The Life of Lewis - Cover

The Life of Lewis

Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas

Chapter 3: I Hope I Can Say In

Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 3: I Hope I Can Say In - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.

Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Ma/Ma   Ma/mt   mt/mt   Teenagers   Coercion   Consensual   Rape   Gay   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Torture   Anal Sex   First   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Doctor/Nurse   Teacher/Student  

‘After the first time you saw Jeffery’s cock, did it feature in any of your nighttime dreams?’ Lewis asked as his hands moved up Larry’s legs. Larry went bright red. ‘Well, I think your face has just answered that,’ Lewis told him, ‘But don’t feel embarrassed, it’s a perfectly natural thing to happen. I did the same with my best pal.’

‘Really?’ Larry asked, surprised but delighted to hear it wasn’t just him as he had always believed. ‘I’ll bet you’ve never admitted that to anyone before.’ Lewis said smiling at him. ‘I could never tell that to anyone,’ Larry said. Then as he thought about it, he added, ‘But I just told you, didn’t I, how is that possible?’

‘It’s just you getting to feel more and more relaxed with me,’ Lewis told him. ‘Massage has that effect on people.’ As his hands reached the top of his thighs, Larry remained quiet so that he could concentrate on the nice feelings. As Lewis’s hands moved over his cock, he thought it seemed around medium size. Watching Larrys face showed him how much he was enjoying it.

Reaching his belt, Lewis took hold of it and paused. Larry fixed his eyes on his hands. His heart was beating fast, and he felt nervous. But the thought of the nice feelings being repeated twice kept him silent.

After hearing nothing, Lewis undid his belt, doing it slowly to give him chance to change his mind. Then when he undid his top button Larry visibly sagged and let out a long sigh. ‘Are you ok?’ Lewis asked. ‘Yes, fine,’ he replied, ‘I had been holding my breath not believing I could do it, then I relaxed.’

Lewis moved slowly back down over his trousers. As he passed over his cock, he felt it move slightly. Larry felt it too and looked at Lewis in panic. ‘Remember to wait for the pain,’ Lewis reminded him smiling. ‘Nice things can be enjoyed. When your cock is enjoying something, it usually swells up. That is because it’s what it’s designed to do.’

Larry was now getting even lovelier sensations. Clearly Lewis thought his cock swelling up was quite normal and he wasn’t bothered. So, Larry relaxed and enjoyed it. When Lewis reached the top of his thighs and started back up, Larry had three things in his head.

First, he was excited that he was about to feel the lovely sensations again. Second was sadness that Lewis would soon be moving on up his front. Thirdly, he was wondering what ‘loosening his trousers completely,’ would involve, especially as he knew his cock had grown even more.

As Lewis’s hands passed over his cock it went straight to fully hard. The feeling it sent through Larry was ecstatic. It was so good it didn’t even occur to him that Lewis could feel that he was hard. Then when it gave a hard flex against Lewis’s hand all he could do was cry out happily.

Lewis’s hands reached his waist, slid his zip down and then moved up onto his bare stomach. Still lost it his lovely feelings Larry wasn’t even aware that his cock was now pushing his shorts up through his open zip. As Lewis moved over his stomach he asked, ‘How did you feel the first time you dreamt that you had held and fired Jeffery’s cock?’

‘Wonderful,’ Larry said without thinking, still lost in recent pleasure. Then realising what he’d said he went red again. ‘No need to feel embarrassed,’ Lewis told him, ‘Lots of teenagers have dreams like that, I know I did. How would you describe the differences between Jeffery’s cock and your own?’ Lewis asked as he moved up through his chest hairs.

Larry had given up worrying, he answered, ‘Jefferys was shorter than mine but very much thicker. Also, I’m circumcised, and he isn’t.’ ‘Very observant of you.’ Lewis told him as he reached his head and took his hands away.

‘You’re doing really great,’ Lewis told him, ‘I’m sure you must be amazed at how much at ease you are feeling. I want you to turn over in a moment so that I can go down your back again. As I do, you will have three choices. When I reach your waist, I’ll hold the back of your trousers and pause. If you say ‘Pass,’ I’ll carry on down and massage your cheeks over your trousers like before.’

‘If you don’t, I’ll massage your cheeks inside your trousers but over your shorts. If I do that, then if at any time before I take my hand out, you lift your hips up, I’ll slide your trousers down, massage your cheeks together over your shorts then I can massage all of your legs directly on the skin. I’m sure you know by now how much nicer and more relaxing that will be.’

‘But don’t forget, it’s entirely your choice. You can do none of them, just do one of them or do both of them. It’s up to you. Turn over now but don’t forget you’re hard, I’d hate you to break it.’ he said laughing.

Larry smiled, pressed his cock flat and turned over. Lewis let him settle, then massaged the back of his head. ‘Go.’ he said almost immediately. ‘Did you ever have a holiday or a sleepover with Jeffery?’ Lewis asked as he moved down onto the back of Larrys bare shoulders.

‘No, never.’ Larry said, ‘But I did have a weekend break with my cousin once.’ As he moved down his back Lewis asked, ‘Tell me how it came about and what happened?’ ‘My cousin Kenny is the same age as me and lives in Edinburgh,’ Larry told him. ‘His birthday is in the same week as mine.’

‘As we don’t get to see them very often our parents arranged a long weekend on the bank holiday in between our fourteenth birthdays. We stayed at a hotel in Carlisle because it was about the same driving distance for both of us.’

Lewis reached his waist, took hold of the back of his trousers and waited. Larry was in full flow about his weekend and kept going. ‘We all arrived on Friday lunch time. My Uncle had booked the hotel and when we got there, he collected the room keys from reception.’

Lewis had counted ten, then he slid his hand down inside his trousers over his shorts and down onto the cheek furthest away from him. As he reached his cheek, Larry was saying, ‘He handed my mum and dad... ‘ Then he screamed. But it wasn’t a scream of panic, it was one of pleasure. The feeling he was getting was nicer than anything he had ever experienced before.

As Lewis massaged his cheek then moved over and did the other one, Larry was making a constant happy noise. He was enjoying it so much that he almost forgot his next option. As Lewis slowly massaged his way out of his trousers, his fingernails were showing above the waistband before Larry remembered and lifted his hips.

He couldn’t believe he was doing it, but the massage over his shorts had been so lovely. He also felt that being able to enjoy Lewis massaging him there of all places was so amazing he should carry on whilst he felt able to. He was feeling better at this moment than he had ever felt since Albert attacked him.

As Lewis slid his trousers down, he should be screaming stop at the top of his voice as he remembered that terrible day. Yet he felt no panic, just excitement as he anticipated a repeat of the massage, but this time on both cheeks at once.

When his trousers were down round his ankles, Lewis rested both hands at once on both his cheeks. At his gentle touch Larry cried out happily. As he massaged, he cried out even more so. Lewis deliberately went very slowly and didn’t ask him to continue his answer. He too was aware what a milestone it was that Larry felt able to let him touch him in that area.

As he moved down onto his now bare thighs, Lewis told him to continue with his story. Larry took several moments to come back to earth then resumed.

‘My uncle handed my mum and dad their two keys and handed Kenny and me a key each. ‘I didn’t think you’d mind sharing a room,’ he said. ‘I asked for two single beds.’

‘I was horrified, I’d never shared a bedroom with anyone before. But I did my best to hide it. However, when we went up to our room it got even worse. There was only a double bed. Kenny didn’t seem at all bothered, so I tried to act as if I didn’t either.’

‘He must have picked something up even so, because he asked me if I was still as shy as ever. ‘Yes.’ I admitted. ‘I’ll try not to run around naked then.’ he said grinning. As I looked horrified, he laughed and said, ‘Just joking. We’ve got an ensuite, so if you want to you can get changed in the bathroom and I’ll get changed whilst you’re in there.’ I was so relieved and thanked him.’

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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