The Life of Lewis
Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas
Chapter 8: Finding The Third Lady
Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 8: Finding The Third Lady - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.
Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa mt/Fa Ma/Ma Ma/mt mt/mt Teenagers Coercion Consensual Rape Gay BiSexual Heterosexual Fiction Incest Torture Anal Sex First Massage Masturbation Oral Sex Petting Doctor/Nurse Teacher/Student
‘I’m no expert on company formation, so I don’t know how you would work it, but as Mrs Smith is owner of half the firm, if she agreed for it to continue, you would only have to raise two hundred thousand pounds between you to buy out the share we are claiming. Then Mrs Smith would retain ownership of half the firm and you or all of you would own the other half. That way you would all keep your jobs.’
‘That sounds great, I’ll put it to the others when they come back tonight and see what they say.’ David said. Reg took David’s phone number. ‘I’m seeing Mrs Smith later,’ he said, ‘I’ll check with her that she’s ok with the idea and give you a ring.’ ‘In the meantime, I’ll make an appointment with the bank,’ David said.
‘Do you have any idea where your boss might have gone?’ Reg asked. ‘He’s got a daughter in Toronto,’ David said, ‘But as far as I’m aware he doesn’t own any property abroad. When they go away it’s either to Toronto to visit the daughter or otherwise it’s always different places.’ Reg thanked them for their help, left them his card and as he got up, he asked, ‘Do you know the name of the officer who asked you to ring your boss?’
David thought hard, clearly struggling, ‘I think he said he was Inspector Trent, but with so much going on, I’m not certain.’ ‘No matter, thanks anyway,’ Reg said. Wishing them luck he set off to see Mrs Smith.
Arriving at the house, the first thing Reg spotted was a for sale board at the front. Introducing himself, Mrs Smith made him welcome and took him into the kitchen to have a coffee.
‘It’s my job to help you transfer all the required assets to the proceeds of crime unit,’ he told her. ‘Also, to help you get somewhere else to live plus any other assistance I can give you. Have you any questions so far?’ She handed him a sheet of paper. ‘I’ve made a list of my husband’s things that you might want to seize,’ she told him. ‘I presume there’s no news of him?’ ‘No, I’m afraid not,’ Reg said. ‘I believe we have his car did anyone tell you where it was found?’ ‘I think your inspector said in the car park of the main station, ‘she told him.
Reg made no reply, but he thought a lot. ‘Now, about the Transport Company,’ he said. ‘I understand that you own half of it, so I have suggested to David that he and the others consider either buying the firm outright or just buying out your husbands share to save their jobs. If you were willing to remain a half owner, it would make it much easier for them to do so.’
‘I hadn’t thought about that side of it,’ she said, ‘That husband of mine has a lot to answer for. Of course, I’ll do anything I can to help them keep their jobs.’ ‘David is going to have a word with everyone tonight,’ Reg told her, ‘Then go and see the bank.’
He read the list she had given him, there was a number of jewellery items, some computer, photography and building tools items. A few paintings. Reg looked up from the list and said, ‘Are there any items on here that you or your children would treasure.’ ‘None of them for me or I’m sure my daughter,’ she told him. ‘I know my son always admired his father’s cameras.’
‘Why don’t you pack up all the photography stuff and save it to give your son in the future,’ Reg told her. ‘Do the same for your daughter if you think of anything, then just put everything else in one room. Before you move, I’ll arrange for it all to go to the auction.’
‘Do you have a car of your own?’ he asked. ‘No,’ she told him, ‘I have a driving licence but I’m such a nervous driver, so I tend to use bus, train, taxi or walk.’
‘The investments we found in your husbands safe, plus the other property will be seized as well as two of the three bank accounts. I believe your son is training to be a doctor, are you still giving him some financial support?’ She nodded, ‘Yes it can be an expensive business and their pay is low in the early years.’
Reg nodded, ‘Because of that I’m going to approve the highest of the three bank accounts are passed over to you.’ he said.
‘What valuation has the estate agent put on this house?’ he asked. ‘Four hundred and sixty-five thousand pounds,’ Mrs Smith told him. ‘Have you found anywhere for yourself yet?’ ‘I’ve looked at a bungalow and a flat she told him, they were both with two bedrooms, nice and easy to manage and my son or daughter can still visit. The bungalow was a hundred and sixty thousand pounds, and the flat was a hundred and forty thousand pounds, I wasn’t sure what figure I could go up to.’ ‘Would you be happy living in either of them?’ Reg asked.
‘Oh yes,’ she said, ‘They’re both in a nice area and ready to move in to. I’m tempted to go for the flat, as there would be less maintenance.’ ‘My Inspector was very specific that you should be happy with the move,’ Reg told her, ‘So either of those is fine.’
He gave her his card. ‘I’ll come and see you again in a week, but if you need me for anything before then please don’t hesitate to call me.’ ‘You’re very kind,’ she said. ‘Please tell David how sorry I am about all this when you speak to him.’
Reg left after wishing her luck with the house hunting. He rang David, told him Mrs Smith was in favour of keeping her half share, so they only needed to raise two hundred thousand pounds. When he passed on her other message, David said, ‘She’s such a nice lady, she must be suffering terribly with all this.’
Driving to the nearest police station, he asked the desk Sergeant if he knew of an Inspector Trent. The Sergeant thought hard then said, ‘I can’t think of a Trent, but there is an Inspector Tenant at Bootle.’ ‘I don’t suppose you know if he was part of the search team at the transport yard two days ago?’ Reg asked.
‘No idea,’ the Sergeant said, ‘But he’s a mate of mine so I can soon find out if you want.’ ‘That would be great,’ Reg told him, ‘Thanks.’ The Sergeant pulled his own phone out and dialled a number. ‘Hi, it’s Mick,’ he said when he got an answer. ‘I’ve got a young bobby here wanting to know if you were on a search team to a transport firm recently.’ He listened for a moment, then passed Reg the phone, ‘Yes he was,’ he said as he handed it over. ‘Good afternoon, sir,’ Reg said, ‘Constable King here, I’m just clearing up some loose ends.’
‘Can you tell me if you asked the manager to ring his boss?’ ‘Yes, I did, came the reply, Detective Inspector Johnson asked me to, when he told us to move in.’ ‘That’s great sir, thanks,’ Reg said, ‘Sorry to have disturbed you.’ ‘No problem,’ Inspector Tenant said cheerily, ‘Can you pass me back to Mick on the desk.’ Reg did so then he listened whilst arrangements to meet up were made. Once the call was finished, he thanked the sergeant for his help then returned home.
Updating his personal records that night, Reg realised that the phone call to Garry Smith must have been made just a few minutes after the raid got the go ahead. That was logged at quarter to seven. Brian had raided the house according to the log at seven thirty-five. Yet in that short time he had located and recovered Garry Smith’s car from the railway station. It simply didn’t add up.
He couldn’t get to sleep that night for ages turning things over in his mind.
The next two days he was off duty, so the following morning he went out to the prison. In answer to his ring on the bell, a tiny panel opened in the big door. He showed his warrant card and told them he was investigating two missing ex-prisoners. The small panel closed, then a small door opened. He stepped inside into a large area between the outer gates and a pair of big inner iron gates.
He was directed into a small office to the side of the gate where he explained that two prisoners recently released had gone missing. ‘Is there anyone on duty who would have let them out that day or seen any vehicle that picked them up?’ he asked.
Checking the date Reg had mentioned, the guard who had let him in said, ‘I was on duty that morning, the only prisoners released that day were West and Tarrs. We were glad to get rid of them too,’ he added.
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