The Life of Lewis
Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas
Chapter 5: Norman Finds Pleasure
Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 5: Norman Finds Pleasure - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.
Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa mt/Fa Ma/Ma Ma/mt mt/mt Teenagers Coercion Consensual Rape Gay BiSexual Heterosexual Fiction Incest Torture Anal Sex First Massage Masturbation Oral Sex Petting Doctor/Nurse Teacher/Student
Norman had struggled to decide, he was unsure about the idea of some one’s hands down his shorts, but he agreed with Lewis’s comment that it was far, far, nicer directly on his skin. As Lewis moved across his waist, he knew this was the last moment to speak. He called out “Skin,”
Lewis took hold of his waistband, slid his hand inside and massaged both cheeks. This time Norman didn’t even attempt to hide his moan of pleasure. As he drew his hand out, Tayo took hold of the shorts and slid his hand inside. As Tayo massaged Normans cheeks, Lewis continued down the back of his legs.
Norman had enjoyed the massage on his cheeks and hadn’t even felt embarrassed when he made a noise of pleasure. Now feeling Tayo’s little hands massaging he called out again. He thought both sets of hands were as lovely, but Tayo’s felt different.
Starting back up, Lewis reached the leg of his shorts, then went up to lift the waistband, massaging bare cheeks once more. This time Norman managed not to cry out, but it still felt so lovely. As Tayo’s hands replaced his on Normans cheeks, Lewis carried on up his back and onto his head. As Tayo’s hands followed his, Lewis said, “When Tayo’s finished, turn over and we’ll do your front. This time you don’t need to say anything we’ll do your front exactly as we did your back. But if you don’t want us to, just say ‘shorts’ any time before we reach them and then we’ll go over the top like last time.”
Normans heart pounded at the thought. He was about to say shorts, then thinking about how much nicer it had been on his back, decided to shut up. Lewis massaged his temples for a little extra time knowing how relaxing that was, then he made his way down Normans chest. An extra bit of time around his nipples, then on down his stomach and then from side to side across his abdomen immediately above his short’s waistband.
When there was no sound from Norman, Lewis lifted the front of his shorts and slid one hand down over his hip and massaged down until he saw his fingertip appear out of the shorts leg. Then coming back up on the inside of his thigh, he carried on up to the waistband, the back of his hand brushing against Norman’s cock as it passed. This brought a happy moan from Norman.
Going down the other leg the same, an even louder happy noise came as his hand brushed it again. Then Lewis massaged down the middle. He reached the top of Normans hairs and ran his fingers through them. It was a small tuft and not very thick, but it brought another cry of pleasure. Then Lewis slid his hand down, sliding over Normans cock which was now even firmer and lying out to one side, and down until he could cup his fingers under his balls. Bringing his hand back up immediately, sliding back up his cock which had moved to point directly upward, Lewis slid his hand out accompanied by more happy noises.
As Lewis went down his legs and Tayo’s hands went down his shorts, Norman was clearly loving every minute. Going back up, Lewis massaged up his thigh and went up the leg of his shorts to his waist, then did the same on the other leg. As he passed his cock each time, his hand brushed against it. It was now moving around noticeably at his touch. Sliding his hand out, Lewis took hold of the waistband and slid his hand down one thigh until his fingertip was beyond Normans balls, then he slid his hand over to the middle, cupped his fingers over his balls, then slid his hand slowly over his balls, up his cock and out of his shorts. As his hand passed over it this time, it throbbed about happily.
Carrying on up his chest, Lewis noticed that the bulge in Normans shorts was doing a merry dance the nearer Tayo’s hands got to it. When they had both reached his head, Lewis said, “Last time I asked, your score was ten out of ten. On a scale of one to twenty, how is it now?” “Twenty,” came the immediate reply.
“Even better,” Lewis told him, “Turn over again and let you back enjoy some more.” Norman turned over, wondering to himself what pleasures the next session would bring. By now it was getting quite dark, they could only see each other’s outlines. Relaxing the back of Normans head, Lewis told him, when I reach your waist, if you feel relaxed enough, lift your hips up so I can slip your shorts down a bit to massage your cheeks better.
He moved on to his shoulders and worked his way down, massaging all over and down the sides. As he reached Norman’s waist, his hips lifted up a few inches, so Lewis took hold of the waist of his shorts, pulling them down until they were just below his cheeks. Telling him to relax, Norman put his hips back down. Lewis massaged all over his cheeks, going extra gently and finishing off by drawing his forefinger from Normans waist, right down the crack between his cheeks. A long happy ‘aaaaaah’ came from his mouth.
Lewis went down the back of his legs whilst Tayo did his cheeks, also getting the same happy noise. Lewis went back up onto Normans cheeks and massaged all over, down both sides and down the middle. As Normans cry was trailing away, he moved on up his back. As he did, Norman cried out once more as Tayo massaged both cheeks.
As he massaged around his shoulders, Lewis told him, “When you turn over, leave your shorts as they are, then when I go down the front, I’ll slip them off so I can massage all over. When I do, Tayo and I will take our shorts off too, so you won’t need to feel embarrassed. But if you don’t feel relaxed enough for that, as you turn over, pull them back up, ok?”
“Ok,” came Normans response, no clue in his voice as to what he intended to do. Lewis massaged the back of his head as Tayo came up Normans back, then waited whilst Tayo did his head before saying, “Turn over when you’re ready, Norman.”
As Norman turned over, it was hard to tell for sure in the dark if he had pulled his shorts up or not. Lewis didn’t think he had but wouldn’t know until he reached his waist. Resting his hands on Normans forehead, he massaged his temples, then moved on down over his face and onto his chest. Going round his nipples a few times bringing more moans from Norman, he moved on down his chest and over his stomach. Reaching his waist, he massaged down and found that the top of his pubic hair was sticking out above his shorts. Clearly Norman had left them where they were.
Running a finger through the patch of uncovered hair, Lewis took hold of the sides of the waistband and slid the shorts down to Normans knees. Laying both hands on his now exposed hips, Lewis went down the tops of both thighs until he reached the shorts, then he came back up on the inside of each thigh at the same time. As his hands touched Normans balls, Norman let out a long cry of pleasure. Lewis massaged them very gently, then slid his hand up over his cock.
Norman was fully hard by now and as Lewis’s hand slid up its underside, he gave another long happy cry. When Lewis reached the tip, he took hold of it and slid his fingers right down, making Norman nearly choke with pleasure. Lewis could tell that it was about twice the size of Tayo’s but nowhere near as big as Lewis’s. In the dark he couldn’t tell if it was circumcised or not as being hard, the skin was right back anyway.
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