The Life of Lewis
Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas
Chapter 6: Ron’s First Date
Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 6: Ron’s First Date - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.
Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa mt/Fa Ma/Ma Ma/mt mt/mt Teenagers Coercion Consensual Rape Gay BiSexual Heterosexual Fiction Incest Torture Anal Sex First Massage Masturbation Oral Sex Petting Doctor/Nurse Teacher/Student
After Lewis left, Ron’s first night alone on the narrowboat seemed very lonely. His night-time dreams of their time together were very nice and helped him no end in getting to sleep, but it wasn’t the same having someone there in person.
The following morning, Friday, he decided to take Lewis’s advice and stay where he was for at least one more day. At lunch time he went back into the village and had lunch at the café. The same waitress served him, this time he paid more attention to her. She wasn’t thin, but neither was she fat, cuddly was perhaps the best description. Now he was paying attention to her, he could see how nice she was.
Bringing him his lunch, she said, “Where’s your friend today?” Ron told her that Lewis had just been visiting and had gone home. “So now I’m all alone again,” he said sounding mournful. “Are you from round here?” she asked him, “I haven’t seen you around before yesterday.” Ron explained about living on the longboat and just passing through. She moved away to serve someone at another table. Ron had managed to see her name tag before she went, her name was Mary.
Ron tucked into his lunch whilst keeping an eye on Mary moving around the café. She caught him looking at her a couple of times, giving him a lovely smile each time. Mary came back to his table to ask if everything was alright with his food. “Yes, thank you, Mary,” he said, “It’s lovely.” Ron wasn’t the most perceptive sort of person, but even he spotted that she was pleased he had taken the trouble to remember her name. She gave him another of her lovely smiles before moving away to other duties.
When Ron had finished, Mary came back to clear his plate. She asked him if there was anything else he would like. He grinned at her, thinking he couldn’t possibly tell her what he had in mind. She must have guessed something near as she blushed. Ron was taken with that, he knew he blushed sometimes, but he had never seen anyone else do it. He ordered a cake and a coffee.
Returning shortly with his order, Mary hovered for a moment, then said, “It’s no fun being lonely,” then she moved away. Ron ate his cake, then lingered over his coffee. By now there was only one table occupied so Mary came back over to see how he was getting on. She could see he had finished his cake but not his coffee so she lingered. “I’m alone a lot,” she told him, “So I know how you feel.” Ron smiled at her, “I suppose life in a village is pretty quiet,” he said. “Dead is more the word I’d use,” she replied with a laugh. By now he had finished his coffee. “Would you like another cup?” Mary asked.
Ron said, “Yes please,” purely so that he could stay there longer. When Mary returned with his next cup, he managed to pluck up courage to ask her what time she finished work. Mary gave him a lovely smile and told him, “We close at five, but it’s usually half past before I get away.” She looked at him expectantly. It was Ron’s turn to blush now, he struggled for a moment, then he said with a rush, “Would you like to meet up and go for a walk or something?” She gave him another lovely smile and said, “That would be nice, yes please.”
Perhaps I could cook you a meal on the boat,” he said, “What sort of food do you like.”
Mary smiled again, making Ron go weak at the knees. “That would be lovely,” Mary told him, “I like most foods.” “Shall I meet you outside at half five?” he asked her. As Mary agreed, he had a sudden thought, “By the way,” he said, “I’m Ron.” He stood up and shook her hand. “Hi Ron,” Mary said, “I’ll look forward to seeing you later.” She went off to serve the other table.
Finishing his coffee, Ron went up to the till to pay. Just as Mary was about to come over to him, an elderly lady came out of the kitchen and served him. He paid his bill, then turned to leave. As he left, he called over saying, “Thank you, Mary.” He waved over to her and winked. She gave him another lovely smile as he left.
Instead of going back to the boat, Ron went into the village and did some shopping. He picked up a couple of fillet steaks at the butchers, then a readymade made prawn cocktail, a lettuce, some bananas, an aerosol whipped cream and a bottle of red wine. Then he went into the chemist where he ended up buying half a dozen items he didn’t really need, just so he could feel a little less embarrassed buying a packet of three condoms.
He took everything back to the boat and tidied up the bedroom, folding the bed away. Then he cut up the lettuce and prepared two plates of prawn cocktail. He put them in the fridge ready. Then he put the steak in a pan with some butter, seared it and left it to stand in the pan ready. He peeled a couple of spuds and made some chips. Then he split a banana in two lengthwise before putting each piece on a plate.
After laying the table, he decided to have a shower and get changed into clean shorts and top. By the time he was done it was already four o’clock. The next hour was the longest he had ever spent.
Quarter past five found Ron waiting near the shop. Not having any idea what the relationship was between Mary and the old lady who had served him, he didn’t wait directly outside. A few minutes past the half hour, Mary appeared out of a side alley, having come out of the back of the shop.
She spotted Ron immediately and walked over to him, her lovely smile lighting up her face. Ron held his hand out to her which she took, then reached forward and kissed his cheek. He put his arm around her without thinking and gave her a hug and a kiss on her cheek. She clearly enjoyed it and nestled into him.
They parted and Ron told her, “I thought if I took you to show you my boat, then we could go for a walk along the canal until you’re ready to eat, I’ve got most of the meal ready.” “That sounds lovely,” Mary said. She took his hand and they set off. As they walked, Mary told him that she was twenty-three and lived alone in a flat over the shop. Her parents had died several years ago and her aunt who owned the shop had let her move in upstairs.
Ron told her that he was an orphan too, then his uncle had left him the boat which was now his home. He told her he was twenty-two.
As they approached the canal, Mary said, “It must be lovely just sailing along at your own speed, stopping wherever you want.” “It is,” Ron agreed, “But I hadn’t realised how lonely a life it is until Lewis went home.”
They could see the boat by now, Ron pointed it out and as they approached asked if Mary had ever been on one. She told him she hadn’t, despite living by the canal and walking the tow path many times. Ron held her arm and helped her step aboard. Pointing out the tiller and where he sat when sailing, he opened the door down to the galley and the lid in the roof over the doorway.
Going down first, he put his arm up to help her down the steps. She looked around the galley, marvelling at how compact and well equipped it was. They went through to the dining area where the table was all set up ready. Mary was impressed. Then they had to sit at the table and slide along the seat to get past the table. Ron showed her the toilet and the shower, then they went through to the next room.
This had two bench seats, one down each side. Ron explained that there was a board that fitted down the middle to make a bed. It all looks very tidy,” Mary told him. “It’s not usually,” Ron admitted, “I don’t usually clear the bed away, just when I have visitors.” Next, they went through the front door into the little seating area in the bow. They sat for a while, just looking along the canal stretching into the distance.
“Shall we go for a walk now?” Ron said. He closed the door and jumped off onto the towpath. Helping Mary step off, he went back to the stern and closed the door, then offering Mary his arm, they set off.
As they walked, they talked about life without parents, their hobbies, jobs they had done, occasional things they spotted on the canal bank and so many other things. Somewhere along the way, they had changed from linking arms to holding hands. They reached a lock, so they sat on the seat at its side whilst Ron explained how they worked. Mary was fascinated. She had seen a boat going through a few times but hadn’t understood what was happening until now.
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