The Life of Lewis
Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas
Chapter 3: Did She Enjoy It Too
Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 3: Did She Enjoy It Too - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.
Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa mt/Fa Ma/Ma Ma/mt mt/mt Teenagers Coercion Consensual Rape Gay BiSexual Heterosexual Fiction Incest Torture Anal Sex First Massage Masturbation Oral Sex Petting Doctor/Nurse Teacher/Student
‘Don’t you dare blame yourself,’ she said, ‘It’s not your fault, he brought this on himself.’
‘Come back inside,’ she said. We went through to the lounge, and we sat down. She was looking very white. ‘I’m going to ring for an ambulance in a moment,’ she said. ‘They might call the police, so this is what we tell them.’
‘We were in the lounge playing cards when he came home drunk. He was ranting and raving then said he was going out again. He went and we heard a crash. We took no notice because he was always knocking things over when he was drunk.’
‘Then I went to go to the bathroom and saw him lying there. I couldn’t feel a pulse, so I called you to help me turn him over. I thought he was dead, so I dialled nine, nine, nine.’
‘Can you remember all that?’ she asked. ‘Yes.’ I told her. Aunty Jenny dialled and explained what had happened. Soon an ambulance and a police car arrived.’
‘The ambulance confirmed he was dead and because he was outside in public, they were willing to take the body away. The policeman asked Aunt Jenny what had happened, and she told him what we had planned.’
‘Then he looked at me and asked if I could confirm that was true. I told him yes. He radioed in and was told that Albert had constantly caused trouble and been arrested often for being drunk.’
‘He must have tripped over the step,’ he told us. ‘His head has clearly hit the concrete path.’ He told the ambulance to take the body away. He came in and had a cuppa with us.’
‘He explained that there would have to be a postmortem and if it confirmed as he had concluded that Albert had died as a result of his head hitting the concrete, we’d hear no more about it.’
‘We thanked him for his help and after he had gone, we sat on the settee with our arms around each other. ‘He was a good husband for a long time,’ Aunty Jenny told me. ‘But the drink changed him to the monster you knew. Life will be a lot happier and easier after today.’
‘She looked me straight in the face and told me, ‘You are not to reproach yourself for what happened. You know how unsteady he was on his feet when he was drunk so he could have easily tripped over the step on his own anyway.’
‘Then she thanked me for staying with her when he came in.’ ‘How was life at home after that?’ Lewis asked. ‘The postmortem confirmed the version that we had told the police, so once the funeral was over, life was completely different,’ Peter told him. ‘We were both happier and the house was always peaceful.’
‘How have you felt about it in the years since?’ Lewis asked. ‘I often think about it,’ Peter said sounding sad. ‘Even though Aunt Jenny told me after the funeral, ‘Everything is sorted now. No one is ever going to suggest he died any differently,’ she said. ‘So, you must forget what happened.’ ‘But I still know that I killed him.’
‘To deliberately kill someone is a terrible thing to do, and to have to carry it on your conscience.’ Lewis told him. ‘But to accidentally kill someone has many ifs and buts. To accidently kill someone through your own carelessness is a bad thing, which makes you responsible for their death.’
‘But to accidentally kill someone when you are doing your best to protect yourself and your loved ones from attack without deliberately trying to kill them, is both acceptable and understandable.’
‘You had no intention of killing him, you didn’t even intend to knock him out. Your only concern was to escape the beating you knew he intended to give you. In legal terms you acted in self-defence and if you had ever gone to court, I very much doubt the Judge would have done anything other than dismiss the case. He may well even have complimented you on your bravery in trying to stand up to a man twice your size and strength who had beaten you and your aunt many times before.’
‘Many people, me included, would say you were a hero to do so. Sit up.’ Lewis said. He moved round to Peters side and took him in his arms. As he hugged him, he said in his ear, ‘You did what any decent person would hope they would have the guts to do in similar circumstances.’
‘Even though you pushed him, that he died was a complete accident. If he hadn’t been so drunk, he could well have saved himself from the fall. You should do what your aunt told you. Forget about it. I’m sure she will never forget how you stood up for her, so concentrate on feeling proud of yourself for doing so.’
Peter looked up at him and smiled. ‘Thank you,’ he said. ‘Put like that I can see it in a totally different light.’ He gave Lewis a long kiss which he returned.
Lewis moved back to the end of the settee and a much happier Peter lay his head back down on his lap. ‘Thank you for feeling able to tell me all that,’ Lewis said, ‘Now let’s get back to getting you relaxed. I don’t think we’re far off now.’
‘In between your recent nighttime dreams that involved Lester,’ Lewis asked, ‘Have you had any about a girl?’ ‘How did you know?’ Peter asked looking both amazed and horrified. ‘Because of the reason you two have become so close.’ Lewis told him.’
‘It’s quite usual that you would dream about the two of you enacting all or some of your bad experiences together. That happens because your brain wants to squash your bad memories and replace them with happy ones. It tries to do that by giving you dreams of doing the same thing as you have suffered, but with someone you feel safe with. I think it’s quite likely that Lester will have had similar dreams about you.’
‘Wow.’ Peter said, then he felt his cock starting to grow under Lewis’s hand. ‘That’s happening because you are trying to imagine Lesters dream about you.’ Lewis said smiling at him.
‘How does he know what I’m thinking?’ Peter thought to himself. He looked down and saw his cock had grown fully and had pushed between Lewis’s thumb and forefinger. To his surprise, not only didn’t he feel embarrassed about it, but a thought also flashed across his mind how nice it would feel if Lewis started stroking it.
Then he remembered Lewis’s question. ‘Yes.’ he answered. ‘Is it the girl you first dreamt of, or another one?’ Lewis asked. ‘I do still dream about her occasionally,’ Peter said, ‘But at present I’m dreaming about Angela, a girl who was in my form in my last year at school.’
‘Can you describe her to me?’ Lewis asked. ‘She’s about two inches shorter than me,’ Peter said, ‘Slim, with a lovely figure and very outgoing.’ ‘How did you get on with her at school?’ Lewis asked. ‘Oh, I didn’t, I doubt she even noticed that I existed.’ Peter said, ‘She was always the centre of attention. But that doesn’t matter in a dream, does it?’
‘No,’ Lewis said smiling as he started giving Peters cock a very slow stroke. ‘Do you dream that you are in bed together naked?’ ‘Yes.’ Peter said, surprised he could answer so easily. ‘Ok,’ Lewis said, ‘Imagine you’re both in bed naked and in each other’s arms.’
Peters cock throbbed in his grip at the thought. ‘Imagine you separate, and she turns onto her back. Imagine you move to go on top of her.’
As his cock throbbed even more Lewis said, ‘Describe to me how you had sex with her.’ ‘I lowered myself down so my cock went inside her,’ Peter told him. ‘Then I started lifting my hips up and dropping them down again.’ As Lewis speeded up on his cock he continued.
‘I went faster and faster, then my feeling hit, and all of my stuff shot into her. The feeling was amazing. Like now!’ he shouted out as he felt himself about to fire. His cock swelled in Lewis’s grip then pulsated as he shot out four jets of cum.
As he did, he was looking at Lewis’s hand on his cock and crying out at the exceptionally lovely feeling going through him. Lewis kept stroking until he stopped firing, then slowed down and stopped.
As Lewis kept hold of his cock as it shrank, Peter lay there with his eyes now closed and a big beam on his face. Once soft, Lewis lay it down on his hairs. Then he mopped up the lake of cum off Peters chest.
Slipping out from under him, he fetched a wet cloth and towel. Sitting beside him he washed his chest, then picked up his limp cock. As he slid his foreskin back and dabbed his tip with the cloth Peter cried out in delight at the feeling.
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