The Life of Lewis
Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas
Chapter 2: Determined To See It Through
Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 2: Determined To See It Through - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.
Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa mt/Fa Ma/Ma Ma/mt mt/mt Teenagers Coercion Consensual Rape Gay BiSexual Heterosexual Fiction Incest Torture Anal Sex First Massage Masturbation Oral Sex Petting Doctor/Nurse Teacher/Student
Christopher watched it mesmerised. This was so exciting, and he was doing it because he wanted to, not because he was being forced to. Not only that, but he was doing it with someone special to him, someone who had saved him from possibly years of distress.
He reached out and took hold of it, loving feeling it throb in his grip. He felt all over it as well as having a feel of Lewis’s balls which made the cock in his hand throb even more.
Then he leaned forward, gave the cock a kiss on its tip and stood up. They had a naked hug, both cocks pressed together, Christophers still soft after his recent firing. But feeling Lewis’s cock hard and throbbing against his own sent lovely sensations flowing through him.
As they moved over to the armchair, Christopher felt his cock attempting to grow again. Lewis sat back in the armchair and slid down in the seat so he could open his legs.
Christopher knelt between them on a cushion and smiled at Lewis. ‘I’m so happy to be doing this,’ he said, ‘I’m even happier about the reason I’m doing it.’ He took hold of Lewis’s cock, held it still with difficulty, then put his lips around the tip.
As Lewis let out a happy cry, Christopher slid his lips slowly down, feeling Lewis’s cock flexing and throbbing as he did so. He paused as his lips settled into Lewis’s hairs and enjoyed feeling them tickle his lips.
Lifting his head up he started moving in a slow steady rhythm. As he did, he slid his hands up Lewis’s thighs and took hold of his hips. After a while, he guessed from the sudden increase in Lewis’s happy noises that his feeling had kicked in, so he went faster.
Soon Lewis was calling out, ‘I’m getting near.’ Christopher went even faster. ‘Any second now.’ Lewis called out moments later. As Christopher went even faster, Lewis screamed out in delight as his cock throbbed and shot four jets of cum.
Christopher heard his shout as he felt the cock in his mouth swell, then it pulsated like mad as his mouth quickly filled up with warm cum. He started eating it, trying to keep up with the flow, but make it last at the same time.
When Lewis’s last drop left his tip, Christopher slowed down his movement and came to a stop. As soon as he’d finished swallowing, he gave Lewis’s tip a good licking. Then he just held it in his mouth as it went soft.
He hung onto it as long as he could, then let it slip out as slowly as he could. As it dropped down, he noticed that Lewis was uncircumcised. He hadn’t been able to tell when he was hard.
As he lifted his head up, Lewis moved forward in the chair, and they had a hug and a kiss. ‘That was lovely,’ Lewis told him, ‘I really enjoyed it, thank you.’
They stood up and had a naked hug with both soft cocks hanging loose and pressed together. After getting dressed, Christopher gave him another hug, thanked him again and Lewis wished him luck and showed him out.
Lewis took a bus over to the supermarket in the next town. He had rung and told the manager he was coming. When he arrived, he texted Mr Ross the manager.
‘Hi, it’s Lewis, I’m at the front entrance.’ He went inside and stood looking around. He saw the security man looking at him, so he went over and told him he was waiting for Mr Ross. ‘He knows I’m here.’ he added.
Mr Ross appeared few minutes later and introduced himself. ‘What do you need?’ he asked. ‘I want to meet a member of your staff who was a victim of Worth and Jones,’ Lewis told him. ‘He or she is completely innocent of any wrongdoing, so I want to meet them without anyone knowing who they are.’
‘I’ll have a wander round this evening to see if I can spot them. If they’re not here, I’ll return another evening. I might need to wander where the public can’t go.’ Lewis told him. ‘Mr Mort said you might, so I printed this ready for you.’ He handed him a postcard sized card.
At the top was the store name and logo. Below it on one side was a head and shoulders picture of Mr Ross. The rest of the card was taken up as follows. THE BEARER OF THIS CARD, LEWIS, HAS AUTHORITY TO ACCESS ANYWHERE IN THE STORE. M. Ross STORE MANAGER.
‘That will do fine,’ Lewis told him, ‘Thank you. If anyone queries what I’m doing, I’ll tell them I’m doing a project for school. When I’ve found what I’m looking for I’ll leave this with the security man on the front door and ask him to return it to you. I’m not looking for evidence against Worth and Jones specifically, but if I do happen to come across anything, I’ll let you know.’
They shook hands again and parted. Mr Ross returned to his office puzzled. Lewis was clearly a youngster and still at school, he was still wearing his school uniform. Mr Mort had instructed him to give what help he could to Lewis, but he hadn’t given him any other information except saying he was responsible for the arrest of Worth and Jones.’
Meanwhile Lewis had wandered down all the aisles and looked at anyone loading shelves. Then he checked along the checkout points before wandering into the storeroom at the back. He was soon stopped and told he shouldn’t be there.
He showed them Mr Ross’s card. Clearly puzzled the man stepped aside. ‘Is there a staff rest room or café?’ Lewis asked him. ‘There’s no café specifically for the staff,’ he told him, ‘But there’s a rest room with a kettle and a microwave.’ he directed him to it.
Lewis wandered around looking at the vast stocks and paying particular attention to any staff he came across. Finding his way into the staff rest room he sat down in one corner and appeared to be doing something on his phone as he looked around. After another unsuccessful wander around the store, he got the bus home.
He left it for a few days then tried again after the weekend assuming shifts would have changed. Going in he checked the cashiers first, then wandered down the aisles. Then another wander through the storage area where he had to show his pass to a different supervisor.
After a sit in the rest room, he decided he was out of luck again. From the restroom to the front door, he had to pass up one of the aisles. He nearly missed him having already done that aisle earlier. As he passed a stock trolly he glanced at it then spotted a young lad kneeling on the floor filling the bottom shelf. It was the boy he was looking for.
‘Hi,’ Lewis said, ‘I’m Lewis.’ He offered his hand, and the boy shook it. ‘Hi, I’m Samuel.’ he said. ‘I’m doing an article for school about working in a supermarket,’ Lewis told him. ‘I have Mr Ross’s permission to talk to the staff.’ He showed him his pass. ‘Would you have a brief chat with me at your next break?’ ‘Sure,’ he said, ‘I’m due one as soon as I’ve emptied this trolly.’ ‘I’ll give you a hand then,’ Lewis said, ‘Tell me what I can do to help.’
With Lewis passing him things, Samuel soon had the shelf full and the trolley empty. ‘I’ve just got to put the trolley back in the service area,’ he said. ‘I’ll come with you.’ Lewis told him.
‘Do you drive?’ Lewis asked him. ‘Yes, I passed my test eighteen months ago.’ Samuel told him. ‘I have a small second-hand Fiat.’ ‘Are you at work in it today?’ Lewis asked. ‘Yes, it’s in the car park at the back.’ Samuel told him. ‘Do you have any problem parking here?’ Lewis asked.
‘Occasionally,’ he said, ‘The parking area at the back is quite small, on earlies we tend to use the customer car park. But on lates like today, I use the back.’ ‘Can you show it to me?’ Lewis asked. ‘Sure.’ he said as he parked the trolley, ‘It’s just behind here.’
They stepped out of the back door into a small, full parking area. Lewis looked around then said, ‘Which is your car?’ Samuel pointed it out. ‘Samuel, I’m not doing a project for school,’ Lewis told him, ‘I came here looking for you.’ As Samuel looked puzzled, Lewis asked him, ‘Have you heard about Richard Worth and Harold Jones being arrested?’ ‘Yes, it’s been all around the store.’ he said starting to look worried.
‘Well, I was responsible for having them arrested.’ Lewis told him. ‘Can we sit in your car for privacy, I think you’ll like what I have to tell you.’ Samuel said nothing, he was feeling very worried. He opened his car and automatically got into the driving seat. Lewis got in the passenger seat.
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