The Life of Lewis
Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas
Chapter 5: Every Cloud Has A Silver Lining
Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 5: Every Cloud Has A Silver Lining - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.
Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa mt/Fa Ma/Ma Ma/mt mt/mt Teenagers Coercion Consensual Rape Gay BiSexual Heterosexual Fiction Incest Torture Anal Sex First Massage Masturbation Oral Sex Petting Doctor/Nurse Teacher/Student
As Cliff cried out happily, Lewis explained that once her vagina had released his cock, he could then go as fast as he liked until he fired.
As he described doing that, he had started stroking Cliffs cock even faster. Seconds later Cliff screamed out in ecstasy as he shot two very small jets of cum. It felt even better to him than usual, because he was so excited about what he had been hearing.
As it landed on his chest, Lewis just held his cock gently as it very quickly shrank. Then he laid it down on his hairs whilst he finished off with instructions on setting an alarm, safely removing his cock complete with condom from a vagina and how to give her an orgasm by hand if he failed to get his timing right.
Then he mopped the cum off Cliffs chest with some tissue and sent him off to the bathroom to have a wash. When he returned, he came straight back to Lewis’s knee. ‘That was amazing,’ he told him, ‘And nothing like my dreams.’ Then a second later he added, ‘Used to be.’ as he gave Lewis a grin.
‘Because I didn’t feel embarrassed with you, I was able to listen and take it all in.’ Cliff told him. ‘I can’t think of anything I need to ask a question about, but it’s good knowing that if I had needed to, I would have felt able to do so.’
‘You’re probably the only boy in your year at school that knows all that.’ Lewis told him. ‘You’re bound to find at least one girlfriend who decides she doesn’t want to spend the rest of her life with you and moves on. But if that happens, you can be sure that unlike many others, it’s not because of your lovemaking.’
They had a hug, and a kiss, then got dressed. At the shop door, Lewis shook his hand. ‘I’ve met a few brave people in my life so far,’ Lewis told him. ‘I’m proud to think that you are one of them. Go and enjoy the rest of your life now, I’m sure you’ll cope with whatever it throws at you.’
Cliff gave him a hug and thanked him again before walking away.
Danny and Lorraine were coming towards the end of their first year at university. They had learned a lot, been to postmortems, and watched operations in theatre. On the downside they’d emptied a few bed pans and washed the bodies of tramps in casualty. But overall, they had thoroughly enjoyed themselves.
They had made some good friends amongst fellow students and had even become friends with some of the tutors who had recognised their potential. A few had invited them to their homes for dinner occasionally, so they had met their partners and their families too.
Tonight was one such occasion. One of their tutors was forty today and was having a birthday dinner at home. There was him and his wife, their twenty-year-old son and his girlfriend who were both nurses, The Dean of the university and his wife, The local GP and his wife, another tutor and his wife who was also a tutor, plus Danny and Lorraine.
He’d made it a formal seven course meal, so Danny was in his dinner suit and Lorraine had had a new dress for the occasion. Having brought in outside caterers, the tutor and his wife were able to spend all their time with their guests. The wine glasses were small because a different wine would be served with each course. Naturally a lot of the talk around the table was medical.
After a long and very enjoyable meal, they had coffee at the table then had gone into the lounge for liqueurs. Few of them sat down, having been at the table for hours. Most people circulated and stood chatting.
The tutor’s son Gideon, and his girlfriend Vivien, ended up chatting to Danny and Lorraine, no doubt drawn together by their similar ages. They got on well and apart from a few others joining them briefly, they spent the rest of the evening as a foursome telling each other about their work and their previous lives.
Vivien was a charge nurse but hoped to start training as a psychiatrist and counsellor in the near future if she was accepted onto the course she had applied for. Hearing that, Lorraine told them, ‘Danny used to do a lot of counselling at home when he was still at school.’
As Gideon and Vivien looked at Danny, he told them, ‘It just happened that people started asking me for help. They seemed to find me easy to talk to and once I discovered their problem, I was able to find a solution.’
Vivien was fascinated, ‘I know you won’t tell us anything you shouldn’t,’ she said, ‘But can you tell us what sort of problems you dealt with?’ ‘Rape was the most common,’ Danny told them, ‘Followed by general sexual abuse and a few who were suffering violence.’
‘I don’t want to sound negative,’ Vivien said, ‘But you said you found a solution. Rape particularly is hard to prove, so what sort of solution could you as a schoolboy find to that?’
‘In most cases by having the rapist arrested.’ Danny told her. ‘Let me ask you a question.’ Danny said. ‘Imagine for a moment that you were being raped, say once a week. You don’t want the embarrassment of going to the police and you’re scared that even if you did and he got off with it you would be in constant danger.’
Vivien shivered. ‘That would be a terrible situation to be in.’ she said. ‘Now imagine,’ Danny said, ‘That you could have two choices. You could have him arrested immediately and risk him getting away with it. Or you could knowingly let him carry out the following weeks rape because you knew that would provide enough evidence to make him plead guilty, which would keep you from appearing in court, and get him locked up. Which would you choose?’
Vivien thought for some time, ‘Standing here now, I would be inclined to choose the second one,’ she said. ‘But faced with the prospect of suffering another rape in reality, I don’t know if I could willingly agree, even if it was likely to make it stop.’
‘I think most would feel like that,’ Danny said, ‘Men even more so. So, imagine you told someone you felt able to trust and they told you there was nothing they could do to stop the next rape but felt sure they could stop them happening ever afterwards. Because you weren’t given a choice, the rape would happen as it would have done anyway.’
‘But suppose during or after you were raped, your attacker was suddenly arrested, pleaded guilty, got locked up and it was all over. Then how would you feel about not being given the first option and stopping the last rape happening at all?’
‘I suppose I’d just be glad it was all over, and he’d got what he deserved.’ Vivien decided. ‘But how could you be sure he’d plead guilty?’ ‘There are a number of ways,’ Danny said. ‘The majority of repeated rapes take place in the same location. Sometimes I can get access to that place and hide a video camera.’
‘When the rape is taking place, I would let myself and a policeman into the house and burst into the room so that the policeman sees him committing the rape. The camera then gives back up proof that it was rape and not consensual. With that evidence their solicitor advises them to plead guilty, so the victim is not involved or named in court.’
Vivien thought about that then said, ‘But suppose you and the policeman are outside. How do you know when to burst in?’ ‘The camera would be linked to the internet,’ Danny explained, ‘And I’d be watching it on my phone.’
‘So, you’d be watching a rape start and do nothing to stop it?’ she said horrified. ‘Yes.’ Danny agreed. ‘It’s a difficult decision, but we were usually able to stop it part way through. It also results in stopping any future rapes. Not only of the current victim, but future victims too.’
‘Are the police allowed to do things like that?’ she asked. ‘No,’ Danny said, ‘If they knew a rape was taking place, they would have to go in right away and stop it regardless of the effect it might have on the victim or the court result.’
‘I always took a policeman with me who was prepared to accompany me at my request without knowing what was happening. One who would wait until I told him, ‘Someone’s being raped, it’s time to go in.’
‘There must have been occasions when you couldn’t plant a camera though?’ Vivien said fascinated. ‘Yes.’ Danny agreed. ‘Tell her about the crisp packet.’ Lorraine told him. As Danny smiled and Vivien and Gideon looked puzzled, Danny told them the tale of the schoolteacher raping pupils. He explained how he’d forced him to admit it when he showed him conclusive evidence of the crisp packet that he had put his used condom in containing a condom with his sperm in it.’
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