The Life of Lewis - Cover

The Life of Lewis

Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas

Chapter 5: Reward Time Now

Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 5: Reward Time Now - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.

Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Ma/Ma   Ma/mt   mt/mt   Teenagers   Coercion   Consensual   Rape   Gay   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Torture   Anal Sex   First   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Doctor/Nurse   Teacher/Student  

‘That’s a very kind thought,’ Lewis told him, ‘I’ll see what he says. Although there’s an age difference, I think you might get on well together.’

‘Now let’s talk about your nightmares,’ Lewis said. ‘I’ve already told you the instant cure. But don’t worry there’s another one. It can take a bit longer, but it’s just as effective. Your relief about it all being over will help. Also, when you have a girlfriend, having regular sex will wipe it out of your mind for good.’

‘Don’t worry about you being shy with girls. The new confidence you will have after the sex lesson I’m about to give you will remove a lot of that. Next time you see a girl you like, you’ll be able to go over, talk to her and ask her out. You’ll be happy in the knowledge that whatever it leads to, you’ll know exactly what to do and how to do it.’

‘That would be fantastic,’ Samuel said, ‘I’ve often wondered if I’d still be a virgin by the time I retired. Then he went quiet. After a few moments he said, ‘Lewis, you said if Ray could go up my bum, that would wipe out the nightmares immediately?’ ‘Yes.’ Lewis said. ‘So, I wouldn’t have any more from that moment on.’ ‘No, none.’ Lewis said guessing where he was heading.

‘But by the time I get a girlfriend and start having sex, the very best I could hope for would be three months, but probably more.’ ‘Yes, I suppose so.’ Lewis agreed. ‘That’s an awful lot of nightmares.’ Samuel mused almost to himself. Lewis said nothing and let him think.

‘Lewis, after what you’ve told me, if Ray was still around and I thought he would agree, I’d risk trying it. I hate the nightmares almost more than the thought of a cock going up my bum. But he isn’t. The problem is, I don’t have any other friends.’

‘There’s only one person I know who I’d trust enough to let him try it. And it’s someone who I know has done it before, so he’d know what he was doing. Plus, although I haven’t known him long, there’s one thing I’m absolutely certain of, he’d never deliberately hurt anyone.’

‘He sounds ideal,’ Lewis said smiling. ‘Sit up,’ he instructed. Lewis moved to his side and took him in his arms. They both put their heads on each other’s shoulders and their arms around each other. ‘Why don’t you ask him?’ Lewis said quietly in Samuel’s ear, ‘He can only say no.’

He felt Samuels arms grip him tighter. ‘Lewis,’ he asked, ‘Would you do it for me?’ Lewis lifted his head up. Feeling it, Samuel lifted his head up too. They looked at each other and Lewis leaned forward and gave him a lovely long kiss on his lips.

Samuel melted into his arms enjoying it. As they moved their heads apart, Samuel said, ‘Wow, that was amazing.’ and Lewis said, ‘Of course I will.’ ‘Really?’ Samuel said, sounding surprised. ‘Really,’ Lewis assured him, ‘But on the clear understanding that the moment you feel the slightest twinge of fear or pain, you call out stop.’

‘I promise.’ Samuel said as he suddenly felt relieved, relaxed and excited all in one. ‘But I can’t do it with my clothes on,’ Lewis told him, ‘So we’ll combine it with your sex lesson. You can pretend I’m a girl and undress me as I take you through the preliminaries.’

Samuel’s cock, which had gone almost soft suddenly sprang back to life. ‘Well, someone likes the idea.’ Lewis said laughing. ‘Stand up,’ he told him. Lewis took him through all the first dates during which Samuel enjoyed taking Lewis’s top off and then his trousers.

Next, they went and lay down on the settee whilst they went through taking shorts and panties off and exploring each other. Samuel was thrilled to feel all over Lewis’s cock and his balls, yet at the same time he was concerned at its size.

Then Lewis took him through putting his condom on. After which he had him lie flat on top of him. He put Samuel’s cock between his thighs and told him to do a couple of thrusts. Whilst he lay still on top of Lewis with his cock throbbing between Lewis’s legs, Lewis explained all about her lump and the need to regulate his speed until the girl had her climax.

Next, he told him about holding his condom to take it off and about setting an alarm. Then how to give her a climax with his finger if he didn’t succeed. All this time Samuels cock had been having a lovely time between Lewis’s legs.

‘Get up now,’ Lewis instructed. ‘Last time anyone went up your bum,’ he asked, ‘What position where you in?’ ‘I had to sit in the armchair with my legs on the arms.’ Samuel told him. ‘Ok, go and sit how you were.’ Lewis said.

As he stood looking down at him, Samuel watched Lewis’s hard cock throbbing as it pointed at him. He couldn’t decide whether to be excited or scared.

Lewis knelt down in front of the chair between his legs. ‘Wriggle down as near to the front edge of the chair as you can,’ Lewis instructed. ‘Then he told him to put both of his feet on his shoulders.’

‘I’m going to rub a drop of oil around your bum first,’ Lewis told him. He put a few drops on his index finger. When he touched the middle of Samuels bum so gently, it sent a lovely shiver through him. Then as Lewis’s oily finger ran around the opening several times, Samuel cried out in delight. Nothing that Worth or Jones had done had been anything like that.

Lewis put some more oil on his finger and did the same thing. That brought more happy cries from Samuel. Then he laughed as Lewis sent a squirt of oil up his bum.

Lewis moved back slightly on his knees, so Samuel had a better view of his cock. With his legs now over the arms of the chair, he watched fascinated and with growing excitement as Lewis slowly rubbed oil over every inch of his own cock. Then he rubbed even more over his tip.

Smiling at Samuel, Lewis said, ‘I’m going to move close in a moment, so the tip of my cock touches your bum. But don’t worry, I won’t push it in. Instead, I’ll play with your cock. After a while, your bum muscles will relax and when my tip feels that happen it will start to slide in very, very, slowly. Remember that at any time at all, you can call out ‘Stop’ and I’ll back off.’

‘Are you ready to try?’ he asked. ‘Yes.’ Samuel said immediately, his heart in his mouth. Lewis moved forward until his tip touched Samuel’s bum. Samuel drew his breath in sharply. ‘Are you ok?’ Lewis asked. ‘Yes, yes,’ he said, ‘It feels lovely, it just startled me.’

Lewis put a fraction more pressure on his cock, so it touched his bum firmly, then took hold of Samuels cock. That was rock hard too and throbbed in Lewis’s hand.

‘Think of the girl who kissed you at school,’ Lewis told him as he started stroking his cock very slowly. ‘Now close your eyes and imagine she is standing in your bedroom naked.’ Lewis had a job to keep stroking as Samuel’s cock did such a violent throb.

He caught hold of it again and continued stroking. ‘You are naked too,’ Lewis told him as he felt the tip of his cock slide in half an inch. ‘You have a naked hug, so your cock presses against her hairs.’ His cock moved inside another inch, and he started stroking Samuels a little faster.

Samuel was getting a lovely feeling inside which he put down to what he was imagining and Lewis’s lovely stroking. ‘Then she lies on the bed,’ Lewis told him, ‘You look at her breasts standing up like mountains and see her tuft of hair. You climb up between her legs.’ As he had been speaking his cock had slid in another couple of inches.

‘You lie down on top of her,’ Lewis told him stroking even faster, ‘Then your cock slides right up inside her.’ As Samuel let out another ecstatic cry, he shot four jets of cum up in the air and screamed out at the amazing feeling he got. As he did Lewis’s cock slid in the last bit and his hairs touched Samuels balls.

Because of the angle he was lying and the force he had shot being so excited, Samuels cum had hit him under his chin and was now running over his chest and shoulders.

‘Samuel, what is touching your balls?’ Lewis asked. Coming back to earth, Samuel said in surprise, ‘Your hairs, then you must be... ‘ ‘Yes,’ Lewis said, ‘My cock is as far into your bum as it can possibly go.’ ‘Wow,’ Samuel said, ‘I had no idea.’

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