The Life of Lewis
Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas
Chapter 1: I’ve Never Felt Anything Like It
Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 1: I’ve Never Felt Anything Like It - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.
Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa mt/Fa Ma/Ma Ma/mt mt/mt Teenagers Coercion Consensual Rape Gay BiSexual Heterosexual Fiction Incest Torture Anal Sex First Massage Masturbation Oral Sex Petting Doctor/Nurse Teacher/Student
Monday was a relatively quiet day for the drugs squad, as everyone tied up loose ends of paperwork and worked on the prosecutions of all the dealers caught stocking up from the three shops. Aiden had had an idea during the morning and made a number of phone calls. Going into see Brian, he explained what he had done and the result. ‘Brilliant,’ was Brians response. ‘Come on, let’s go and tell the team.’
Going out into the incident room, Brian called for attention and announced that Aiden had some information to share. He nodded to him to go ahead. Aiden told them, ‘I rang round the local A&E departments as well as a few Doctors surgeries. They all reported a sudden upsurge in requests for detox treatment. So, I rang the three main drug rehabilitation charities. They all said they had had a surge of applicants. One even had a queue stretching outside. So, it seems we have made a significant step forward in the fight against drugs.’
‘Well done, Aiden, that was a brilliant initiative and good to know.’ Brian told him, ‘However, let’s not get too complacent, we all know some more will crawl out of the woodwork sooner or later to take their place.’
Tuesday about eleven Reg arrived and went in to see Brian. He reported on progress so far. He had seen all three ladies a couple of times finding them both still upset but cooperative. A few things that had cropped up so far, he had taken actions that Brian agreed were sound decisions. He complimented him and told him to carry on.’
‘By the way,’ Brian asked, ‘When you pass your National Investigators Exam, how would you feel about doing your ongoing training attached to the drugs squad.’ Reg didn’t hesitate, ‘I’d love to.’ he replied. ‘OK leave it with me,’ Brian said, ‘I can’t guarantee I can pull it, but I’ll try.’ ‘Thank you, sir, that would be great,’ Reg said as he left.
Two hours later Brian had a call from Mrs Triggs. She sounded a lot more subdued than last time they had spoken. ‘I haven’t heard anything from that husband of mine,’ she told him, ‘So I accept your offer.’ ‘Fine,’ Brian said, ‘Are you in this afternoon?’ When she said yes, Brian told her he would call about two and go through things with her.
When he arrived, her attitude to him was totally different. Brian suspected that her solicitor had probably warned her that she could lose everything if she went to court. She even made him a coffee, which amazed him. ‘Right, to business,’ Brian told her. ‘It is my belief that you knew exactly what your husband was doing, so on those grounds alone we could ask for everything to be seized.’
‘However, I also believe that although you knew, you didn’t play any active part in it. So, here’s my offer. You get to keep the bungalow, your own car and the cash in one of the three bank accounts we found. If you agree, you can remain here until the property is sold.’
‘Any other assets we find of your husbands will be seized unless you can show a good reason why it should stay with you. You will be expected to sign any forms and documents you are asked to for the sale of the house and the transfer of assets. Do you wish to accept?’ This time there was no argument, ‘Yes please.’ she said.
‘My assistant Constable King will contact you in the next few days to sort out all the details with you,’ he told her. ‘Everything should be sorted quite quickly but I have to warn you that if you are found to be hiding any of your husband’s assets from us, the whole deal will be scrapped. Is that understood?’
‘Yes, perfectly,’ Mrs Triggs answered. ‘The estate agent is putting a for sale board up tomorrow and I went round yesterday to advise the occupiers of the bungalow that their lease won’t be renewed. Apparently, they are in the process of buying a place of their own anyway, so it’s possible they can move out in a month.’
‘What will happen about my husband?’ she asked. ‘He’s been listed as wanted,’ Brian told her, ‘So he won’t be able to leave the country. But as far as we’re concerned his operation has been stopped so until he turns up somewhere, probably nothing.’ Thanking her for the coffee Brian left.
Returning to the station, he sent Reg an email adding Mrs Triggs to his list. He set out what he had offered and warned him not to trust her as she had known exactly what her husband was up to, even if she didn’t know about the extra bank accounts and properties.
Later that week Detective Superintendent Hopkins sent Brian to put an envelope in the garage. Then later in the day he sent a text to the phone number he used to alert Paul to an Item. The drugs squad has closed down three shops supplying drugs, identified over a hundred small dealers for future observation and caught three main dealers, their courier, their two UK suppliers and their two Italian suppliers. We’ve also been able to alert the Italian police to the involvement of one of their government ministers. A very satisfactory conclusion.’
You have been rushed off your feet and I think you deserve a little extra. I’ve left an additional five thousand pounds in the garage for you as a contribution to the building fund. It’s in an envelope on the trolley under the bench.’
Paul felt pleased with himself as he wondered how many people wouldn’t take up drugs this year because they couldn’t get hold of them. He returned a ‘Thank you’ and a thumbs up.
The following day, Reg was just leaving home as the postman was arriving. As he was running a little late, he thanked him and tucked the three envelopes into his pocket. He had been in the incident room for half an hour with nothing much happening when he remembered his mail. Opening it he found his credit card statement and his car tax reminder plus an official looking envelope. Opening it his heart skipped a beat as he saw the heading.
He couldn’t stop himself giving a happy cry as he read it. DI Walters who was sitting near him asked him what was up. Reg passed him the letter. Aiden read it, smiled at him, then called out, ‘Listen up everyone, Reg has passed his National Investigators Exam.’ Everyone in the room looked pleased and either clapped or called out, ‘Well done, Reg.’
‘Thanks everyone,’ Reg answered. ‘Go and show this to Brian, right away,’ Aiden told him, ‘He will want to know.’ Reg got up and went over to Brian’s office. Getting a ‘come in,’ to his knock, Reg went in with his letter in his hand. ‘Is that for me?’ Brian asked. ‘No sir, but I thought you would like to see it,’ Reg answered handing it over.
Brian read it and smiled. He stood up, shook Reg’s hand and said, ‘Well done. A pass mark of ninety four percent too, that’s excellent.’ Sitting down again, he rooted in his desk drawer then pulled out some forms. ‘Go and fill these in and bring them straight back,’ he told him. ‘They are your application to enrol on the Trainee Detective Constable Programme. If you are accepted onto it, you could be posted anywhere, but I’ll do my best to get you posted to me.’
Reg took them off him, thanked him again and returned to the incident room. Sitting down by Aiden who glanced at the papers in his hand and asked, ‘Trainee DC Programme?’ Reg nodded. ‘Good luck,’ he said, ‘Need any help just ask.’ Thanking him, Reg waded through the form and filled it all in before returning it to Brian. ‘Good,’ Brian said, ‘I’ll send it off right away.’
A few hours later Brian came out into the incident room and called out, ‘Listen up folks.’ When he had everyone’s attention, he announced, ‘I’ve just had confirmation that we have a new permanent member of the team, Trainee Detective Constable Reg.’ Everyone clapped. Brian shook his hand saying welcome to the team, then Aiden did the same followed by everyone else in the room.
When the hub bub had died down, Brian said, ‘I’m sure you’ll find everyone here will help you with your assignments.’ After he had returned to his office, Reg confided to Aiden, ‘Things sure move fast round here.’ Aiden grinned at him, ‘There’s a very famous saying,’ he said, ‘It’s not what you know, it’s who you know. Seriously,’ he added, ‘Brian is a brilliant copper and he’s heading up the ranks. Those of us who are lucky enough to get into a team lead by someone like him are likely to go up with him.’
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