manager? Making a note of what he said, he left the room. He had previously got Cameron’s home number from the phone company.

Once outside, Brian rang the number. When a male voice answered he said, ‘Is that Dave?’ ‘Who’s this?’ the voice asked sounding suspicious. ‘It’s Charles from the shop just along from the ‘Useful Junk’ shop,’ he said. ‘I’m a pal of the manager Mark.’

‘A few months ago, he gave me this number and asked me if anything untoward happened at his shop, would I ring Dave and tell him.’ ‘So, what’s happened?’ Cameron asked. ‘The police have just raided the shop,’ he told him, ‘They took Mark and his assistant away in handcuffs.’ The line went dead.

Five minutes later Cameron’s red dot was on the move. Len and Tommy followed, then a mile away, they pulled him over. ‘David Cameron, you are under arrest,’ Tommy told him. They took him out of the car, handcuffed him and put him in Lens car.

Tommy rang Brian to say they had got him. Brian and Aiden took Peter with them and set off to search Cameron’s house. Tommy had searched him before putting him in the car. His wallet confirmed who he was.

Tommy took all his keys off the ring apart from the car keys. Then he searched the car. In the boot was a suitcase packed tight with cash. ‘Well, well,’ Tommy said, ‘Going on our holidays are we.’

‘Nothing illegal about having money,’ Cameron said, ‘My brief will soon have me out.’ ‘Well, we’ll see what they find when they search your house,’ Tommy said, ‘Like card printing machines perhaps?’

‘So, what,’ he said, ‘I use it to send my Christmas presents.’ ‘Well as you are so generous,’ Tommy said, ‘You’ll be able to account for where all the cash you’ve got came from, as well as that load you used to buy your house.’

‘The proceeds of Crime Unit will have a field day with that. And what will your wife say?’ he taunted. ‘I’m separated,’ he said. ‘There’s no one at home.’ ‘Oh, is that so.’ Tommy said. ‘I’d better stop them breaking in then, hadn’t I?’ he rang Brian and told him.

Brian looked at the map. ‘One of you meet me halfway with his keys,’ he instructed. Len took his handcuffs out and secured the handcuffs on Cameron to the steering wheel. ‘I’ll just take his keys to Brian.’ he said, ‘I’ll be back soon.’

‘You can’t keep me here trussed up like a chicken.’ Cameron moaned. ‘My brief will crucify you in Court.’ ‘Oh, haven’t you heard?’ Tommy told him, ‘There’s a new system of dealing with drug dealers now that bypasses Court.’

He wouldn’t be drawn any further. Soon Len was back. He and Tommy stood chatting. ‘Shouldn’t we be going to the station?’ Cameron asked loudly. He was ignored and soon gave up, sitting there in silence looking sulky.

Meanwhile Brian had arrived at Cameron’s house with Peter and Glenda, neither part of the Supers team. He let them in with the key they had collected from Len enroute. Fortunately, Cameron had fled too quick to set the alarm.

Searching the house. they soon found the room he used as an office. The card machine was on the desk in full view. The safe turned up set in the floor under the carpet. Brian opened it whilst Glenda and Peter were searching elsewhere. It had clearly been part emptied in a panic. Brian bagged half of what was left for the Supers fund then locked the safe again.

Taking the bag out to his car, he put it in the boot and returned. Calling Peter and Glenda down to the study, they opened the safe. All the remaining cash was removed and counted. It came to ninety thousand pounds.

A bank account statement showed a balance of a hundred and seventy thousand pounds that had been built up over seven years. There was also a notebook. Cameron hadn’t been able to resist keeping a record of how much money he was making.

Brian rang Len. ‘We’ve found a card printer and a load of cash,’ he said. ‘I’ve sent the details to the Super we should get a decision soon. Terry Dalton is on his way to you just in case.’ A second after Brian hung up, Len and Tommy’s phone pinged at the same time.

They both looked at each other and laughed. They had just been sent the details of one David Cameron and asked for their vote as they were each Jurors in the Supers group. They cast their vote immediately. Just as Terry arrived in the van, Brian texted. ‘Terminate Order.’

Tommy went round to Cameron, opened the door and told him, ‘You have just been found guilty by a special jury. You will spend the rest of your life in captivity.’ Then he stuck the needle in his arm.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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