The Life of Lewis - Cover

The Life of Lewis

Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas

Chapter 2: We Stopped The Trains

Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 2: We Stopped The Trains - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.

Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Ma/Ma   Ma/mt   mt/mt   Teenagers   Coercion   Consensual   Rape   Gay   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Torture   Anal Sex   First   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Doctor/Nurse   Teacher/Student  

Eric had lived next door to us for as long as I could remember.’

‘I believe he was widowed when I was a baby. Mum and dad had always got on well with him and as I got older I did too. He was a keen model railway buff and had built a brilliant layout in his loft.’

‘From an early age he had let me into his loft with him to watch. As I got older, he taught me how it all worked and by the time I was twelve I could run all the schedules and programmes as well as he could. Up to then we had both had to squeeze into the seating area designed for one.’

‘I’d often either stood in front of him between his knees or sat on his knee. Although it never crossed my mind, if asked I would have said we were both happy with the arrangement. As far as I knew Eric didn’t find it a problem either. It would usually only be a couple of times a month anyway.’

‘On my thirteenth birthday, he took me up and showed me that he had re-designed the console and seating. We could now share a bench seat side by side and each reach most of the controls. After that we could both run several trains at the same time.’

‘It took some doing to get them all running without crashing, but we soon managed it. We spent many happy hours up there together. ‘Sometimes if I went round and he was too busy, he’d let me go up on my own and play with them myself. I had a lot of fun.’

‘Now we were sitting side by side, I noticed that as the year wore on that he would often put his arm around me when we spoke. He would also often rest his hand on my nearest leg to him. After sitting on his knee for years, it didn’t bother me. In fact, as I missed the close contact I liked it.’

‘Then towards the end of the year I went round one day, and he stared at my face. ‘What’s up?’ I asked concerned. ‘You’re starting to get a trace of a moustache,’ he told me. ‘You’ll be shaving and doing other exciting things soon.’

‘I was pleased, because I’d noticed ages ago it was happening to a lot of the boys in my class. But looking in the mirror, I hadn’t seen any hairs on my lip. He stroked his finger across my top lip. ‘Yes, definitely,’ he said, ‘I can feel them. My you are growing up.’ The feeling his touch gave me was nice.’

‘What did you mean when you said, ‘Other exciting things?’ I asked interested. By now we were sitting side by side in the loft. ‘Well,’ he said, ‘When or before a boy starts to show hairs on his upper lip, he usually gets hair growing down there.’ He rested his hand briefly over my cock.’

‘I’d had hairs down there for over a year, but it had never occurred to me other people might look at me and think, ‘He’s growing hairs on his lip, he must have pubic hairs growing too.’ When anyone looked at me for ages afterwards, I wondered if that’s what they were thinking.’

‘I’d gone a bit red so he said, ‘Sorry, if talking about it embarrasses you, I’ll shut up, but a lot of things about your feelings and your body will start changing now. So, if you ever want to ask me something, I’m sure you know me well enough by now to know I won’t laugh at you.’

‘A few days after that I was fourteen and I was with him again. His first comment was, ‘Those hairs are really noticeable now.’ as he reached out and stroked my lip. It sent another lovely shiver through me.’

‘After we’d played with the trains for a while I said, ‘Eric, you remember saying I could ask you anything?’ ‘Yes,’ he said, ‘And that still stands. But let me tell you that because I was once a boy your age, I already know every single question you want to ask. So, you don’t need to feel embarrassed about asking any of them.’

‘Although I know what your questions are and could probably sit and tell you everything you want to know,’ he said, ‘I won’t tell you unless you ask. You know all the hairs that have grown inside your underpants?’ he said. I went red and nodded. ‘Well, I know that most of what you want to know will involve things in that area.’ he told me.’

‘I went red again and wondered how he knew. He must have guessed what I was thinking because he put his arm around me and said, ‘Imagine we were both sitting here completely naked.’ I got a funny feeling down below at the thought.’

‘How many cocks would you be able to see?’ he asked. ‘Two,’ I said after looking for a catch in the question. ‘And how many balls would there be between us?’ he asked. ‘Four,’ I answered a bit quicker this time. ‘What does that tell you?’ he asked.’

‘I had no idea what he was getting at, but my cock was feeling very strange as I imagined us sitting as he described. When he realised I hadn’t a clue he told me, ‘It means that you and I have all the same parts. You have a cock. I have a cock. You have two balls, and I have two balls. The only difference is that mine might be a bit bigger than yours because I’m a lot older and you’re still growing.’

‘Have you had any sex education?’ he asked. ‘We had one lesson at school,’ I told him, ‘But I didn’t understand a lot of it, and I was far too embarrassed to ask in front of the other boys.’ ‘I know how you felt,’ Eric told me, ‘At your age I was exactly the same. I didn’t learn until years afterwards.’

‘Come and sit on my knee with your head on my shoulder,’ he instructed. ‘Then you don’t have to look me in the face, so you won’t be as embarrassed.’ Once we were close together, he said, ‘Why don’t you try me with a question?’

‘I had cuddled up to him, it felt so nice to be back so close. ‘I know I have to put my cock into a girls vagina to have sex or make a baby,’ I told him. ‘But my cock is so small, it worries me that it might not work properly or give a girl any pleasure.’

‘I can’t tell you for certain without feeling it or seeing it,’ he said, ‘But it’s very unlikely that it won’t do its job. If not right this minute, certainly in a couple of years when you’ve grown more. Do you play with it in bed at night?’ ‘Yes,’ I admitted glad he couldn’t see my face. ‘I do too,’ he told me, ‘So when you’re doing it tonight, think of me doing exactly the same thing next door.’

‘My brain wouldn’t let me wait until then. I pictured it in my mind immediately and felt my cock go hard. ‘Do you always shoot without any problem?’ he asked me. ‘Mostly,’ I told him, ‘But it has felt sore a couple of times.’ ‘That’s not good,’ he said. ‘That shouldn’t happen. How many different people do you dream about in one night.’

‘Usually just one,’ I told him, ‘But occasionally two, and there have been three on odd occasions.’ ‘Could the occasions when you felt sore be the occasions when you dreamt of three different people the same night?’ he asked. I thought back and said, ‘I don’t know for sure but yes, it could be.’

‘Can you tell me who you usually dream about?’ he asked. ‘Mainly the girls in my form at school.’ I told him. Eric had one arm around my shoulders and his other hand had been resting on my knee nearest to him. When he started moving that hand up and down on the lower part of my thigh it felt lovely.’

‘But I was worried he might go high enough to feel that I was hard. I wondered if he might think that that was a bad thing. ‘So, when you dream of one person he asked, is she in bed with you and you have your cock up inside her?’

‘Yes,’ I said, not feeling so embarrassed having to agree, rather than have to actually tell him. ‘When you dream of three girls in one night, do you dream you’re doing the same thing with each one?’ ‘Yes,’ I said. ‘Do you fire for each one?’ he asked. ‘Yes,’ I told him, ‘But there’s usually a good half an hour between them.’ I added quickly.’

‘I’d never ever expected to have a conversation like this with anyone. But I was surprised to find I was feeling less and less embarrassed by the minute.’ ‘Has telling me all that had any effect on you?’ he asked, ‘How do you mean?’ I asked hoping he hadn’t realised.’

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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