The Life of Lewis
Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas
Chapter 2: From Pleasure to Pain
Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 2: From Pleasure to Pain - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.
Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa mt/Fa Ma/Ma Ma/mt mt/mt Teenagers Coercion Consensual Rape Gay BiSexual Heterosexual Fiction Incest Torture Anal Sex First Massage Masturbation Oral Sex Petting Doctor/Nurse Teacher/Student
He walked across the room and saw me staring at him. He stopped dead and said, ‘Oh, I’m so sorry. I forgot to warn you I usually sleep in the nude. But if it bothers you, I’ll put my shorts on.’ he said.
‘No, it’s no problem,’ I told him, ‘It just took me by surprise seeing you naked.’ ‘I usually ask,’ he said, ‘But it must be because you remind me so much of Jason my school pal. We were often naked together and with you comforting me too, I just felt so at ease with you.’
‘Then he seemed to realise what he had said. ‘Do you know,’ he told me ‘I’ve never ever told anyone about being naked with Jason. I wonder why I let it slip out?’ He’d moved over closer as he was speaking, and I couldn’t help looking at his cock. I was so surprised.
‘He was so big and powerful looking, yet his cock was smaller than mine. And mine wasn’t all that big back then. He saw me studying it and said, ‘There’s not much of it, is there?’ ‘Did it work ok when you had sex?’ I asked. His face lit up as he remembered. ‘Yes, I think so,’ he said. ‘It certainly did for me, and Lynn seemed very happy afterwards too.’
‘Then surely that’s all that matters,’ I told him. Seeing him naked made me realise even more how big his body was. I stood up and looked at the bunks. ‘You’re never going to fit comfortably into those bunks,’ I said. ‘Forget the rules, you take the settee. I don’t mind, and I’m fine in a bunk.’
‘I opened up the settee into the double bed and told him to put the duvet on and get in. I went for a shower and left him to it. When I came out with a towel around my waist, he was in the bed with the duvet over his bottom half. It was a very warm night, so he’d left his top half uncovered. I was intending just to put my shorts on for the same reason.’
‘As I headed towards the bunk bed, he looked up at me and said, ‘Thanks again for comforting me, I get so upset sometimes. Can I ask you something?’ he said. ‘I sat down on the edge of the bed and said, ‘Sure.’ ‘Do you have a best pal like I had Jason?’ ‘Yes,’ I told him, ‘He’s called Carson.’
‘Jason and I had a few nice experiences together when we were younger, probably younger than you are now.’ he told me, ‘Have you and Carson... ‘ I must have gone red, because he smiled and said, ‘You don’t need to answer that if you’re shy, your face has just answered it for you. I hope the two of you enjoyed yourself as much as we did.’
‘As he seemed to have guessed anyway, I grinned and said, ‘Yes, we did.’ Then I was curious. ‘I don’t suppose you’d tell me what you and Jason did together?’ I asked, ‘I always felt that we were a bit odd, so I’ve always been curious to know if anyone else did anything the same.’
‘I know how you feel about it,’ he said, ‘I always felt the same, although Jason always said it was far too much fun to be wrong. What do you want to know?’ he asked. Then before I could reply he said, ‘Why don’t you share the bed with me, it’ll be much more comfortable than the bunk’.
‘We can put the light out and talk. Then you won’t be embarrassed asking me things and I won’t be embarrassed telling you.’ I liked the sound of that, and I was eager to know so I said, ‘Ok.’ Then as I went to get in, he said, ‘Do you want me to get up and put my shorts on?’ As I hesitated, he added, ‘Or you could take yours off so we’re both the same.’
‘Thinking of how nice it had been with Carson and feeling sure him and Jason must have done at least something the same, I was tempted. Then thinking how many times I had dreamt Carson and I had been able to spend a whole night together, I decided.’
‘No, stay as you are.’ I said, ‘I’ll copy you.’ I took my towel off and threw it over a chair. As I turned towards the bed and Martin saw my cock, he gave me a beaming smile and said, ‘You’re a lucky sod, that’s bigger than mine, and you’re still growing.’
‘I felt chuffed that someone older and so much bigger in body was envious of my cock. I got in under the duvet, leaving my top uncovered too. ‘Have you ever shared a bed with anyone before?’ he asked me. ‘No.’ I told him. ‘I can tell you from experience,’ he said, ‘When two people share one bed it’s most unlikely they’ll be able to spend the whole night without their bodies coming into contact.’
‘If you find yourself up against me, I want you to know that I won’t mind, no matter where you are touching me or what with. If it happens the other way round and you aren’t happy with it, just give me a dig and I’ll move over.’ he told me. ‘Ok.’ I replied as he reached up and put the light out.’
‘There were no curtains on the big window so there was a bit of moonlight coming in, enough to make out outlines. Martin turned on his side to face me and said, ‘I will answer all your questions in a moment, but could we have a hug first.’
‘Ok.’ I said without thinking. It wasn’t until we moved together into each other’s arms, that I remembered we were both naked. As our fronts touched, so did our soft cocks.’
‘They didn’t stay soft for long. In seconds we were both very hard. Before I could react, Martin kissed the side of my face and told me, ‘That feels lovely. It’s so nice to be so close to someone again.’
‘I’d missed my sessions with Carson, so I was enjoying the feeling too.’ Martin ran his hand up and down my bare back which sent shivers through me. It also made my cock flex like mad. ‘Sorry,’ I said, ‘I can’t stop it.’
‘Don’t even try,’ he said, ‘It feels lovely. How about whilst we’re doing the questions we explore each other’s body. Anywhere you want to.’ Both of our cocks flexed at the idea. ‘I think that was a ‘Yes’ from both of us.’ I said.’
‘He rolled over onto his back and said, ‘Ask away.’ I turned onto my back too. I put a hand on his stomach. It had some padding, but I could feel strong muscles underneath. As I ran my hand over it, he put his hand on mine. For someone so big he was very gentle. My cock was throbbing like mad.’
‘What was the first thing you did together?’ I asked. ‘We already knew that Jason was bigger than me,’ Martin told me as I ran my hand all over his stomach. ‘In fact,’ he added sadly, ‘Most of the class was.’
‘So, we decided we would fire ourselves standing side by side and see who could shoot the furthest. We were at Jasons house, so we went down the garden behind the shed and got our cocks out. We had intended to play with ourselves to get hard first.’
‘But once we’d undone our trousers and got our cocks out, Jason had a bright idea. He said that if we played with each other instead we would be even harder, and it would probably be a quicker result.’
‘So, for the first time I held someone else’s cock. Jason was the same and as a result we were both hard very quickly. I think we were both reluctant to let go. Anyway, we started stroking ourselves and having held someone else’s cock we both fired quite quickly. I shot first. I watched all the cum shoot out and land on the soil. I could see clearly where the furthest bit had landed.’
‘Several seconds later, Jason fired. His cum shot out and landed a good six inches short of mine. He grinned at me because he knew how bad I felt about my size. ‘There you go,’ he said, ‘You lead the way in shooting distance. That means your cock must have powerful muscles, that should please the girls.’
‘As he had been answering me, both our hands had moved down onto each other’s abdomens and on occasions our fingers had felt the top of their hairs as we passed. My cock throbbed each time, so I assume Martins did too.’
‘Martin asked me what Carson and I had done first. I told him about measuring each other and how I was slightly longer but Carson was thicker. As I told him we had measured each other’s cock, his cock flexed and smacked against my hand which was now feeling all through his hairs.’
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