The Life of Lewis - Cover

The Life of Lewis

Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas

Chapter 2: Onto His Bare Skin

Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 2: Onto His Bare Skin - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.

Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Ma/Ma   Ma/mt   mt/mt   Teenagers   Coercion   Consensual   Rape   Gay   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Torture   Anal Sex   First   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Doctor/Nurse   Teacher/Student  

‘You’re doing fine,’ Lewis told him, ‘I’m going to massage down your front now just the same. Say go when you’re ready.’ He put his hands on the front of Peters head and massaged his hair gently. Peter lay there enjoying it. He hadn’t had any close contact with anyone for years, certainly not contact as nice as this was turning out to be.

When he eventually said ‘Go’ it was as much wanting the massage to spread as it was to progress. As Lewis moved down onto his shoulders, he could feel how small they were. But they seemed to be firm with muscle rather than any fat. ‘Carry on with your story.’ he instructed.

‘She asked me about close relatives. Although I considered I could look after myself perfectly well, she said that as I was only fifteen, I would need to go and live with someone older. ‘I told her that I felt sure that the aunt we were going to visit would be too old to take me on.’

‘I haven’t got any other relatives that I know of,’ I told her. Then I added, ‘Oh, I do have an aunt who lives in the Merseyside Cheshire area.’ I told her.’ She’s my dad’s brother’s wife. She used to visit us quite a lot, but we haven’t seen her for the last three years.’

‘I didn’t think about it at the time, but mum and dad had always steered the subject away whenever I asked about Aunty Jackie. I suppose I just got into the habit of not mentioning her without thinking about it.’

Lewis had massaged over his very flat but firm feeling stomach and moved up onto the front of his trousers. Peter had been enjoying the massage on his front without giving any thought to where it was heading. But feeling Lewis’s hands move onto the front of his trousers, he cried out, ‘No, please stop.’ and grabbed hold of Lewis’s wrist as he sat up.

Once sitting up, he immediately let go of Lewis’s wrist and apologised. ‘I’m so sorry,’ he said, ‘I panicked. Did I hurt you?’ His grip on his wrist had felt far more powerful than his build would suggest. Lewis had been surprised at its strength.

‘No need to apologise,’ Lewis told him, ‘Clearly that brought back bad memories. Come here,’ he said putting his arms out. Peter went into them happily. Partly because he felt that offering him a hug meant Lewis had forgiven him for his outburst, and partly because he had so enjoyed his earlier hug.’

‘I know your reaction was due to a bad memory from the past,’ Lewis told him, ‘Not because you thought I was going to hurt you. I understand perfectly. Most people’s problems involve sex.’ Lewis told him speaking quietly into his ear.

‘Your reaction suggests that yours does too. That means to solve it we need to talk about very intimate things. Am I right in thinking that you find the subject of sex embarrassing?’ ‘Yes, very.’ Peter admitted. ‘When we had a sex lesson at the beginning of secondary school. I wanted the floor to open and swallow me up I felt so embarrassed.’

‘So, I presume you didn’t learn much?’ Lewis asked. ‘No, I picked up a couple of bits, but I didn’t dare ask any questions. Especially as all the other boys seemed to know it all already.’ ‘I very much doubt that,’ Lewis told him.

‘Most of them would have known almost as little as you did. But they were putting on a show to impress the other lads.’ ‘Really?’ Peter said. Then he added, ‘Thinking about it now, you’re probably right. But back then I was so shy and naïve. I haven’t improved a lot even now.’ he added sounding miserable.

‘So, do you think your lack of knowledge about sex has been part of the reason why you are still single?’ Lewis asked. ‘It probably hasn’t helped.’ Peter told him. ‘Well, when we’ve sorted your problem out, I’ll teach you what you need to know. Then you’ll know more than probably seventy five percent of the boys you were at school with know, even today.’

Peter was surprised, but he liked the sound of that. He felt sure that Lewis’s lesson would be understandable. He also felt sure that Lewis wouldn’t laugh at him if he asked any silly questions. Lewis had a good idea what he was thinking. ‘If I teach you properly,’ he told him, ‘You shouldn’t need to ask any questions.’

As Peter lay back down, his look of surprise confirmed that that had been what he had been thinking. ‘Now,’ Lewis told him as he massaged the front of his head, ‘We need to press on and get you more relaxed. When you say ‘Go’ I’ll start down again. As I get near to your waist, remind yourself that I am not going to hurt you.’

‘But if you need to stop, it’s fine. Just call out ‘Stop’ and I’ll return my hands to your head immediately. Then I’ll wait for you to say go before we try again. Remember we move on at your speed not mine. It doesn’t matter how long it takes.’

Peter enjoyed the massage once more, then said ‘Go.’ As Lewis massaged the front of his shoulders, he asked, ‘Can you continue with your story?’

Peter said, ‘I gave her my aunts name and the few bits I could remember about her address. ‘We’ll be keeping you in for a few days because of your concussion,’ she told me. ‘It doesn’t look as if it’s going to give you any problem, but it’s standard procedure just in case.’

Peter enjoyed the massage over his chest, as he had done last time. He wanted to stay relaxed, but he didn’t think he could. As Lewis massaged his stomach he said, ‘I didn’t mind about being kept in, the thought of going home to a permanently empty house seemed terrible.’

‘She told me that someone from social services would come and talk to me soon. If there was no one else, they would help me sort out the funeral. That thought made me burst into tears again. She held me close again, she was so caring, just like my mum had been.’

As Lewis had reached his waist, he massaged his stomach back and fore a few times across immediately above his belt. Then he moved up and massaged over Peters belt and about an inch of trousers below his belt.

‘When did social services arrive?’ Lewis asked as he moved his hand a few inches down, but still kept going from side to side. ‘It wasn’t until twenty-four hours later that a gentleman arrived and introduced himself as being from social services,’ Peter told him. As he remembered it his mind was concentrated on how he had felt at the time.

‘He told me how sorry he was about what had happened. He said that the lorry driver had been arrested for exceeding his driving hours and dozing off at the wheel. As he said, ‘wheel,’ he felt a lovely sensation pass through him.

Peter didn’t seem to have noticed at first, then he had gone quiet and was staring at where Lewis’s hand was, although he remained apparently relaxed. As he looked down and saw Lewis’s hands massaging over his cock he called out, ‘Stop’ in a panic.

Lewis moved his hands back to his head immediately. ‘Think about why you said stop,’ Lewis told him. ‘It wasn’t because you felt any pain, it was only because you saw where my hands were and associated them with past events.’

‘Next time I go down, when I reach your waist, stop talking and watch my hands. Tell yourself, ‘I’m not going to say stop unless something hurts me.’ Don’t worry if you don’t succeed, just try it, ok?’ ‘Ok.’ Peter agreed.

Lewis just carried on massaging his head and soon Peter said ‘Go’ once more. As Lewis massaged his chest again, Peter was realising how much he was enjoying the massage. ‘The man from social services said he’d been in touch with my aunt.’ he told Lewis.

‘He said that she was going to come in and see me the next day. He said he would return the following day and see what if anything had been decided.’ ‘What if I can’t go to her?’ I asked. ‘You would have to go into the care of the local authority.’ he told me.

‘Watch now,’ Lewis instructed. He had reached his waist, so Peter watched as his hands moved from side to side instead of down. Now he was concentrating on what was happening, he felt more at ease.

Especially when he thought about the nice feeling that had gone through him earlier. He was also feeling even more relaxed with Lewis, having experienced how quickly he took his hands away when he had called ‘Stop.’

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