The Life of Lewis
Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas
Chapter 5: Is A WPC Ok
Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 5: Is A WPC Ok - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.
Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa mt/Fa Ma/Ma Ma/mt mt/mt Teenagers Coercion Consensual Rape Gay BiSexual Heterosexual Fiction Incest Torture Anal Sex First Massage Masturbation Oral Sex Petting Doctor/Nurse Teacher/Student
The previous week, Lewis had received an invitation for him and Ella to attend the local gardening centre for the opening by the Mayor of an exciting new maze designed to encourage children into gardening.
When he showed it to Ella she said, ‘I guess you have helped someone involved in this somewhere along the line?’ Lewis said, ‘Just a tiny bit, perhaps.’
When they arrived at the garden centre at half past ten the following Wednesday, there was a small platform in front of the boys shed. In a semicircle in front of the platform were three rows of chairs. Behind the chairs was a roped off area for the general public to stand. There was a ribbon across the entrance to the maze.
When they arrived, they showed their invite and were given a souvenir booklet with their seat number on. The booklet explained that when the Mayor arrived, he would be introduced to a few people, then the centre manager would explain how the maze works and how it came about. Then the Mayor would open the maze, and he plus a few guests would have a look round. After which it would be open to everyone.
As they approached the entrance to the roped off area, they found Peter looking very smart in new garden centre overalls on guard. As soon as he saw Lewis his face lit up and he gave him a hug. Lewis introduced him to Ella who gave him a hug and a kiss.
‘What numbers are on your brochures?’ he asked. ‘Five.’ Lewis said, ‘Six.’ Ella told him. ‘Come this way please.’ Peter said and led them to their seats on the front row. ‘See you later.’ he said as they sat down. Ella looked at Lewis, and said sceptically, ‘Just a tiny bit?’ he grinned.
Everywhere was filling up, soon a couple came and sat next to Ella. ‘Good afternoon, Lewis.’ came a male voice. He glanced over then stood up, ‘Hello Headmaster,’ he said shaking his hand. He was introduced to his wife then Ella was introduced to them both.
Before long the Mayor arrived. They saw a couple greeting him as he got out of the car. He was followed by the Mayoress, then May. ‘That’s Charles the manager and I presume his wife,’ Lewis whispered to Ella.
Charles’s wife and May headed over to seats on the platform. Charles led the Mayor and Mayoress along the front row, introducing everyone. When he came to Lewis, Charles started to say, ‘This is Lewis he... ‘ ‘Thank you Lewis,’ the Mayor interrupted as he shook his hand, ‘I’m enjoying my extra turn of office.’
Then he shook hands with Ella and whispered something to her. ‘Yes, I know.’ she said smiling. The Mayoress shook hands with Lewis and Ella heard her whisper, ‘An extra Royal Garden Party, thank you.’ then to Ella she just said hello, but gave her a lovely smile. When they reached the end of the line, they went up onto the platform.
Charles called for attention and welcomed the Mayor and Mayoress. Then he explained about the school trips and how one boy returned that evening and asked about a job. I didn’t have one, but I admired his initiative. So, I showed him this overgrown plot of land and told him if he could design something to go on it that I liked, that would encourage children into gardening, I’d give him a job helping to build it.’
‘The maze is what he came up with. As you will see when you look around it, it is an amazing concept which I am sure will encourage many children into taking an interest in gardening.’
‘At this point I’d like to introduce you to the designer himself, Lester.’ he called. Lester appeared from the side, also in a smart new garden centre overall. He got up on the platform to great applause. Charles shook his hand and introduced him to the Mayor and Mayoress. Then to his wife. Lester sat down by May.
‘Lester will be in the maze later,’ Charles said, ‘If you have any questions please ask him. Now it is my great pleasure to ask His Worship the Mayor and the Mayoress to open the maze.’
The Mayor stood up and said, ‘I’m sure you don’t want to hear a lot from me, but I must say how good it is to see local schools working with local businesses. The link between education and work is an essential one. Lesters headmaster is here today too and without his foresight, this maze would not be here now.’
‘I haven’t seen around it yet, but I’m eager to inspect it. I am sure you all are too. So, congratulations young Lester on your achievement. I will now ask the Mayoress to help me open it.’
They moved down to the entrance. The Mayor held up the tape as May handed the Mayoress a pair of scissors. ‘It gives me great pleasure,’ he said, ‘To declare this maze open.’
As he said, ‘maze’ the Mayoress cut the tape and at the start of saying open, the mayor let go of the tape so that both ends dropped to the floor almost together. To a round of applause, the Mayor turned towards Lester and said, ‘Young man, will you please guide us around.’
To more applause, Lester looking very red, went over and led them in. Peter came over and asked the front row to make their way in behind them. Another two employees had appeared, one at the entrance and one at the exit.
The one at the entrance counted how many went in and as soon as the maximum number was reached, he stopped any more until he saw some come out of the exit. The one at the exit was making sure no one went back in and at the same time was handing out a sheet of six five-pound vouchers, one for each of the next six months.
The maze was fascinating and very well planned. When the Mayor reached the exit with Lester, he shook his hand. ‘That was an amazing idea,’ he told him, ‘It’s a great credit to you.’
Charles and his wife took the Mayor and Mayoress over to a marquee where drinks and snacks were being served. As the people came out who had been in the seating area, they were reminded that they could go into the marquee too.
Lester went back into the maze and found his mum and dad, then after showing them round they went over to the marquee. Lester spotted Lewis and took them over to meet him. After introductions Peter and his aunt appeared. ‘Charles said that as I’d helped Lester so much, I should be in here too.’ he told them.
The Mayor and Mayoress came over and chatted to the group. The Mayor told Lesters mum and dad they had a son to be proud off. As they moved on to circulate May joined them. Lewis introduced her to everyone. ‘Thanks for getting him here.’ he said quietly when there was just himself, May and Ella in hearing distance. ‘My pleasure.’ she said.
That evening for dinner at Ellas there was her mum and dad, Reg and Julie. her sister and her boyfriend, Gemma and Rupert. Uncle Ernie and Susan, plus herself and Lewis.
Over dinner Ella regaled them with their day and how amazing the maze was. ‘Dare we ask how you came to be invited?’ Ernie asked grinning. ‘I just happened to know several people involved.’ he said. Ella made a noise that sounded like a snort.
‘If there’s one thing I’ve learned about you,’ Ella said laughing, ‘It’s that you never ‘Just happen’ to be anywhere or do anything.’ She looked at the rest of the table. ‘The first member of staff we met gave him a hug,’ she told them.
‘We were seated in the celebrity’s front row next to our headmaster no less, who treated Lewis like an old pal and didn’t seem at all surprised that we weren’t at school. The manager of the centre was cut off mid introduction by the Mayor, who thanked Lewis for his extra term of office.’
‘When he was introduced to me, the Mayor whispered in my ear, ‘You’re never going to have a dull moment with him.’ Everyone round the table laughed at that. ‘The Mayoress came next and thanked him because she is going to the Royal Garden Party twice.’ Lewis had to explain at that point that every Mayor and Mayoress is invited to a Royal Garden Party during their one-year term of office.
‘Then in the marquee,’ Ella continued, ‘The lad who designed the maze came in with his parents. He didn’t introduce them to the Mayor, he came to Lewis, gave him a hug and introduced his parents to him. And to top it all, I heard Lewis thanking the Mayor’s secretary for getting the Mayor to do the opening. It seemed clear to me that she had arranged it at Lewis’s request.’
‘I’ve said it before,’ Julie told them, ‘Lewis is an enigma.’ She smiled at him, ‘But a very nice enigma and one I’m sure we all love dearly.’ ‘You’ll have me in tears in a moment.’ Lewis said. But he had a lovely warm feeling inside, nevertheless.
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