The Life of Lewis - Cover

The Life of Lewis

Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas

Chapter 5: She Felt No Fear

Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 5: She Felt No Fear - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.

Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Ma/Ma   Ma/mt   mt/mt   Teenagers   Coercion   Consensual   Rape   Gay   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Torture   Anal Sex   First   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Doctor/Nurse   Teacher/Student  

‘I vaguely remembered hearing something in a first aid lesson about unconscious people choking on their own vomit if left on their back, so I very cautiously went over to him and kicked his shoulder. He didn’t move so I went to one side of him and with a struggle I heaved him onto his side.’

‘Getting him into the threequarters prone position then was easy. As I moved his leg I glanced at his cock. It had gone soft but still looked very big. But the bag his balls were in looked enormous. I was sure it hadn’t looked anywhere near that size earlier.’

‘Satisfied he wouldn’t choke, I dashed downstairs and out of the front door, leaving it open and on the catch. We had come in Mark’s car, so I walked away. As I walked, I dialled nine, nine, nine, and asked for the police.

‘I explained what had happened and what I’d done. ‘He was unconscious when I left,’ I told them, ‘So I think he’ll need an ambulance.’ I gave them the address of the house. When they asked, I told them where I was then. ‘Stay there,’ they said, ‘We’ll send a WPC to pick you up and get a statement.’

‘It seemed an eternity, but it was only six minutes before she arrived. Once I was sitting in the car with her, I felt so safe, then I burst into tears.’ ‘That was relief.’ Danny told her. ‘She took me to the police station,’ Clair continued, ‘Where I made a statement. When I described what I’d done, she didn’t say anything, but she was clearly struggling not to laugh.’

‘After I’d signed my statement, she took me up to the canteen for a drink. She told me a police car had gone to the house and found him exactly as I’d said, still unconscious. The ambulance had arrived and said that his scrotum had stretched to about ten times its usual size.’

‘There was a lot of fluid on the carpet by his mouth. The ambulance man said that if he hadn’t been in the position he was in, he would probably have choked to death.’

‘What happened next?’ Danny asked.

‘The WPC dropped me off at the office. I went in and told Lynne the older lady what had happened. I just said he’d tried to rape me, so I’d kicked him in the balls then rang the police, I didn’t go into detail.’

‘After asking if I was ok, she said she had better ring head office and tell them.’ ‘He’s in hospital at the moment,’ I said. ‘Will you tell them I’ll be sending my notice in too, because I couldn’t stay here now.’ By then it was knocking off time anyway, so I went home.’

‘I couldn’t get to sleep that night thinking about what might have happened. Not just the rape, but what if I’d missed his balls and he had got angry and retaliated. I kept shivering at the thought of both of them. Anyway, I must have dropped off eventually, because I woke up at the usual time when the alarm went off.’

‘Did you go into work?’ Danny asked. ‘Yes, I decided I wasn’t going to let him ruin my life. Anyway, he wouldn’t be there. Lynne was obviously pleased to see me and gave me a hug.’ ‘How are you?’ she asked. ‘I told her I hadn’t slept too well but otherwise I was fine.’

‘During the day I had a phone call from the WPC. ‘We’ve just heard from the hospital,’ she told me. ‘Marks balls were so badly damaged they had to be removed. The surgeon said that if you had left him where he was and not rung the police, his scrotum could well have burst. Then he would have bled to death.’

‘What happens now?’ I asked her. ‘He’s being kept in hospital for another twenty-four hours. Then as soon as he is released, we will arrest him and take him to the station to make a statement. She warned me that proving rape was always difficult and there was no guarantee that he would be charged. Also, even if he went to court, he could be released on bail pending a trial.’

‘The next day was Friday. I was due two weeks holiday, so I faxed my resignation to head office and suggested I took the second weeks holiday as my notice. That was quickly agreed.’

‘Friday evening, I had another call from the WPC. She told me they had arrested Mark at the hospital and taken him to the station. He had made a statement claiming I had begged him to have sex with him, and then assaulted him. I’d already told them in my statement that he had threatened that he’d do that if I reported him.’

‘He’s been released on police bail pending further investigations,’ she told me. ‘One of its conditions is that he makes no attempt to contact you. He’d be daft to do so, but it’s best to keep a careful eye out anyway and dial nine, nine, nine, immediately if you see him.’ I thanked her for the warning.’

‘I rang Lynne to tell her. She was panicking then at the thought of him returning to work, so she contacted head office. ‘We’ll send a temporary assistant to replace Clair,’ they told her. ‘We can’t sack Mark until he either admits it or is found guilty.’

‘Mid-week the WPC contacted me again. ‘I’m sorry,’ she told me, but as there is no evidence to prove he either tried or intended to rape you, the CPS (Crown Prosecution Service) have decided not to charge him. If it’s any consolation,’ she said, ‘I believe you completely.’

‘Added to which he refuses to charge you with assault, so that in itself is suspicious. The general feeling here is that he’s frightened of you having a say in court. Anyway, we’ll be keeping a close eye on him from now on. Give me a ring if there’s anything I can do.’

‘I was glad I’d left my job. So, I went into the city and looked at vacancies in some of the bigger estate agencies. By the end of the day, I had a new job. Travel each day was a little longer but that was acceptable. I was ok.’

‘During the week, I spoke to Lynne. She told me that Mark had returned to work, but they now had another man Lynnes age from head office. ‘The first morning,’ she told me, ‘The new man from head office called the three of us together and said it was a difficult situation.’

‘But for now,’ he told Mark, ‘You will not go closer to Lynne than a metre. Any job outside the office, either I will be with you, or Lynne and I will do it. Let me impress on you that any breach of those conditions will result in your instant dismissal.’

‘She made it all up.’ was all that Mark said. Apparently, he made no mention about his balls, although they both noticed he seemed to have difficulty standing up or sitting down.’

‘I was liking my new job and was already making new friends. I had given as my reason for moving that I wanted a more challenging job than I was getting with a small local agency.’

‘Either Lynne or I rang each other every few days. Lynne told me that Mark seemed quite subdued and only spoke when he had to. ‘He’s been very polite and seems to be observing the restrictions,’ she told me. ‘But I’m still uncomfortable if I’m in the office alone with him. Although it’s only usually for ten minutes or less.’

‘Then on the Friday I had a call from Lynne during working hours which was unusual. ‘I thought you’d want to know right away,’ she said, ‘The police arrived half an hour ago, arrested Mark, put him in handcuffs and took him away.’

‘The policeman arresting him told him he was being arrested for rape and there would be multiple charges. That’s all I know. The policeman wouldn’t tell us anything else. But he did say not to expect to see him back again.’ I thanked her for letting me know and promised to let her know if I heard anything.’

‘That evening, I had a call from the WPC who had dealt with me. ‘When someone is arrested,’ she told me, ‘We take a sample of their DNA. In the case of a crime like rape we immediately have it compared with other cases on the police computer. It can take several days, especially when, like this one, it’s only done just in case.’

‘This morning, we got notification that Marks DNA matched three rapes that had taken place in this area over the past two years. They had all been in quiet areas, at night, and the rapist had worn a mask.’

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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