The Life of Lewis - Cover

The Life of Lewis

Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas

Chapter 1: People You Can Trust

Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 1: People You Can Trust - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.

Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Ma/Ma   Ma/mt   mt/mt   Teenagers   Coercion   Consensual   Rape   Gay   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Torture   Anal Sex   First   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Doctor/Nurse   Teacher/Student  

‘That feels lovely,’ Clair called out sounding very surprised. ‘You’re the first man who has ever touched me in a nice manner since the last hug my dad gave me when I was eighteen.’

As Danny moved on down her back he said, ‘That suggests you have been touched in a manner that was not nice, but we won’t go there just yet. ‘When was the last time anyone saw you dressed as you are now?’ he asked as he carried on down.

Clair had to think for a moment, then she said, ‘When I was seventeen, in the week after I left school. I went on holiday with my school pal. We shared a room, so she saw me then because I slept in similar things.’

‘What about when you are relaxing here, and someone comes to the door?’ he asked as he moved up onto her shorts and massaged her cheeks. She tensed up at his touch but said nothing. Then as he moved down onto the back of her bare thighs she relaxed enough to answer.

‘It doesn’t happen often,’ she said, ‘And when it does, it’s usually a delivery. I just put a housecoat on first before I go to the door.’ ‘When you were on holiday with your school pal?’ Danny asked as he moved down the back of her legs, ‘How did you feel about her seeing you as you are now?’ ‘It didn’t bother me back then,’ she said, ‘We’d seen each other like that many times over the years, even naked occasionally.’

Moving back up her legs Danny asked, ‘So when did you first start to feel shy about anyone seeing your body as you are now?’ ‘A short while after my mum died and... ‘ she started to say then stopped and said, ‘Pass.’

Moving up her thighs Danny asked, ‘Why do you think you were able to dress this way for me today?’ As he massaged over her cheeks there was no reaction this time. ‘I don’t really know,’ she told him, ‘But I think I’ve felt safe with you since our first meeting.’

‘Thank you,’ Danny said as he moved up her back. ‘Did you just have one job between school and the police?’ ‘No, two,’ she told him. ‘I went to a small local estate agents in my village from school, then after two years I moved to a bigger one in town.’

‘Was the move made because of your problem?’ Danny asked as he moved back onto her head. ‘Yes,’ she said sounding sad. Danny took his hands away and told her to turn over. ‘How are you finding it?’ he asked as she settled on her back.

‘I was terrified at the idea of being touched when you mentioned massage.’ she told him, ‘But it’s actually very nice, I’ve never had one before.’ ‘It’s a very successful way of getting people feeling at ease with me.’ Danny told her.

‘I’m going to go down your front now, exactly the same.’ He massaged the front of her head. Clair was enjoying his touch and took some time to remember she had to say go. As soon as she did, Danny moved down onto the front of her shoulders as he asked, ‘How did you get on with the boys at school?’ then Clair suddenly realised his massage would pass over her breasts.

As she tried to decide how to react and answer the question, Dannys hands had moved down onto the top of them. She opened her mouth to say stop, but the feeling that was rolling through her was so nice she closed her mouth.

She lay there enjoying it until his hands moved off her breasts onto her stomach. ‘I didn’t,’ she said at last, ‘It was an all-girls school.’ Then she added, ‘I can’t believe I let you do that. But even more I can’t believe how much I enjoyed it.’

‘How did you get on with the girls at school?’ Danny continued. ‘Quite well,’ she said, ‘I played a few sports, and I don’t think I ever fell out with anyone. But I was a bit of a loner and apart from my best friend Ginene, I didn’t mix much in or out of school.’

As she finished answering she realised that Dannys hands were now on the bare front of her thighs. She couldn’t believe that he had massaged over the front of her shorts without her realising. ‘Mind you,’ she thought, ‘There was that lovely sensation that went through me, I’ll have to make sure I’m more alert when he comes back up and check.’

As he moved down her legs Danny asked, ‘Was it Ginene you went on holiday with?’ ‘Yes,’ Clair told him, ‘Mum and dad asked me if there was anywhere that I’d like to go for a holiday to celebrate leaving school. I told them I’d always fancied visiting London. They said they’d pay for me to go, as long as I took someone with me for company. So, I asked Ginene, and we went for a week.’

As Danny reached her knees on the way back up, he said, ‘You can tell me more about that soon. Particularly the special bits.’ As he moved up the front of her thighs, Clair was wondering what he was referring to. He can’t possibly know everything we did.’ she thought. She was so deep into her thoughts about that that it wasn’t until such a lovely sensation rolled through her she tore herself back to the present and looked at Dannys hands.

He was moving up the front of her shorts and massaging directly over the very top of her hairs. When she thought of what he must have massaged over to reach that point she was amazed. That she hadn’t reacted in a panic or even realised it was happening was unbelievable.

‘Did Ginene have any boyfriends?’ Danny asked. With eyes now glued onto his hands as they moved up onto her T shirt, Clair told him, ‘Not back then. She moved down south with her job just after my mum died. We still keep in touch occasionally. She met a boy at work about six months later and last time we spoke they had moved in together. She seemed very happy.’

As his hands reached the bottom of her breasts, a new sensation rolled through her. Different, but just as nice as the other one. She watched as his hands moved slowly up and the sensation got even better. ‘What have I been missing?’ she was thinking to herself. ‘How did you feel about that?’ Danny asked.

‘I was pleased for her,’ Clair said, ‘But I have to admit I was a tad jealous too.’ ‘Have you ever discussed what happened to you with Ginene?’ Danny asked as he reached her shoulders and Clair looked disappointed. ‘No.’ she told him as he moved back onto her head and massaged it.

‘Can you tell me why?’ Danny asked as he took his hands away. ‘I’d be too embarrassed even with her.’ Clair admitted. ‘Despite your holiday together?’ Danny asked with a grin. ‘What do you mean?’ Clair said going slightly red. ‘We’ll come back to that, lets press on for now.’ Danny said.

‘You’re doing really well.’ he told her. ‘In a moment. I want you to turn over so I can go down your back again. With more questions of course which will get even more personal. You’ve felt how much the massage is relaxing you which is essential if you are going to feel able to tell me everything.’

‘So, before you turn over, I want you to consider taking your T shirt off. Then I can massage your back directly on your skin. I’m sure you know how much nicer that would feel, and it would relax you even more.’

‘Like everything we do here, there is no pressure. You have to be happy with what you do. If you can’t do it yet, don’t worry, we’ll carry on as you are. Turn over when you’re ready. Whilst you make up your mind, is it ok if I pop to your toilet. He got up as Clair said, ‘Yes.’ and went.’

Clair lay there, her heart beating fast. She had loved the sensations the massage had given her, and she had felt how much nicer the massage on her bare arms and legs had been. But could she take her T shirt off. Only one man had ever seen her that uncovered and that had been a disaster.’

But if she was going to get herself back to normal, she knew Danny was probably her only hope. She had never felt so safe with anyone as she did with him, so she sat up, pulled her T shirt off, threw it aside and lay down.

Turning over onto her front, she hadn’t long settled in place when Danny returned. ‘I know that was hard for you,’ he said as he sat down at her side, ‘But the fact you were able to do it, means success is even more likely.’

‘I’m going to go down your back again just the same,’ Danny told her. ‘Just try and relax and enjoy it, then you will find the answers to my questions just roll out easily.’

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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