The Life of Lewis
Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas
Chapter 7: The Boss Who Didn’t Arrive
Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 7: The Boss Who Didn’t Arrive - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.
Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa mt/Fa Ma/Ma Ma/mt mt/mt Teenagers Coercion Consensual Rape Gay BiSexual Heterosexual Fiction Incest Torture Anal Sex First Massage Masturbation Oral Sex Petting Doctor/Nurse Teacher/Student
When I remove your gag you will give your full name, then you will list all the details of how you purchase the drugs, who you purchase from, how you pay for it, every single thing. If you tell me everything, I’ll put the syringe away and release you. Give me any reason to suspect you’re trying to hide something, and this goes in.’ He showed him the big syringe once more, producing another look of absolute terror.
He set his tape, positioned it near Garry’s mouth and started to undo the straps. ‘Remember,’ he told him, ‘No second chances.’ As soon as he pulled the gag out, Garry reeled off his name and started giving names and addresses and details. He kept going for nearly half an hour before coming to a stop. ‘That’s everything,’ he said, ‘I’ve told you everything.’
‘I’m inclined to believe you,’ Brian told him. He picked up the big syringe from where he had laid it on Garry’s abdomen. He put it up on the shelf, seeing the relief in his eyes.
Brian put the gag back in and the strap in place. ‘I’m going away to check what you’ve told me with what we know and what others have said. If you’ve told me true, I’ll be back to release you. If not, I’ll be back to inject you. I’m going to leave the canula in just in case.’ As he said that he turned the little tap on. Watching the blood running down the tube for a moment, he switched the light out, let himself out then went home for a well-earned shower and a sleep.
The following morning, before going over to Congleton, Brian went to the garage and put Garry in a body bag with the canula and tube. He moved him onto the trolley and put the can of blood in his boot. Sitting in his car outside the garage he sent the text, ‘Item Ready for Collection,’ then headed off towards Congleton for a day of interviewing dealers.
He met up with members of his own team plus a few extra hands from the local force. ‘In a moment I’ll pair you off,’ he said. ‘I want you to do your usual interview, but remember our prime concern is to stamp out drug dealing. So, I want you also to put them into three categories. Hopeless, medium or saveable.’
‘If your impression is that they will likely return to dealing label them hopeless. If you think court and prison might possibly discourage them label them medium. If you think just being caught will be enough to stop them or if they have been forced in some way, label them saveable. Then I can decide how best to deal with them.’
He paired everyone off, making sure he put Reg with Aiden and one of his own team with each of the locals. All the prisoners were at different stations so it would take most of the day to get through them all. ‘We’ll meet up back here when you’re all through,’ he said.
After they had left, he went back to Mrs Smiths. She seemed pleased to see him and offered him a coffee. ‘Any news of Garry?’ she asked. ‘Nothing sorry,’ Brian told her. ‘Have you had chance to think over your decision yesterday?’ ‘Yes,’ she said firmly, ‘I accept your offer. I’ve already rung the estate agent to put this house on the market and I was about to look at properties online as you arrived.’
‘I won’t keep you long today,’ Brian told her, ‘Can you just give me a list of things you would consider your husbands assets.’ ‘I didn’t think he had any,’ she said, ‘Until you opened the safe yesterday. Apart from the transport yard and this house.’ ‘What is your position with the transport yard?’ Brian asked.
‘I helped him get it started,’ she told him, ‘I had some money when we got married and for quite a few years I worked there as unpaid secretary.’ ‘So, what percentage of the business as it stands would you say you were entitled to?’ Brian asked.
‘I’ve never really thought about it,’ she answered. ‘When we started it about ten years ago, it cost us forty thousand pounds to buy one lorry, rent a yard and get all the insurance and paperwork. I put ten thousand of that in, Garry put ten thousand in, and we borrowed the rest. After that it took off and Garry has built it up to what it is now.’ ‘We have no idea how many loads of drugs he brought in,’ Brian told her, ‘But from the bank accounts and investments it looks like he started about four years ago.’
‘Did you use this house as security for the loan?’ Brian asked. ‘Yes, I’m sure we did,’ she replied. ‘Has that loan been paid off and are there any present charges on the house?’ Brian asked. ‘No to the last question,’ she answered, ‘And the first loan was paid off in four years.’ ‘OK, then,’ Brian said, ‘In my book that means you are entitled to a half share. So, when the business is sold, you will get half.’ ‘That’s wonderful,’ she said, ‘I didn’t expect that.’
‘Constable King will contact you in the next few days, then he’ll sort out any further details with you.’ he told her as he got up to leave. As she saw him out, she told him once again how kind he had been.
Brian returned to the station where he had arranged to meet all the interviewers. Some were already there so he talked with them in their pairs. As he worked his way through them, some of the others arrived, then by the time he had finished, the last pair arrived. After checking with them, he thanked everyone for their help and sent them all home.
Looking through the notes he had made, he found there was one listed as saveable, four as medium and five as hopeless. He decided that between now and their court case the five hopeless ones would disappear, the remainder could be dealt with by the court but would later be informed about the fate of the others.
The following day back at the police station, Brian called Reg into his office. ‘I’ve got another lady for you to look after,’ he told him. ‘The wife of yesterday’s dealer has accepted my offer rather than go to court. I’ve told her she can buy a smaller house and keep one of the bank accounts. She is also entitled to a half share in the transport business so that needs to be sold too. She had no idea what her husband was up to, and her son is training as a doctor at Alder Hey Children’s Hospital so look after them.’
‘Are there any cars involved?’ Reg asked. ‘We already have his car,’ Brian told him, ‘I forgot to ask if she has one, but she did come home by taxi the other day. We won’t touch anything belonging to her children.’ He added.
As he left the office, Reg’s mind was turning over the odd fact that yet again the missing dealer’s car had found its way into police custody without its owner.
Getting his results to say he had passed his National Investigators Exam felt wonderful to Reg, but when a few hours later Brian told him he was being assigned to the Drugs squad to complete his Trainee Detective Constable Programme, he was amazed. Clearly Brian had a lot of clout in higher circles.
Over the next twelve months he would have a workbook to complete and many courses to attend. During that time, he would have to pass the NIE Advanced Detective Training Course and do a two-year probationary period. At that point, providing everything was satisfactory, he would officially get the rank of Detective Constable. A long way to go, but at least he now had a foot well and truly on the ladder thanks to Brian.
That evening he had managed to arrange another date with Celia. This time they had arranged to have a meal out at a Chinese restaurant they both knew well. They had eaten there previously and knew the food was excellent and it would be an enjoyable meal. Reg told Celia to call herself a cab when she was ready as she lived furthest away. She was to let him know as she was leaving, then he would be waiting for her outside his flat.
At twenty past seven he had a text from Celia that she was on the way, so he locked up and went to stand outside. He had only been there five minutes when the cab pulled up. He got in, gave her a kiss and sat beside her. The driver already knew their destination, so he set off right away. Pulling up outside, he wished them an enjoyable meal.
Walking into the restaurant, although it had been quite some time since he had been there, the owner had a fantastic memory for people and welcomed him like an old friend. He escorted them to their table, gave them the very extensive menu, took their drinks order and left them to choose their meal.
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