The Life of Lewis - Cover

The Life of Lewis

Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas

Chapter 5: Too Young To Have Sex

Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 5: Too Young To Have Sex - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.

Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Ma/Ma   Ma/mt   mt/mt   Teenagers   Coercion   Consensual   Rape   Gay   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Torture   Anal Sex   First   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Doctor/Nurse   Teacher/Student  

‘That’s good,’ Lewis said as he massaged his head. ‘You can never have too many friends. Turn over now.’ he instructed. As Cliff settled on his back, Lewis looked at him again. Although he did indeed look about twelve, his body though small was in good proportion with shoulders much broader than his hips. He didn’t look as though he had an ounce of fat on him either which made him look even smaller.

‘I’m going to go down your front now just the same.’ Lewis told him. He rested his hand on Cliffs head and massaged over his hair, then after he said, ‘Go,’ Lewis moved to his temples briefly before moving down onto his shoulders.

‘Did you have any holidays or sleepovers with any of your friends?’ Lewis asked. ‘No,’ Cliff told him, ‘The only time I’ve ever shared a bedroom with anyone was with David just before he left for London. His parents had to go ahead because of work and sorting things out.’

‘David stopped with us for three nights before he set off for London. Because we only have two bedrooms, he shared with me.’ Lewis moved up onto the front of his trousers as he asked, ‘How did you get on sharing together?’

Cliff went very red as he remembered the lovely time they had had sharing. ‘Fine,’ he answered, ‘We’ve always got on really well.’ ‘What sort of bed do you sleep in?’ Lewis asked. ‘I have a double bed,’ Cliff told him, ‘On rare occasions we have another uncle and aunt to stay for one night. When they come, they have my room and I sleep in the lounge on the settee.’

Cliff suddenly realised that Lewis had just massaged over his most intimate parts. He had been too busy remembering his time with David to notice and had put the nice feeling it had given him down to his memories.

‘So how did you work it when David stopped?’ Lewis asked as he moved on down the front of his thighs. ‘Because he was there for three nights, mum was worried that I wouldn’t get a proper sleep on the settee so we should share my bed.’ Cliff answered going red once more.

Starting back up from his feet, Lewis asked, ‘Do you know the one thing that’s absolutely impossible when you share a double bed with someone?’ ‘No.’ Cliff answered looking interested.

‘To spend a whole night without having any unintentional close contact in your sleep.’ Lewis told him smiling. Cliff just went bright red once more and said nothing. ‘I can see from your face that you discovered that for yourself.’ Lewis said.

‘You can tell me more about that later, when you’re more relaxed. It’s nice sharing with someone, isn’t it?’ ‘Yes.’ Cliff admitted going red again. ‘It’s something I’ve always enjoyed.’ Lewis told him giving him a grin as he moved up onto the front of his trousers.

‘What sort of things do you like doing out of school?’ Lewis asked as he massaged over his cock. He couldn’t really feel anything, but he had expected from his body size that Cliff ‘s cock would be small anyway.

Cliff had watched his hand and had felt a lovely sensation going through him at the contact. It was the first time he’d had a nice sensation there since before his problem had occurred.

As Lewis moved onto his stomach he answered, ‘I like reading, I like swimming, and I like acting.’ ‘Where do you go swimming?’ Lewis asked as he moved up to his chest. ‘The local pool, school and sometimes in the lake the other side of town.’ Cliff told him.

As Lewis’s hands moved back onto his shoulders, Cliff felt his cock stirring. It was a delayed combination of Lewis’s hand massaging over it, coupled with his memories of Davids stay.

As it grew, he was aware of Lewis saying about turning over and taking his top off so he could massage on his back. Cliff was used to running around in swimming trunks and his cock was now very hard. He sat up quickly, pulled his top things off, lay down and turned over in a flash.

He hoped that with his cock being so small Lewis wouldn’t have noticed the bulge in his trousers. Lewis had and realised why he had done such a rapid turnover. He smiled to himself.

Massaging the back of his head, it took Cliff a while to say go. He was enjoying the lovely feeling his cock was giving him as well as Lewis’s gentle massage on his head. He felt so relieved that he’d been able to turn over before Lewis had spotted that he had gone hard.

Eventually he said ‘Go.’ And as Lewis’s hands moved down onto the back of his bare shoulders, such a lovely feeling went through him. He felt so at ease. Unfortunately, his cock which had started to go soft, seemed to like it too and shot back up again.

‘I’ve swum in that lake too on occasions,’ Lewis said as he massaged down his back. ‘Do you go there often?’ ‘No, not often,’ Cliff said. ‘It can be dangerous to swim in places like that on your own and I don’t often have anyone to go with. So, I tend to use the local pool mainly.’

‘What about the acting?’ Lewis said as he moved up onto his trousers and massaged his cheeks again. ‘Tell me more about that, it sounds fascinating.’

Cliff was finding the massage on his cheeks surprisingly nice, although it wasn’t helping his cock to subside. ‘One of my pals from school, his parents are part of a local operatic society. Every year they put on an operetta or a musical for almost a week.’

‘Last year, they were doing the ‘King and I’ and needed a few more youngsters as extras. His parents volunteered my pal, and he asked me to go with him. I found that I loved it and when I was performing on stage, I found that I didn’t feel at all shy. Mind you I only had to prance about I didn’t have to speak.’

‘After the public performances finished the cast and all the other volunteers had a party which we were all invited to go to. I got talking to a number of members during the evening and I must have shown how interesting I had found it.’

Towards the end of the evening the chairman came over to me and asked if I would be interested in joining the society. He told me what nights they met and what I’d have to do. ‘You wouldn’t be on stage for every production,’ he said, ‘So on those occasions you’d have to help backstage or out with the public.’

Lewis had reached his feet and was partway back up as he continued, ‘I loved the sound of it and told him so. He took my address and said because I was underage, he’d have to call and see my parents to get their permission. But if they agreed they’d love to have me.’

‘When I got home that night I was buzzing. I told mum and dad and said he’d be calling to see them. They knew how much I had enjoyed the rehearsals and especially doing the show itself. They had been to see the show one night too. They said that as long as it wouldn’t interfere with my schoolwork it was fine with them.’

As Lewis massaged over his cheeks again, he couldn’t stop himself giving an ‘mmm.’ He remained silent until Lewis moved onto his back once more, then he continued, ‘When Mr Christian the chairman came round a few days later, they had a chat and told him it was fine with them.’

‘He told us where they met each week to rehearse and the times. I went along the next week and was made very welcome. My pal who had been responsible for it all, wasn’t interested in being involved on a regular basis. He hadn’t minded being roped in for the one show but wasn’t interest in doing it regularly.’

As he finished speaking Lewis reached his head and told him to turn over. With his mind full of the operatic society, Cliff turned over without thinking. Then as he settled down on his back, he realised that his cock was still hard and could be seen sticking up in his trousers. Even though it was very small, it was still noticeable.

He looked at Lewis to see if he had noticed. Lewis looked him in the face and for a moment Cliff didn’t think he had noticed. Then Lewis said, ‘I’m going to massage down your front again now. Don’t worry about being hard, it’s a perfectly normal thing to happen when you’re partly undressed and someone else is running their hands over your skin.’

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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