The Life of Lewis - Cover

The Life of Lewis

Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas

Chapter 1: Lewis Meets The CEO

Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 1: Lewis Meets The CEO - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.

Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Ma/Ma   Ma/mt   mt/mt   Teenagers   Coercion   Consensual   Rape   Gay   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Torture   Anal Sex   First   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Doctor/Nurse   Teacher/Student  

On Thursday evening at home Lewis had heard an email come in. He checked his phone and saw it was from the anonymous one that Oliver in Malta had set up specially.

He had had a quick peep then went up to his room and opened it up on his laptop for easier reading.

‘Hi L... ‘

‘I’m sorry it’s taken a while to respond, I really had to struggle to get it all set out.’

‘I am in my late twenties now, happily married with children. This nightmare started many years ago before I had even met my wife. She knows nothing about it. It started when I was eighteen and still living in the UK. The nightmare itself has come and gone over the years. When you see its content, you’ll appreciate how difficult it has been to actually set out what it involves.’

‘I should perhaps tell you first that to the best of my knowledge I have a normal sexual appetite and my desires in that direction have always been female. I lost my virginity at seventeen to my first girlfriend. We had parted amicably before the nightmares started and I had no further sex until I met my wife.’

‘The nearest time I can put on when it started, was several months after I and three pals from school had spent a week in Magaluf in Majorca age eighteen. My three pals were the same age as me and we had known each other for years.’

‘Apart from parting from my girlfriend and then six months later the trip to Magaluf, I am as sure as I can be that nothing else out of the ordinary happened that year.’

‘The first time I experienced it, I thought I had woken up screaming in the middle of the night. But I was still living at home then and the following morning no one mentioned hearing anything.’

‘So, what was the nightmare? I’ve had it numerous times and it has barely altered so here goes. I am asleep in bed alone and it is dark. I wake up sensing movement in the room.’

‘I am aware of movement, but I seem to be unable to move or speak. I feel the duvet being slowly pulled off me and I feel frightened. It was summer and was I sleeping in just shorts.’

‘I feel somebody get up on the bed beside me and hands start exploring all over my body. They are gentle, but it’s still frightening. As the hands start sliding down inside my shorts, I am getting in even more of a panic. Yet I still can’t move.’

‘The hands play with my cock and my balls and to my horror I start to erect. The next minute the hands are pulling my shorts off and I can’t do anything to resist.’

‘Once they are off, the hands play with my genitals again. Then the person gets off the bed, and I am aware that he is stripping himself off. I know it’s a he because I have felt his erect cock pressing against me.’

‘When he got back on the bed, I was really frightened about what was happening. Then he lay beside me and put my hand on his cock. I couldn’t open or close my hand, so he just held it and rubbed it all over his cock. I heard him making exciting grunting noises. I’d never touched anyone else’s cock in my life, nor had I ever had the desire to do so. I felt disgusted.’

‘But it got worse. He rolled me over onto my side and pulled my knees up. Then I felt a finger rubbing something slippery around my bum. It felt weird but even then, it never even entered my head what was going to happen next.’

‘I felt a naked male body wriggle up tight behind me. A pair of knees were pressing against the back of mine, and I felt something hard touch my bum. Then to my horror this hard thing, which I suddenly realised was his cock, started sliding into my bum.’

‘In my mind I was screaming blue murder, but not one part of me was able to move or make a sound. Oh, except my own cock which seemed to have a mind of its own and was flexing and waving about.’

‘When he was as far in as he could get, he reached over my waist, took hold of my cock and started trying to fire me. I felt sick.’

‘Then he started sliding his cock in and out of my bum. His thrust in always coincided with his hand going down on my cock. As he went faster with both, I felt my special feeling starting to grow. Then soon after he went faster still in my bum. My cock shot a load of cum and as it did, his cock shot all his stuff up inside me. He cried out in ecstasy as he shot. I have to admit my shooting felt nice, but it was overcome by fear about what was happening to me.’

‘He stayed pushed into me for a while. I felt his cock shrinking inside me then it slipped out. I must have passed out or fallen asleep at that point because it ends there.’

‘This is the first time I’ve ever written it down or told anyone anything about it. Reading it through makes it seem even more horrible, but having shared it with you is certainly a relief. I look forward to your reply.’

‘Thanks ... r.’

Lewis replied right away.

‘Hi ... r,’

‘You’re doing well, thank you for being so open with me. I’m now sure I can help you get rid of it. You must have wondered many times if you were losing your mind. I can assure you that you are not.’

‘It is my opinion, based on what you have told me and the results of my other investigations so far, that it might have actually happened to you. If it did, then in a way it is good, because once we can confirm that, you will soon get over it.’

‘If it didn’t, then we need to discover why you had, and keep having, this hallucination. The first thing to do is to eliminate anything that might have happened on your holiday.’

‘You mention you knew nothing about it until six months after the holiday, I don’t know how something like that could have happened on your holiday and you wouldn’t remember it the following morning, but let’s eliminate the holiday anyway. The mind can be strange at times, you could have shut it out without realising it.’

‘Can you try and remember if there was anything that happened on your last few days away. Things like you thought you had messed the bed, a wet patch anywhere or even a sore bum. Anything at all out of the ordinary. I know that will be difficult after all this time.’

‘Can you also tell me a bit about the people on holiday with you, just as they were back then. I’m assuming you will have seen each other’s bodies whilst getting changed in school over the years.’


Your height _______________

Your build _______________


Christian Name ___________

Years you’ve known them __________

Occupation ______________________

Had a Girlfriend YES/NO/DON’T KNOW

Fathers Occupation _____________________

Mothers Occupation ____________________

Cock length in comparison to your own. Same – Longer – Shorter

Cock diameter Same- Thicker - Thinner

Height _____________-

Build - Slim - Regular - Strong - Fat

Chest hairs - Few - Some - Thick


L... ‘


On his way to school Lewis got a text from May. ‘CEO will meet you in his office at two pm this afternoon. His name is Eddie Russell and he’s very nice. If you meet me in the canteen at one, we can have lunch. Then I’ll take you to him, introduce you, and leave you to it.’ May.

Lewis replied...

‘Thanks May, that sounds good. See you at one o’clock.’


At morning break Lewis asked his form master if he could have the afternoon off as special leave.

‘Of course,’ he said, ‘Have you got more mayors to dispose of?’ Lewis grinned, ‘Not today,’ he said, ‘But I will be at the Town Hall.’ ‘I’ll listen out for the explosions.’ Andrew said laughing.


At one o’clock Lewis was outside the Town Hall canteen. May arrived a few minutes later and they went in. Over lunch Lewis asked how she and the other ladies were coping. ‘We’re starting to put it behind us,’ she said, ‘But I, and I’m pretty sure Janet, will still find it hard to have a relationship in future. But getting together occasionally is definitely helping us all.’

‘It’ll all be over soon,’ Lewis told her, ‘Then I’ll sort that out for you. How are your nighttime dreams?’ May blushed. ‘A lot better than they used to be.’ she admitted, wondering if Lewis had guessed he was in them. ‘Don’t feel bad about them,’ Lewis told her, ‘They’ll help with your recovery.’

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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