The Life of Lewis
Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas
Chapter 5: Can I Touch It
Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 5: Can I Touch It - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.
Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa mt/Fa Ma/Ma Ma/mt mt/mt Teenagers Coercion Consensual Rape Gay BiSexual Heterosexual Fiction Incest Torture Anal Sex First Massage Masturbation Oral Sex Petting Doctor/Nurse Teacher/Student
As Lewis held out his arms, Peter sat up into them and they hugged. ‘That is not to be just a nice memory,’ Lewis told him. ‘It’s to be the memory of when you started firing yourself again. The memory of when you started dreaming of making love to your girlfriend. I’ll explain more shortly, but believe me, any cock that can fire like you have just done can make a girl happy.’
Peter lifted his head up off Lewis’s shoulder and said, ‘Really?’ as they looked straight at each other. Lewis gave him a quick kiss on his lips and told him, ‘You have my word on it.’ Peters heart felt as if it was bursting. He kissed Lewis for ages and only stopped when he had to break for air.
Lewis returned to the end of the settee and Peter lay back down. Lewis resumed massaging his head and rested his other hand flat over his hairs and his worn-out cock. ‘What happened after Steve had left the bathroom?’ he asked.
‘I closed and locked the door,’ Peter said. ‘Then I washed myself and put my clean shorts on. Going back to my room I got into bed and cried myself to sleep as I remembered his ridicule and imagined a lonely life ahead.’
‘The next morning, I went down to breakfast and as often happened it was just me and Aunty Jackie. Steve hadn’t stirred yet. I was on edge wondering if he had said anything to her. But she didn’t seem any different than usual and certainly gave no indication, so I relaxed a bit.’
‘That day at school I worried that he might say something to her when he woke up. When I got home Steve was up, and as soon as I walked into the room, he just looked down between my legs and started laughing.’
‘Aunty Jackie came in before he had finished and asked what was so funny. ‘It’s just something I heard at work,’ he said giving me a wink. ‘Not suitable for a lady’s ears.’ I was so relieved.’
‘During dinner, he caught my eye a couple of times and gave a chuckle to himself. I could see Aunty Jackie was getting irritated by it. I had visions of her getting it out of him later.’
‘That night I went to bed worrying about him telling her, and also still so upset at the prospect of my lonely life ahead. I didn’t even feel like playing with myself.’
‘However, after a week it was clear that he had said nothing. Even so he looked between my legs whenever we met and gave me a wink. If Aunty Jackie wasn’t around, he’d give a short snigger.’
‘I could put up with that, I had accepted that he had seen me and there was nothing I could do to change it. But as he seemed content to keep it to himself and just laugh at me privately, I was happy enough and got used to it.’
‘The size of my cock had always worried me, and after seeing Steves and his reaction to mine, I was finally convinced I’d never have a girlfriend. Even if I had a date, I knew she would be off as soon as she realised how little it was.’
‘Anyway, life went on fairly uneventfully. Time for me to leave school was approaching and I had no qualifications. Because I was born in September, I would be three months short of seventeen by the time I could leave for good.’
‘I started thinking seriously about what I could do. Once I left school the allowance Aunty Jackie got for looking after me would drop so I would need to earn. Once I was eighteen it would stop altogether.’
‘I used to walk to school each day and a house I passed on my way was starting to be renovated. On my way home one day a man was down in a trench laying some new drains in from the road, so I stopped to watch.’
‘I knew nothing about building, but it looked interesting. Whilst I was watching, I got talking to the man working down in the trench. He seemed amiable, so I asked him about things he was doing. By the time I had been there an hour we had chatted quite a bit. I’d discovered that his name was Harry, and I’d told him mine.’
‘Then realising I was going to be late home for dinner I told him I had to go. ‘Would you mind if I watched you again tomorrow?’ I asked him. He said he didn’t mind at all and off I went.’
‘The next day we said hello like old friends, and he told me what he had done since I left the previous day and why he had done it. He seemed to be working alone, but I didn’t like to ask why.’
‘The night after was Friday. When I arrived, he wasn’t in the trench. I was disappointed and was about to walk on when he came out of the front door. ‘Hi Peter,’ he said, ‘I’m just about to have a cuppa, would you like to join me?’
‘Yes, please.’ I said and followed him in. The house was in a mess inside. We went through to the kitchen and sat at the table over a coffee. ‘I’m doing it up for myself,’ he told me, ‘I’ve been working abroad for years and am going to retire here.’
‘I asked him where he was living at the moment. ‘Here,’ he said. ‘I know it’s a mess, but there’s only me and if I’m on site I tend to work on instead of sitting watching tv.’
‘He asked about me, so I told him about mum and dad and living with Aunty Jackie and Steve. He was sympathetic. I lost my parents when I was a year younger than you, he told me, ‘And I was put in care. It wasn’t too bad, but I’m sure living with family is much better.’
‘What do you do of a weekend?’ he asked me. ‘Nothing much,’ I said, ‘I do a few chores at home and sometimes I go for a walk.’ ‘How would you like a Saturday job giving me a hand here?’ he asked. ‘I’d love it,’ I told him, ‘But I know nothing about building.’
‘You have an enquiring mind,’ he said, ‘You’d soon learn. Anyway, a lot of it is just labouring and I’d show you what to do. You could work nine to five with an hour for lunch and I’ll pay you six pounds an hour.’ ‘Yes please.’ I told him.’
‘Start tomorrow then,’ he said. ‘If your aunt and uncle want to call in and meet me, tell them they’re welcome. Or if they want me to call up and meet them I will.’ ‘I’ll tell them,’ I said, ‘But I think they’ll be happy to leave it to me.’
‘So how did it work out?’ Lewis asked. ‘It was great,’ Peter told him. ‘Harry was lovely, and I worked with him every Saturday until I left school. He didn’t just tell me what to do, he always explained why it was being done. By the time I left I had learned a lot about building as well as how to do a lot of labouring jobs on my own.’
‘Were there ever any problems between you?’ Lewis asked. Peter blushed, ‘There were no problems as such,’ he said, ‘But the second Saturday Harry had overslept. I had almost given up after knocking several times. I was just about to leave when he came to the door sleepy eyed in just shorts.’
‘Oh, hi Peter,’ he said, ‘Sorry, I overslept. Come in.’ We went into the kitchen, and he told me to make us a coffee each whilst he went and got dressed. He was slightly shorter than me but very muscular, although he did have a fair bit of fat on him too.’
‘Seeing him in shorts, even though his cock was soft I could see enough of a bulge to know it was much bigger than mine. Reasonable given his build, but it was another reminder of how small I was.’
‘When he returned and we had coffee, he told me he had always been able to work on late at night, but getting up in the morning had always been a problem. He gave me a front door key and told me that when I came on a Saturday, I was to let myself in and put the kettle on. We always started off with a coffee and a chat.’
‘If you don’t hear me around,’ he told me, ‘Shout upstairs. If you get no reply, come up and wake me, I’ll probably still be dead to the world.’ ‘So did you have to do that?’ Lewis asked. ‘Not for over a month,’ Peter told him, ‘I’d arrived, let myself in, boiled the kettle and shouted upstairs. Not a sound. So, I went upstairs calling out ‘Harry’ loudly, several times as I went.’
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