The Life of Lewis
Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas
Chapter 8: How Is That Possible
Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 8: How Is That Possible - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.
Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa mt/Fa Ma/Ma Ma/mt mt/mt Teenagers Coercion Consensual Rape Gay BiSexual Heterosexual Fiction Incest Torture Anal Sex First Massage Masturbation Oral Sex Petting Doctor/Nurse Teacher/Student
‘Before Richard, it would never have entered my head that anyone would do anything like that.’ Peter said. ‘After Richard it would never have occurred to me that anyone would do it from choice.’
‘But when I saw Lewis last night, he examined inside my bum for damage by putting his finger right up inside me. I was nervous and only agreed because he told me it would be painless, and I trusted him completely.’
Lester was hanging on his every word, ‘And?’ he asked. ‘He was right, it was painless. But because he did it so gently it was also unbelievably nice as well. I even had a dream last night that we were in bed together and you were doing it to me. It was lovely.’
‘Wow,’ Lester told him. ‘I have had dreams of being in bed with you as well but doing that never occurred to me.’ ‘Lewis doesn’t seem to think we’ll have any more nightmares,’ Peter said, almost feeling regret at the idea. ‘But if it became necessary, you would be my first choice if you were willing. You don’t have to answer that,’ he added, ‘It’ll probably never be needed.’
Lester thought about it and said, ‘It’s hard to imagine actually choosing to do it, but if I had to have it done, I’d choose you first too.’ They reached one hand out and gripped each other’s hand tight before parting. They both felt that that grip was a wordless pledge between them that if they were called upon, they would do it.’
They both went home to the best nighttime dream they had ever had.
On Monday after school Lewis headed for the shop. Yesterday he had had a text from a girl called Molly. Lewis immediately recognised the name as the girl who was sharing a flat with Mark, someone he had counselled recently.
She told him she was having a problem that she found impossible to talk to anyone about and a friend had recommended him. But she was only off on a Monday definitely and occasionally Tuesday or Wednesday evenings as she worked in a restaurant.
‘I can see you tomorrow or next Monday,’ Lewis had texted back. ‘It would be five pm or later. I use a room behind a shop after it’s closed.’ He gave her the post code of the shop. ‘Tomorrow please,’ Molly had replied, ‘I’ll be there for five.’
‘See you then,’ Lewis replied. ‘Aim for five to five, but if you’re delayed and the shop is shut, I’ll be inside so just text me and I’ll open up.’ ‘Thank you.’ came the reply.
Arriving at the shop at half four Lewis sat behind the counter with Mike and chatted. Monday was usually quite quiet, but they got a lot of videos returned after the weekend. So, he helped Mike go through them, rewinding them when people had forgotten to, or just hadn’t bothered.
Just after five a young lady came in, older than Lewis but he guessed only in her early twenties. Lewis got up and asked, ‘Molly?’ He shook her hand and introduced himself. Mark had told her that his sister had said Lewis was very young but was a marvel.
Even so she hadn’t expected him to be quite so young and seeing his uniform, he was clearly still at school. Seeing and recognising her reaction, Lewis said, ‘Don’t be put off by my age, come and have a coffee and then you can decide if you want to stay.’
He introduced her to Mike as there was no one else in the shop. ‘You’re in good hands.’ Mike told her. ‘I’ll make you a coffee.’ Lewis told him. That indicated to Mike he was needed to give Lewis a plug.
In the back room, Lewis told Molly to sit at the table. He made three coffees than told her, ‘Mike will be in for a coffee then he will be going home.’ He explained about no one every knowing anything she said and that she could get up and leave any time she wanted to, no explanation necessary.’
That seemed fair enough, so Molly relaxed slightly. ‘I know you are probably thinking, I can’t possibly tell this young lad about my problem.’ Lewis told her, seeing from her face he had hit the nail on the head.
‘But just give it a try, everyone else who’s been here has managed once they feel relaxed with me.’ ‘Have there been many?’ Molly asked. ‘Yes,’ Lewis said, ‘Lots. I’ve no idea how many because I don’t keep any records. It helps the confidentiality.’
‘But there have been all ages and all sexes. As well as a wide range of problems. Although nearly all have involved sex somewhere along the line. Once I know the problem in full, I can usually solve it. But my solution does not happen unless you agree. This is your life and it’s all about you, so you are the one in charge.’
Molly was feeling better already. Then Mike came in. Sitting down with his coffee Mike told her about him and Valerie getting together, his daughter Catherine and how Lewis had delivered her. ‘He’ll make a great doctor.’ Mike told her.
‘He solved a very serious problem for my nephew that could have ruined his life,’ Mike told her, ‘That’s why I let him use this room. Ever since I’ve seen a lot of unhappy people arrive. Lewis never tells me anything, but those that I’ve seen again always look very happy.’
He finished his coffee and stood up. ‘Time for me to get off home,’ he said. ‘Put yourself in Lewis’s hands and you’ll leave your problem behind when you go. Good luck.’ he said giving her a smile.
Lewis saw him out and called Molly into the shop. He showed her his key in the lock and explained its significance. Returning Lewis asked her to sit on the settee. Molly took her coat off and sat down. She was wearing a white blouse and jeans. Sitting in the armchair Lewis explained about not asking anything about her problem until she felt relaxed enough with him.
Molly was feeling happier by the minute although she still didn’t think she’d be able to tell Lewis everything. ‘If you decide to stay,’ Lewis told her, ‘I’ll ask you to take your shoes off and lie on the settee.’
‘I will then tell you in detail what happens next. But basically, I will ask you lots of questions about you and your life to get to know all about you. I will also try to get you feeling so relaxed with me that eventually you will feel able to tell me all about your problem.’
‘Everyone who’s been here so far has been able to do that eventually. Because of that I have been able to give them a solution. But you would not be under any obligation to accept or carry out any solution I suggest.’
‘The choice is now yours. Take as long as you like to decide, then either leave or lie down.’ Molly had taken several weeks to make up her mind whether to come or not. She had suffered her original problem nearly five years, but now there was a new one as well.
She had soon realised they could only be solved together. She thought about all the things Mark had said about how his sister had been before and after coming here. She so wanted that to happen to her. With an effort she took her shoes off and lay down.
‘Well done.’ Lewis said. He got up and came over to her. ‘Are you ok if I sit here.’ he asked pointing to the edge of the settee. Molly looked a bit worried about it, but managed to say, ‘Yes.’ Since sharing a flat with Mark, she was beginning to accept that not all men were bad.
Lewis being so young made it seem easier somehow. Plus, after what Mike had told her and her own assessment of him her normal fears seemed to have eased a little.
She tensed up as he sat down but relaxed again as he smiled at her. ‘Nothing in here will hurt you or take you by surprise,’ Lewis told her. ‘Before we do anything I will tell you what I want to do, why I want to do it and what I hope to achieve by it. But even then, nothing happens until you say it’s ok. Do you understand that?’ ‘Yes.’ Molly answered, she liked the sound of that.
Lewis studied her. She was around five foot seven, not fat but slightly padded. Her breasts seemed average size and she seemed to be a very shy and quiet person. Generally, she looked nervous. But when she smiled, her whole face lit up.
‘At this stage,’ Lewis told her, ‘The only person who knows all the details of your problem is you. My first task is to get you feeling so much at ease being here that you are able to share all those details with me. Until we achieve that there’s nothing that I can do to help you.’
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