The Life of Lewis - Cover

The Life of Lewis

Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas

Chapter 7: How Did you Kill Them

Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 7: How Did you Kill Them - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.

Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Ma/Ma   Ma/mt   mt/mt   Teenagers   Coercion   Consensual   Rape   Gay   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Torture   Anal Sex   First   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Doctor/Nurse   Teacher/Student  

When you go in you say, ‘Please don’t rape me again, it’s still hurting me from last time.’ I want to get on record him admitting he’s done it before and that he is forcing you to do it.’

‘I will be outside with a policeman friend. Through the internet I can listen in on my phone. As soon as Alberts cock goes into you, cry out as if you are in pain. We will come charging into your aid. He will only have chance to thrust into you a couple of times before we pull him off you.’

‘We would then have recorded evidence, plus the policeman would see him raping you. That would ensure he spends the night in a cell in the police station, goes to court on Monday and gets locked up. Because you are a minor, the press would not be able to print your details. So, you’d be safe, and of course Nigel would be in the clear.’

Cliff thought it through then said, ‘Ok, if we do nothing it’ll keep happening. I was expecting to have to go through it again tomorrow anyway. Doing it your way at least it won’t hurt as much, it’ll be short, and I’ll know it’s the last time.’

After they had finished their coffee’s, Cliff gave Lewis Nigel’s address, and they arranged to meet outside the shop the next day. Then Cliff thanked him and gave him a hug and a kiss before he left.

Lewis got the ‘camera in a box’ out. He put it in a bag with an extension lead, some string and a roll of sticky tape. Then he rang Tom and arranged for him to help him the next day before going off to Ellas.


Tom and Lewis arrived at the shop at the same time, so Lewis just got in the car with Tom. He explained a bit about what was happening and

then Cliff arrived.

Tom and Lewis got out of the car and Cliff was introduced to Tom. ‘Are you still sure you want to go through with this?’ Lewis asked him. ‘Yes.’ Cliff said sounding determined. They drove over to Nigel’s and parked opposite where they could see the front door.

‘Good luck,’ Lewis said as he handed Cliff a small container of oil. ‘They watched Cliff knock on the door and an older man let him in. They presumed that would be Nigel. As soon as the front door closed, Tom moved the car over the road and parked just past the front gate.

Lewis got out with his bag of tricks and went in. He walked down the path, spotted the side path and was soon standing at the side door of the garage. He tried it and was relieved to find that it opened.

He went in, found the light and switched it on. After a quick look around, he found a shelf for the camera, then located a few scrap bits of wood to put under one end so the lens pointed directly at the armchair.

Next, he had to use the extension lead to run power from the nearest electric socket to his box. Moving a few bits around to hide the cable, he sat in the armchair and checked nothing stood out. Satisfied he put the light out and returned to the car. As far as he could tell no one had seen him.

Getting back in the car with Tom, he signed in to the camera. He saw almost total darkness as the one window had junk piled up against it. But as he stared at it with the tiny bit of light getting in through the window, he could just make out enough shapes to be sure he was getting a signal. They drove around the block and parked further away. They had a couple of hours to wait now. So, Lewis asked Tom how Amelia was and how the wedding plans were going.

‘It seemed no time before Lewis’s phone pinged with a message from Cliff. It said simply ‘Oiling.’ Lewis returned a thumbs up. He then signed into the camera again. This time the light was on and a man in his late teens to early twenties was doing something to the armchair. He seemed to be attaching a rope to it. Then he went out leaving the light on and the door ajar.

Several minutes passed then he returned pushing an unhappy looking Cliff in front of him. ‘Please don’t rape me again,’ he said sounding terrified, ‘I was in pain all week after last time. I almost didn’t come today because it was so bad.’

‘That bit of pain was nothing to what you would have suffered if you hadn’t turned up,’ Albert told him, ‘Or if you had reported me. You would have died slowly and in agony. The last person who said he was going to report me took hours to die.’

Only Lewis could see the screen, but the audio was on. Tom and Lewis looked at each other. ‘That was unexpected,’ Lewis said. ‘Ok, we’d better play safe. When we go in, just take a quick look to assure yourself Cliff is being raped and jump on Albert hard. Just in case he has a weapon of some sort.’

‘As he watched, Albert was stripping Cliff off. Cliff followed instructions and didn’t resist too much but made it clear he wasn’t being stripped willingly. Once he was naked Albert dragged him to the armchair and forced him to kneel down onto his knees on the floor in front of the armchair.

Then he said, ‘Remember what I told you last time, start making any noise and I’ll get hold of your balls and squeeze until they pop.’ Albert peeled all his own clothes off and stood behind Cliff, his cock rampant.

He could clearly be seen kneeling on the mat behind Cliff and lining up his cock to Cliffs bum. Lewis and Tom had got out of the car and were coming in through the front gate. Lewis with his eye on his screen.

As they reached the join in the path, Albert shoved his cock hard up Cliffs bum, who let out a blood curling scream of agony, suppressed almost immediately by Alberts hand over his mouth. Albert started thrusting in and out as Lewis and Tom reached the corner of the garage.

As Lewis came round the corner he was just in time to see the back of Nigel going in the side door. He stopped and watched his screen as Nigel appeared in the garage and shouted out ‘You dirty bastard, get off him.’

As he shouted, he had rushed over, wrapped his arm around Alberts neck and yanked him back.

As soon as he was clear of Cliff, Nigel just dropped him and went over to Cliff. ‘Are you ok?’ he asked as he tried to help him up. Then discovering he was tied in place by his hands he started undoing them.

Albert meanwhile had been thrown backwards violently and when Nigel dropped him, the back of his head had hit the concrete floor and stunned him. As Nigel finished undoing Cliff, Albert was struggling to his feet.

Nigel helped Cliff to his feet and as he was turned towards him, Cliff saw past him and screamed, ‘Look out.’ Nigel turned to find Albert charging at him with a knife in his hand raised ready to strike.

Instead of running away, Nigel stood his ground, grabbed the wrist holding the knife and thumped him on the nose. The hit on his nose was worsened by Alberts forward momentum. It made him drop the knife, but he grabbed hold of Nigel and they both fell to the floor.

Albert managed to get on top of Nigel and had his hands round his throat strangling him. Lewis raced forward followed by Tom. As they charged into the garage, they were just in time to see Nigel pushing Alberts unconscious form off him.

Cliff was standing naked and shaking holding a garden spade. He had grabbed it as soon as he realised Nigel was being strangled. He brought it down on the back of Alberts head with every ounce of strength he could muster.

Tom and Lewis went straight to Albert, Tom planning on putting his handcuffs on him and Lewis checking his pulse. ‘I haven’t killed him. have I?’ Cliff asked, looking terrified.

‘Wait, Tom.’ Lewis told him seeing his handcuffs out. Nigel had got to his feet and had got his breath back. ‘Nigel, please take Cliff and his clothes into the house, he can get dressed inside. Tom will join you in a moment. Go with Nigel,’ Lewis told Cliff, ‘You did well.’

As soon as they had gone Lewis said, ‘Help me drag him round.’ They positioned him on his back with his head up against the armchair. Lewis used Alberts own rope ties to secure his wrists each side of the chair.

Finding come more rope in the garage, Lewis tied a piece round Alberts knee, took it round the back of the armchair and tied it to the other knee. As he pulled it tight, he told Tom to draw both his knees up.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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