The Life of Lewis - Cover

The Life of Lewis

Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas

Chapter 4: Nothing There Worth Hiding

Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 4: Nothing There Worth Hiding - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.

Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Ma/Ma   Ma/mt   mt/mt   Teenagers   Coercion   Consensual   Rape   Gay   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Torture   Anal Sex   First   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Doctor/Nurse   Teacher/Student  

As Peter cried out in delight, Lewis moved his hand over to the middle, so it was holding his cock flat. Then he slid his hand out very slowly so that it slid all the way up the underside of it.

It throbbed happily all the time, and as his fingertips drew near to the tip Peter called out, ‘Off.’ and lifted his hips up. Lewis took hold with both hands and slid them down to his ankles. Then telling him to relax, Lewis slid them off over his feet.

Looking up at him, he saw that Peters cock, although fully hard was no longer than his own index finger and didn’t look much thicker. Peter was lying at ease watching him. ‘I knew you wouldn’t.’ he said.

‘Wouldn’t what?’ Lewis asked. ‘Laugh when you saw it,’ Peter told him, ‘You’re far too nice.’ Lewis smiled at him, ‘I’ve seen a lot of cocks in my time,’ he said. ‘Some bigger than yours and some smaller. They all have two things in common. One is that they can all do their bit to produce babies. And two that they can all make a girl happy in bed.’

‘This one wouldn’t.’ Peter said sounding miserable. ‘Was whoever told you that part of your problem?’ Lewis asked. ‘Yes.’ Peter told him. ‘Then we’ll leave it there for the moment,’ Lewis said, ‘But I can assure you that out of malice or ignorance, he lied.’

Peter couldn’t believe he was hearing that and felt excited. Even his cock gave an extra flex. ‘Your cock just said, ‘I knew it.’ Lewis told him, making him laugh again.

‘I’m going to massage from your waist down to your feet now, then back up to your head,’ Lewis told him. ‘Carry on with your story as I go down, but just relax and enjoy yourself as I go back up.’

As he rested his hands on Peters waist, his cock waved about. Whilst Lewis’s hands moved down through his hairs and all over his cock, Peter couldn’t speak. Then as he moved down onto his thighs, he managed to resume speaking.

‘Aunty Jackie said, ‘It took a great effort on my part not to tell him to stop that night,’ she told me. ‘Instead, I told him I’d like that too and suggested perhaps we could try it the next time we went out together. He said he would be back from a delivery abroad in four days’ time, so I invited him to come to me for dinner.’

‘Four days later we had a lovely meal, and he stopped the night. It was so nice to have someone to hold in bed once more. The next morning over breakfast we discussed what we should do. Steve was away driving at least three nights out of seven, so we decided he would move in with me for a month and see how we got on.’

As Lewis’s hands reached his feet, he stopped speaking, gave a happy sigh and closed his eyes ready for what he knew would be the most enjoyable experience of his life so far.

As Lewis’s hands moved slowly up his legs, Peters excitement grew. His cock already felt as if it might burst. Once past his knees he drew them up and apart.

Massaging the inside of his thighs Lewis could see his tiny balls hanging in a tiny sack below his cock. As his hands reached them and stroked them gently Peter let out such a scream of delight.

Then as Lewis’s hands moved up and ran his fingers up and down his groins, then through his hairs, his noises increased. But once Lewis took hold of his cock and held it, then gave it a couple of gentle strokes Peter was almost sick as he screamed with so much ecstasy.

As Lewis’s hands moved on up over his stomach he calmed down and by the time Lewis reached his head, he was relaxed again. Although his cock was still standing up very hard and waving.

Lewis held his arms out and Peter sat up into them. As he settled into him Peter felt so happy. As Lewis stroked the back of his head and his back, such lovely feelings were flowing through him. ‘In a few moments,’ Lewis said into his ear, ‘We will change positions slightly.’

‘Then you can finish your story and tell me all about your problem.’ Peter knew for certain by now that he would feel able to do so. He was convinced that Lewis would sort it all out for him too. What effect that would have on his future life he had no idea, but he felt certain it could only be an improvement.’

Lewis moved back from him and told him to stay sitting up. After moving to the end of the settee, Lewis told him to lie down and put his head on his lap. As he settled happily in place, Lewis rested one hand on his head and massaged it very, very, slowly and gently.

His other hand he rested at the bottom of his abdomen. His thumb was in Peters hairs, his forefinger immediately behind his cock and his other three fingers cupped down at the ends and resting lightly on his balls. A lovely shiver went through Peter.

He glanced down and saw his cock standing up between Lewis’s thumb and forefinger. That made it flex. Doing so it knocked against Lewis’s fingers which remained still. But the contact sent even more lovely sensations through him.

‘Carry on where you left off.’ Lewis instructed. ‘Aunty Jackie told me that Steve went off to bring some of his stuff over from his place.’ Peter said. ‘I decided I would ring your dad and tell him about Steve,’ she told me. ‘I didn’t expect he would be overjoyed, but I felt I should be the one to tell him. Especially as it was his brother I had been married to.’

‘I will not discuss the conversation that followed, but enough to say he didn’t approve and told me so in no uncertain terms. When I hung up, I considered I had not only lost Jason, but I’d now lost my relatives too. I had a good cry.’

‘But I decided it wasn’t my fault I had been left on my own,’ she told me, ‘I didn’t see why my loving Jason should mean I had to suffer loneliness for the rest of my life, just to please his family. So, I eventually dried my eyes and got on with my life.’

‘A month later I had a call from your mum whilst your dad was at work. She clearly still didn’t approve but was trying to heal the rift. She invited me to come over for Sunday lunch the next weekend. I thanked her and said, ‘It’ll be nice to see you and have you meet Steve.’

‘There was a short silence, then she said that your dad had told her there was no way he would have him in the house. I don’t really feel I could meet him just yet either,’ she told me. ‘But if you come on your own it’ll be ok.’

‘I was tempted, but I saw it as them trying to take control of my life. I said I was sorry, but Steve and I were now a couple. Anywhere he wasn’t welcome, I considered myself unwelcome too.’ Your mum and dad were always very close,’ she told me, ‘I felt sure that in similar circumstances either of them would have said the same as I did. Anyway, we said goodbye amicably enough, but we never spoke again.’

‘It doesn’t matter who was right or wrong if anyone,’ she said. ‘It is just something that happened and now you have been thrown into the adult world I thought you should know. I suggest we just accept it and forget it happened.’

‘How did you take it?’ Lewis asked. ‘I knew how well Aunty Jackie, Uncle Jason and mum and dad had got on together,’ Peter said. ‘I thought it was so sad, especially as they could no longer make it up. But I agreed with her, it was best forgotten.’

‘But I did feel very grown up about her telling me, and what she was telling me about her and Steve. I knew my mum and dad had been very happy together and knowing how I have felt about being alone since, I can understand even better now how she felt.’

‘I got up and went over to her and gave her a hug and a kiss. ‘Thank you for telling me.’ I told her. ‘Anyway,’ she continued, ‘Steve duly moved in, and life was good again. After a month he moved in permanently and for the last three years we’ve been happy.

‘I’m glad you found someone,’ I told her. ‘We chatted some more then went to bed.’ ‘What happened after that?’ Lewis asked. ‘Two days later everything was done. We packed all my stuff into Aunty Jackies car and left my keys with the neighbour as I said goodbye. Then we set off up here.’

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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