The Life of Lewis
Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas
Chapter 1: History To Be Proud Of
Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 1: History To Be Proud Of - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.
Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa mt/Fa Ma/Ma Ma/mt mt/mt Teenagers Coercion Consensual Rape Gay BiSexual Heterosexual Fiction Incest Torture Anal Sex First Massage Masturbation Oral Sex Petting Doctor/Nurse Teacher/Student
As Christopher managed to stop crying, he kept his arms round Lewis. Feeling so safe, he continued, ‘They say that if I report anything to anyone, they’ll say they caught me stealing and sack me. With two against one,’ he said, ‘It would ensure that I’d never get another job anywhere.’
‘I nearly lost my flat when I was unemployed before,’ Christopher told him, ‘I wouldn’t want to do anything to risk that happening.’ Lewis kept his arms around him and stroked the back of his head.
‘Thank you for feeling able to tell me that,’ Lewis told him. ‘My experience gives me a fairly good idea of what’s been happening to you, but let’s try and forget it for the moment.’
‘When you feel ready, we’re going to carry on getting you even more relaxed. When you’re completely relaxed, you’ll be able to tell me every little detail of what they did to you and how it happened. Then together we can work out how to deal with them.’
‘I’m sure you realise by now, that you will get relaxed enough to do that. After all, think what you’ve just told me. Think about what you are wearing and where you are and how you are sitting at this moment. If that isn’t feeling relaxed, I don’t know what is.’
‘I can’t believe it,’ Christopher said smiling, ‘Not only don’t I feel embarrassed sitting here like this, but it also doesn’t bother me what I’ve told you. Being in your arms like this makes me feel so safe too.’
‘Stay there as long as you want to,’ Lewis told him still holding him gently, ‘Then lie back down and we’ll continue.’ Christopher could have happily stayed there all day but soon he gave Lewis a squeeze then lay back down.
Lewis smiled at him, ‘I’m sure we’re going to succeed now,’ he said. ‘Do you think I can finish testing your spine?’ ‘Yes.’ Christopher said, ‘Everything seems so different already having told you just a bit of what happened.
‘It’s the old saying,’ Lewis told him, ‘A trouble shared is a trouble halved.’ ‘I’ve heard that before, but I never really understood it,’ Christopher said, ‘I told you I’m not over bright.’
‘Don’t put yourself down,’ Lewis said grinning, ‘Bricklaying is quite a skill. I doubt if I could lay a brick to save my life. You have just shared the outline of your problem with me,’ Lewis told him. ‘So now instead of suffering it alone, we both know about it, and we can both worry about it and work on solving it. So, if we are both sharing the problem, we are carrying the problem between us, half each. So now you only have half a problem.’
‘I can understand that.’ Christopher said happily, ‘Thank you for explaining it so well.’ He turned over. ‘I’ll start at the top of your spine again and go right down,’ Lewis said, ‘Then by the time I get to the bottom you’ll be used to feeling my hand on the skin. But remember you can call out ‘Stop’ any time you want to.’
As his hands moved down his spine, Christopher felt even more relaxed, so he enjoyed it even more. When he felt Lewis’s hand lift the back of his shorts he barely tensed. Even when his index finger was pressing on the very base of his spine, so near to his bum, he stayed relaxed. It was only the lovely feeling of Lewis’s touch that was filling his head, not the terrible memories he had had the first time.
‘Well done,’ Lewis said, ‘Turn over now.’ As Christopher settled on his back, he looked down his front. All he was wearing was his shorts. He could see the fat on his chest and his stomach. He could even make out the slight bulge in his shorts made by his soft cock.
Being seen like that would normally have made him panic and feel so embarrassed. As he lay there relaxed, it not only felt so nice, but it also amazed him.
‘You look surprised.’ Lewis told him. ‘I am,’ Christopher admitted. ‘I have never been able to feel at ease undressed in front of anyone before. Yet here I am more undressed than I’d ever been up to two months ago and I don’t mind.’
‘That’s good,’ Lewis said, ‘You’re romping along now. I’m going to go down your front again. As well as massaging you and asking questions, when I reach your stomach, I’ll test your abdominal muscles by pressing in gently with my fingers. I’ll tell you what to do when I reach there.’
He massaged the front of his head until Christopher said, ‘Go,’ then as he massaged the front of his bare shoulders Lewis asked, ‘How did you get on with the girls at school?’
‘I spoke to them occasionally,’ Christopher told him as he massaged through his chest hairs. ‘But I never made friends with any of them. I was far to shy to ask one out. ‘What about at work?’ Lewis asked, ‘Did you meet any girls there?’
‘When I was labouring in my first job it was all men at work. With Ross we occasionally worked at houses where there was a girl. He told me a couple of times that they had been eying me up, but I hadn’t noticed. Anyway, I’d have been too embarrassed to say or do anything even if I had.’
Lewis had reached his stomach. ‘Draw your knees up whilst I test your abdomen,’ Lewis instructed. ‘That will make your muscles go loose,’ he explained. ‘Just relax now whilst I press my fingers in.’ He laid his hands flat and pressed his finger tips in to feel the muscles below the layer of fat.
After moving his hands around several times and repeating it, Lewis said, ‘Can you take hold of the top of your shorts with both hands and just lift them about an inch off your abdomen?’
Lewis lay his hands flat in between Christophers hands and slid his fingertips an inch or so down inside his shorts, before pressing in again. ‘Ok,’ Lewis said taking his hands out, ‘They’re fine, apart from a bit too much padding.’ ‘Yes, I’ve let myself go a bit lately.’ Christopher said sounding sad again. ‘Never mind,’ Lewis said, ‘Once we’ve sorted your problem out you can get yourself fit again.’
He put his hands back on his stomach and massaged, moving down over his shorts. ‘What about at college?’ Lewis asked. ‘There were ten of us on the course, nine men and one woman,’ Christopher said. ‘I know she went out with a couple of the men, but she never paid much attention to me. Although we did speak a couple of times and she seemed very nice.’
As he answered he was remembering the course and how much he had enjoyed it plus some of the dreams he had had about the female member of the group. Then he realised that the lovely feeling he had been having that he thought was his memories was actually due to Lewis’s hands massaging over his shorts.
Before he could panic Lewis’s hands had moved on down to his thighs. Even that felt really nice on his bare skin. ‘There must have been girls at the supermarket.’ Lewis said as he moved down to his feet.
‘Yes, quite a few.’ Christopher agreed smiling. ‘Actually, I had been starting to chat to one of them just before... ‘ he broke off then continued, ‘After that I lost all interest.’
‘So, am I right in thinking that you are still a virgin?’ Lewis asked as he moved back up his legs. ‘Yes.’ came the answer after a long pause. ‘When you were on the course and when you were talking to the girl at the supermarket, did you dream about them at night?’ Lewis asked as he reached the legs of his shorts.
‘Yes.’ Christopher admitted going red as Lewis’s hand moved upwards. This time he watched Lewis’s hands passing over his cock and enjoyed the lovely feeling it gave him even more because he was aware why it was happening.
As he massaged on up over his bare stomach Lewis asked, ‘When you were on the course, how many nights did you dream about that girl?’ Christopher went very red then admitted, ‘Every night I was on the course.’
‘And at the supermarket?’ Lewis asked as he moved up onto his chest. ‘Every night between the first time she smiled at me up to the night before it all happened.’ he said sounding sad again.
As Lewis massaged his head, Christopher started to panic. With all the talk of his dreams he felt his cock starting to stiffen up. Just then Lewis told him to turn over. He turned as fast as he could, relieved to have hidden it.
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