The Life of Lewis
Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas
Chapter8: Catching A Big Fish
Pedo Sex Story: Chapter8: Catching A Big Fish - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.
Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa mt/Fa Ma/Ma Ma/mt mt/mt Teenagers Coercion Consensual Rape Gay BiSexual Heterosexual Fiction Incest Torture Anal Sex First Massage Masturbation Oral Sex Petting Doctor/Nurse Teacher/Student
The following day, Friday, Brian woke to find a text ‘Item sold,’ then as he arrived at the incident room, Reg met him with a big beam on his face, ‘I’ve got my exam on Monday he told him. I have to let them know today if I can go.’ Brian looked over at Aiden who was nearby, ‘Mm I don’t know,’ he said with a serious face, ‘Do you think we can cope without him?’
‘It’ll be hard,’ Aiden said, ‘But I suppose we better let him go or we’ll never hear the last of it.’ Brian broke into a laugh, ‘Sorry son,’ he said, ‘Couldn’t resist a tease, of course you can go, and we all wish you good luck.’ ‘Hear, hear.’ came from the rest of the team.
‘Go and make your call,’ Brian told him, ‘Then get yourself off home for a weekend of revision.’ ‘Thank you, sir,’ Reg said surprised at the unexpected day off. ‘Thanks everyone,’ he called out as he left.
Brian went in to see Detective Superintendent Hopkins. The Super gave him all the papers from Frenches home. ‘There was a hundred and thirty-five thousand pounds in cash,’ he told him, ‘A nice addition to the special fund. Well done.’ Brian told him what he had offered to Mrs French. ‘Good,’ the Super said, ‘No need to make them suffer more than necessary if they weren’t involved.’
An hour later they were alerted to Wilson being on the move. The same instructions went out and by noon Wilson was strapped up in the garage and Brian was at his house serving the warrant. Everything went pretty much the same as yesterday. This time the Supers fund went up by a hundred and twenty-eight thousand four hundred pounds.
The proceeds of crime received the entire proceeds of the house as they discovered much to his wife’s amazement that Wilson owned a small, detached house a few streets away from where they lived. Mrs Wilson was willing to give the tenants notice then move into the other house.
Brian arranged for the ownership to transfer to her along with the registration of her car. The full value of the present house would go to the proceeds of crime unit once sold. Along with Wilsons car and several investments they found in his safe worth ninety-two thousand pounds.
Brian returned to the station via the garage where he dispatched Wilson the same way as French.
Collating all the information on the raids on the three shops with double sided wall safes, Brian discovered that over two million pounds worth of heroin had been seized and destroyed whilst as well as all the cash the Supers fund had gained, over three hundred thousand pounds in cash had gone to the proceeds of crime unit.
Over a hundred small dealers had been identified from watching the shops. Because of the numbers, some were given a police caution and others bail pending a court appearance.
A list of all their details and phone numbers were kept by Brian who would, over the course of the next few months, contact them all to advise them what had happened to their suppliers. He would also point out that if they resumed their dealing, they would very likely end up the same way as their suppliers.
The following morning there was another, ‘Item sold,’ message on his phone. Triggs however stayed at home all day, unintentionally extending his life. Not to mention giving Paul a breather!
Tuesday morning Reg was back at work. Everyone asked him how the exam had gone. He told them that he thought he had done ok but wouldn’t hear for about three weeks.
Later that morning Brian called him into the office. ‘I’ve made a few deals with the wives of Wilson, Jenkins and French,’ he told him. I don’t believe that they were aware of what their husbands were doing. Here’s a list of what I’ve offered each one. I want you to go through it and familiarise yourself with it, then go along and introduce yourself to them.’
‘Stop and chat with them, get to know them and help them through all the transfers. Fish out any other assets that should go to the proceeds of crime unit but above all remember we are not trying to punish them. If you need any help to get started, have a word with Aiden.’
‘I don’t want to be running back to you every five minutes,’ Reg told him, ‘Are there any guidelines I should follow.’ Brian thought for a moment then told him, ‘What I have offered them is what I thought would enable them to continue their lives without undue hardship.’
‘At the same time getting money for the PoC unit. If you come across something that doesn’t fit in either camp, use your initiative. Just remember that having them on our side seizing the assets saves a fortune in long drawn-out legal battles. Check back with me in say three days and let me know how you’re getting on. But I don’t expect you to have sorted it all out by then,’ he added.
As Reg left the office, Brians phone rang. Waiting until Reg had closed the door, he answered it to be told that Triggs was on the move. Giving the same instructions, ‘Follow and arrest, when possible,’ he hung up. An hour later the car reported that Triggs had his wife in the car with him and it looked like they would be together all day. ‘Ok stand down,’ Brian told them, there’s always tomorrow.
Wednesday at eleven Triggs was on the move again, this time when the tailing car located him, he was alone. An hour later he was trussed up in the garage. When Brian and his team turned up at his home soon after, Mrs Triggs reaction was totally different to the other wives. Clearly even if not involved she knew exactly what her husband was up to.
When told what her husband was wanted for, she said, ‘You’ve got no proof I’ll ring my solicitor.’ ‘That’s your right,’ Brian told her, ‘But go and do it in the kitchen whilst we search the house. The WPC will come with you.’ When she objected, Brian told her, ‘The alternative is that I arrest you for obstruction, sit you in the car in handcuffs until we are finished here, then take you to the station at which point you can then ring your solicitor. Your choice.’
She glared at him then stormed off to the kitchen followed by the WPC. ‘Don’t take any nonsense,’ Brian called after the WPC ‘Don’t hesitate to arrest her and cuff her if she gives you any trouble.’
Whilst Brian searched the room that was clearly Triggs office, the rest of the team searched the house and outbuildings. The big old safe in the office wasn’t concealed, confirming Brians opinion that Mrs Triggs knew everything that was going on. The car that had seized Triggs had dropped his keys off to Brian and was now assisting in the search.
With the keys he was able to open the safe easily. He piled two thirds of the bundles of cash into a black bag, then locked the safe. After checking Mrs Triggs was still in the kitchen, he took it out and put it in his car boot. Returning to the house, he went into the kitchen where Mrs Triggs was sitting drinking a coffee and looking daggers.
‘I’m about to open the safe in the office he told her, I want you to come and see whatever is in there.’ ‘You can’t get in,’ she said, ‘Malcom has the only key.’ ‘Oh dear, did I forget to mention,’ Brian told her, ‘We found your husbands car at the main railway station with the keys in the ignition. The ticket office recognised him as having bought a first-class ticket to London. He’ll be arrested as soon as he gets off the train.’
That took the wind out of her sails a bit. She trudged upstairs after him, followed by the WPC. They all went into the office which only had one chair. Brian told her to sit down. To the WPC he said, ‘Can you see if you can find another couple of chairs in the bedrooms.’
‘Now, Mrs Triggs,’ he said, ‘Your husband will get at least twenty years based on the evidence we have. We will be applying for this house and all your husband’s assets under the proceeds of crime legislation, and I can assure you, regardless of whatever your solicitor might tell you, with the evidence we have, we are certain to get it.’
The WPC returned with two light dining chairs so once everyone was seated, Brian made a show of trying a couple of the keys then opening the safe. ‘Well, well, what have we here,’ he said, ‘Cash, cash and more cash.’ He took a bundle out and counted it. ‘Two thousand pounds in that one,’ he said.
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