The Life of Lewis - Cover

The Life of Lewis

Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas

Chapter 1: A Shiver Of Absolute Delight

Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 1: A Shiver Of Absolute Delight - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.

Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Ma/Ma   Ma/mt   mt/mt   Teenagers   Coercion   Consensual   Rape   Gay   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Torture   Anal Sex   First   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Doctor/Nurse   Teacher/Student  

Lewis watched May walking away. He was amazed that she’d been able to tell him that. He went back in and said to Mike, ‘May seems nice.’ ‘Yes,’ Mike said, ‘I thought the same when I met her. Apparently, her niece had been talking to someone else in the group who had a friend who had been to see you.’

‘She had been singing your praises to Mays niece, who had passed it on to her. When May rang me early this morning, she told me, ‘I’m sorry I’ve taken so long to make up my mind, but after all the praise I’ve been hearing about Lewis, I felt it would be silly not to give him a try.’

‘I assured her that you never tell anyone anything anyone has told you, me included.’ ‘Can I come today?’ she asked. I said, ‘Yes,’ so now she’s met you, it’s in her own hands.’

They opened up the shop and had their usual hectic Saturday afternoon. As five o’clock approached the shop door opened, and May walked in looking worried. Lewis waved her over and asked her to go through and make two coffees.

After closing up the shop, Mike went into the backroom. ‘Hi May, glad to see you back.’ he said cheerfully, ‘I’m off home and leaving you in good hands.’ He waved and Lewis saw him out. A quick hug and kiss in the shop and he was gone.

Lewis closed and locked the door. Then he called May through and showed her his key in the lock. He explained its significance and they returned to their coffees.

Sitting round the table, May looked embarrassed as she said, ‘What I told you earlier, I feel so embarrassed about it, I have no idea what made me tell you. I’ve been bottling it up from everyone for weeks.’ ‘It’s unusual to know something like that so soon,’ Lewis told her, ‘But it’s a good sign because it shows you are feeling safe with me already.’

‘However, I want you to forget for the moment that you’ve told me. There’s so much more I need to know to be able to give you the best help. I’m going to start shortly to learn all about you and at the same time get you feeling even more relaxed with me.’

‘I’ve already explained about leaving anytime you want to, so now you’ve finished your coffee it’s decision time. Either let yourself out, or go over to the settee, take your shoes off and lie down. Then I’ll come and tell you what happens next.’

‘But be aware that nothing that happens in here will hurt you, harm you or take you by surprise. Anything I want to do I will tell you before I do it. I’ll tell you what I want to do, why I want to do it and what I hope to achieve from it. But even then, it doesn’t happen unless you agree.’

May liked the sound of that. She got up and went over to the settee. Once she was lying down with her shoes off, Lewis went over, smiled at her and asked, ‘Are you ok if I sit here.’ He pointed to the edge of the settee. ‘Yes, of course.’ May agreed.

As he sat down Lewis asked, ‘Doesn’t me sitting so close make you nervous?’ ‘It should do,’ she said, ‘But from what everyone has said about you and my own feelings, you come over as someone who wouldn’t dream of hurting anyone.’

‘Thank you.’ he said smiling at her. He explained what he wanted to do. May felt a bit nervous at the idea of being touched after what had happened to her, but she had meant what she said about Lewis and decided it was bound to be ok.

‘When you feel ready to start,’ Lewis told her, ‘Just turn over. I’ll massage the back of your head to start with, then when you’re ready for me to carry on, just say, ‘Go.’

May turned over almost immediately. As Lewis’s hands rested on her head she had a brief flash of fear ripple through her. Then as the lovely feeling of his gentle hands flowed through her she relaxed completely.

It took her a while to say go. Not through any reluctance to start, simply because the massage on her head felt so lovely. ‘Go.’ She said at last. As Lewis massaged down onto the back of her shoulders he asked, ‘Can you tell me your age and what sort of place you live in?’

May was enjoying the massage so much she was finding it hard to concentrate on answering. ‘I’m thirty-four,’ she told him. ‘I have my own two bedroomed flat in a three-story block of twenty-four flats.’

As Lewis’s hands moved down her back he asked, ‘Can you tell me all the places you’ve lived in and worked at since your last year at school?’ As May opened her mouth to reply, Lewis’s hands passed over her waist and onto her cheeks.

She nearly screamed as his touch brought back painful memories. Before she could, such a lovely feeling rolled through her that she relaxed and found with some surprise that she was enjoying it.

She remained silent savouring the pleasure and didn’t start to answer until Lewis’s hands moved down onto the back of her thighs. ‘I lived at home with my mum and dad when I was at school.’ she told him. ‘When I left school at seventeen, I did a year’s secretarial course at the local college. Then just after I’d qualified mum died.’

As Lewis started back up from her feet May continued, ‘A month later I got a job as secretary to our local Member of Parliament. That was very interesting, and I stayed with him for six years. Then at the next election he didn’t get back in, so I was suddenly out of work. During my time with him, I’d lived at home and looked after my dad.’

As Lewis moved up onto her cheeks she paused to enjoy the feeling. Then as he moved up onto her back she said, ‘I’d met quite a few local political figures during that time, so I soon found a job with the local council at the Town Hall, as second secretary to the chief executive. He’s the one who actually runs the council day to day. I did that for two years, then my dad died.’

‘Soon after I moved up to be the CEO’s first secretary. Not long after that I bought my present flat. Then three years ago I moved jobs again and became the mayor’s secretary.’

Lewis reached her head, massaged it then told her to turn over. ‘How are you finding it?’ he asked with a smile. ‘I wasn’t sure about the massage,’ she said honestly, ‘But it was lovely.’

‘I’m going to go down your front now,’ Lewis said, ‘Just the same as on your back. Before I resume my questions though, can you tell me how the mayor is selected?’ May smiled at him and as he massaged the front of her head she told him, ‘The mayor is chosen each year by all the elected councillors of all parties.’

‘As a general unwritten rule, it alternates each year between the main parties, but anyone who has been a councillor for a while would stand a good chance of being elected. Unless he or she had made themselves very unpopular of course.’ She added with a grin.

As Lewis’s hands moved down off her head onto her shoulders May started to realise that he would be massaging over her breasts. But after another brief flash of fear, she decided that the massage on her back had been so gentle she was sure the front would be just the same.

She went silent as his hands moved down over her breasts. As they reached her stomach, she smiled at him and said, ‘That was lovely, I wouldn’t have believed it possible that I didn’t have a screaming fit. You are only the second man to ever touch me there.’

‘Anyway,’ she continued, ‘It meant that I had a change of boss every year. One year when the mayor’s wife took ill, I even accompanied him to all his functions for a week until she recovered. That was a lovely experience, especially when one or two addressed me as the mayoress.’

As Lewis’s hands moved down past her waist the fear she had anticipated never came. Lewis’s gentle hands passed all over her abdomen and her hairs leaving nothing but a lovely sensation and a happy feeling going through her.

She smiled up at him, ‘You have a lovely touch,’ she said, ‘You should be a doctor.’ ‘I’m hoping to start training as one very soon,’ Lewis told her with a smile. ‘Do it,’ May told him, ‘You’ll make a very good one.’

As he carried on down her legs Lewis asked, ‘How did you get on with the boys at school?’ ‘I didn’t,’ she said, ‘I went to an all-girls school.’ ‘So where did you meet the first boy you fancied,’ Lewis asked as he reached her feet.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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