The Life of Lewis - Cover

The Life of Lewis

Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas

Chapter 2: Franks First Condom

Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 2: Franks First Condom - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.

Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Ma/Ma   Ma/mt   mt/mt   Teenagers   Coercion   Consensual   Rape   Gay   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Torture   Anal Sex   First   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Doctor/Nurse   Teacher/Student  

‘What do we do about the builder?’ Eddie asked, feeling sure by now that Lewis would have something planned. ‘If he was called in to discuss the contract, he would think he had got it.’ Lewis said. ‘He could then be shown the evidence and given the option of being handed over to the police to face court and prison.’

‘Or he could sign a confession in return for no police action. You could tell him that he would be banned for life from tendering for any Council contracts for attempting to bribe an official.’

You could announce that to the Council at the start of the next meeting and publicly tear up his tender for the new shopping centre.’

‘The press are usually in attendance at those meetings,’ Eddie told him, ‘So that would be reported.’ ‘Exactly,’ Lewis said. ‘You could announce it saying that the person he attempted to bribe reported it. So, because it was discovered in time, you decided to ban him rather than waste public money pursuing a prosecution.’

‘How do I do a confession?’ Eddie asked, ‘It’s not something I’ve ever experienced before.’ Lewis handed him a police statement form with Jack Knotts admission neatly typed out. ‘Just get him to sign it, then you counter sign and date it to say you witnessed him signing it. After that, put it in your safe and forget it.’ Lewis instructed.

‘If that works, it’s a very satisfactory solution,’ Eddie said, ‘Thank you.’ ‘There are a number of things you have not told me which raise questions in my mind, like bugging the mayor’s office for instance. But having met you and seen your evident concern for the people you counsel, I will do my best to forget them.’

‘One other thing,’ he said. ‘Once we know Jack Knott accepts the deal and the police won’t be involved, please tell your two friends thank you from me. Say that I think they should use the money they got for a holiday.’

‘They’ll appreciate that I’m sure,’ Lewis said, ‘Thank you.’ They shook hands and Eddie showed him out. Lewis returned to Mays office. After giving him a hug and a kiss May handed him a folder. ‘I got this from personnel,’ she said.

The folder was for an ex-employee called Beverly Roberts. She had worked in the typing pool at the Town Hall for five years. Three years ago, she had left to have a baby.

At the end of her maternity leave she had handed her notice in. Lewis copied her last known address into his phone. ‘The lady in personnel remembered her,’ May told him. ‘According to her, Beverly had two friends, Paula and Denise who worked in the same office.’

‘Rumour said Denise was having an affair with a local councillor who was married. She didn’t remember who it was but thought that Denise had said that his name was Arthur. Apparently, he and Denise were at a Christmas party here in the Town Hall and she introduced him to Paula.’

‘At the end of the evening Denise caught the pair of them naked in an empty office having sex and there was an almighty row. Denise left soon afterwards.’

‘Then six months later the same councillor turned up at a do with Paula. This time he was caught naked with Beverly. Another row followed when Paula had to be forcibly restrained from attacking Beverly.’

‘Paula was sacked the following week after making more threats of violence against Beverly. Over the following year, Beverly turned up with the same councillor at several functions. Then when Beverly left to have her baby there were all sorts of rumours. But after that the councillor, who seemed to be in office to stay by then, started coming to functions with his wife.’

‘Oh, Paula’s and Denise’s details are in there too.’ May told him. ‘I’ve promised to return the folder later today.’ Lewis took his phone out and took photos of all the details he needed.

‘Thank you May,’ he said, ‘This will enable me to complete my promise to the four of you. I’ll let you know what happens. Then we will fix a time for you to return to the shop. May looked very happy at that idea.


Friday evening Lewis texted Frank and Billy.

‘Hi, I saw the CEO today. There will be no publicity or charges against you. You will remain anonymous, and your jobs are safe. Keep Tuesday evening free and we’ll meet up at the shop. Don’t do anything with the money you received until then. Lewis.’

He got two very happy replies soon afterwards.


The next morning, Reg sat looking through his files whilst having his breakfast. So much of what he read just didn’t add up or make sense. But a couple of things now leapt out at him.

Someone had rung Keith Browns girlfriend a few minutes before they arrived to search the house. That was unheard of and going by his pal Myles information, it looked likely that Keith had been at the house when the call came. One thing was certain, if he had been there, it would have made him run out the back before they arrived.

Brian had told his team that the Italians were dealing with Accardi and Donata, yet according to Celia, Donata at least had been arrested by men sent by Brian.

Then Garry Smith had been rung to tell him the transport depot was being searched on the instructions of the search team after being told to do so by Brian.

If he was at home when he got the call and it made him flee, he could have been picked up leaving home which would explain having his car so soon. But it didn’t explain what had happened to him.

He thought about what had happened to Aziz and Brown, then how odd it was that so many of the dealers had disappeared, without their cars around the time their homes were being searched. He didn’t want to admit it, even to himself, but it looked like someone could be eliminating them. Yet if that was so, Brian must be involved. Reg didn’t want to believe that. There was also the question of where were the bodies?

He had a lazy day with a lot of thinking, but by nighttime he was none the wiser.


That evening Lewis had a late phone call from Eddie the CEO of the local council. ‘Just thought you’d like to know,’ he said, ‘Your idea for Jack Knott worked like a dream. I announced to the full council meeting this evening that he had been caught trying to bribe a member of the council to get him the contract and as a result I had banned him from bidding for any future contracts.’


The next day Lewis had a reply from Oliver.

‘Hi L...,’

‘Hope all this helps ... r,’


My height 5’ -9”

My build Slim (I’ve put on weight since!)


Christian Name Bill Tony Charles

Years you’ve known them 8 8 8

Occupation Pharmacist Accountant Solicitor

Had a Girlfriend No Yes No

Fathers Occupation Chemist Accountant Builder

Mothers Occupation Chemist Secretary Housewife

Cock length Same Longer Same

Cock diameter Thinner Thicker Thicker

Height 5’-7” 5’-10” 6’-0”

Build Slim Regular Strong

Chest hairs Few Thick Thick

‘Thinking back, I have a vague memory that on our last morning I had had a shower as soon as I got up and put clean clothes on. Before we left for home later that morning, I had to pop back to my room to change my shorts. My bum was wet and there was a big wet patch on my shorts. Thinking back now the wet patch was sticky. I decided it must have been something I had eaten. I had another shower, put clean shorts on and left for home. I’d completely forgotten about it. (I can’t believe I’ve just told a complete stranger about that!’)

Lewis replied immediately.

‘Hi ... r,’

‘Thank you for that. I have a few things to follow up but hope to have some answers for you during the coming week.’

‘Regards L... ‘


Frank and Billy arrived at the shop at half five. Lewis let them in and the moment they were in the back room, they both threw their arms around him. ‘Thank you so much,’ they told him, ‘It’s such a relief, how can we ever repay you?’ ‘By having a happy life.’ Lewis told them.

They sat around the table with a coffee. Lewis told them about the message from the CEO and what he had said about using the money. ‘There’s a Bank Holiday coming up,’ Lewis told them, ‘Think about going away for the weekend together.’

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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