The Life of Lewis
Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas
Chapter7: Executing A Drug Dealer
Pedo Sex Story: Chapter7: Executing A Drug Dealer - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.
Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa mt/Fa Ma/Ma Ma/mt mt/mt Teenagers Coercion Consensual Rape Gay BiSexual Heterosexual Fiction Incest Torture Anal Sex First Massage Masturbation Oral Sex Petting Doctor/Nurse Teacher/Student
‘I’m sorry for speaking,’ he said to Lewis, ‘But I couldn’t let that go.’ Lewis nodded to him. Lewis set up his phone in front of Richard and handed him his statement. Lewis pressed play and said, ‘This statement is read by Richard George Thompson after his arrest today.’ He gave the date and time then continued, ‘The statement was signed this afternoon in front of two witnesses.’ He nodded to Richard who read it in full.
Lewis removed the handcuffs from his other wrist. ‘You remain under arrest,’ he told him, ‘But no one else knows about it. When the documents are completed this coming week to transfer your holding, your arrest will be lifted. But your name will be on the system temporarily. If you try to leave the country in the meantime, you will be detained at the point of exit.’
Lewis opened his phone and deleted both pictures, then deleted them from the recycle bin before handing Richard his phone back. Lewis put the statements and the handcuffs back in his envelope.
Looking at Richard, Lewis said, ‘Now I suggest you go and collect any personal things you have here and leave. Either me, Charles, or the solicitor will be in touch for you to come here to sign the transfers.’
Richard got up and looking at the boys thanked them once more then left the room. ‘That was incredible,’ Charles said, ‘I’ve never heard of anything like this happening before.’ ‘It’s quite new,’ Lewis assured him, ‘And it’s never publicised, but it’s not the first time. It punishes the culprit but saves the innocent from suffering.’
‘Boys, would you leave us now please. I’ll come and see you at the shed shortly.’ After they had gone Lewis asked, ‘Can you get your solicitor to draw up the three transfers and have them here for signing in the next few days?’
‘I don’t see why not,’ Charles said, ‘I’ll get on to him and the bank in the morning.’ ‘Ok, I’m not going to tell the boys the amount until it’s all signed and sealed,’ Lewis said. ‘When they get their share certificates, I will tell them that they can’t sell them before they are twenty-one, they have to give you first refusal and you will vote for them until then.’
Lewis gave him his phone number. ‘When everything is ready, invite Richard in here to sign, and I’ll come too, then I can unarrest him. I thought Lesters idea for the maze was great.’ Lewis added. ‘Yes,’ Charles agreed, ‘I wish he could work full time on it, but I’m determined to give him the chance to do it himself.’
‘Have you considered offering him work experience?’ Lewis asked, ‘So he could come here instead of going to school?’ ‘No,’ Charles said, ‘But only because the possibility didn’t occur to me.’
‘I know his headmaster well,’ Lewis said, ‘Would you like me to see if he could arrange it?’ ‘Yes please,’ Charles said, ‘That would be great. If it could be done, I’d give him Peter to help him as much as possible.’ ‘I think they would like that,’ Lewis told him, ‘They will always have a special bond with each other now.’
‘I’ll have a word with him in the next few days.’ Lewis said. He stood up and shook hands. ‘Nice to meet you, sorry it had to be under such circumstances.’ ‘Thank you for everything,’ Charles said. ‘But especially for putting their suffering to a stop.’
Lewis walked over to the shed. Peter and Lester were busy working. ‘I decided to celebrate by stopping and helping.’ Peter said with a beam. They both threw their arms around him and hugged him.
‘Sit down for a moment,’ Lewis said. ‘Now, as part of the arrangement you will each be getting a share certificate which will make you a very small part owner of this garden centre. I’ll explain that to you in more detail, once it’s all sorted.’
‘Lester, where would you rather be during the week, here or at school?’ ‘Here,’ came the immediate reply. ‘Ok, I’ll have a word with the headmaster during the week.’ Lewis told him. ‘I’ll ask if you could have a week or two’s leave to come here on work experience.’
Lesters eyes lit up, ‘I’d love that,’ he said. ‘I’ll also arrange to give you the lesson I promised you both very soon,’ Lewis told them. ‘I think it would be good to do that with both of you at the same time. Peter, I’ll invite you to come and see me on your own first, I have your number.’
‘Do either of you have any questions before I go?’ ‘I’m puzzled,’ Peter said, ‘About you arresting Richard and the card you showed him, it looked like you were a policeman, but Lester said you were at school with him.’
Lewis grinned. ‘Because of my counselling,’ he explained, ‘I have a good relationship with the local police. I don’t have a warrant card because I am not a policeman, but I do have something that looks very like one which gives me access to the police station.’ He showed them his card.
‘So, if you’re not a policeman,’ Peter said, sounding puzzled as his voice trailed away whilst he tried to work it out. ‘No, I’m still at school,’ Lewis told him, ‘But I have been present when a lot of people like Richard have been arrested. So, I know the procedure off by heart. The handcuffs were lent to me just for today, I’ll be returning them to the station shortly. If Richard jumped to the conclusion that I was a policeman, who am I to argue.’
The two of them burst out laughing. Lewis let them laugh it out then told them, ‘But remember, we have to maintain the illusion, even with Charles, at least until it’s all signed sealed and delivered.’ Lewis set off to the police station to return the handcuffs. Derek was on duty and put them back in the drawer. ‘Much as I’d love to know,’ he said grinning, ‘It’s probably better that I don’t ask.’
Not long after Lewis had gone, Charles came over to the shed. ‘I just wanted to check you are both ok,’ he said, ‘I apologise again that you suffered whilst working here. Will it leave you with any lasting problems?’ he asked. They both assured him they would be fine.
‘Well, I would like to say thank you in a more practical way,’ Charles told them. You will each have a rise in your hourly rate of two pounds fifty. Lester, yours starts this weekend, here’s your wages,’ he said handing him an envelope. ‘Peter, yours will be in your pay from next week.’
They both thanked him. After he had gone Lester opened his envelope and counted it. ‘A hundred and twenty pounds instead of eighty.’ he said beaming. Peter went quiet. ‘What’s up?’ Lester asked spotting it right away.
‘I just can’t believe it’s all over,’ Peter said, ‘I feel so happy, yet it doesn’t feel real.’ ‘Come into the shed for a moment,’ Lester said. They went in and Lester opened his arms. Peter went into them, and they had a long hug. Peter burst into tears on his shoulder. Lester stroked his back and held him tight. ‘Let it all out,’ he said, ‘It’s finished for ever now.’
As Peters sobs died away, he said, ‘If you hadn’t come to work here, it could have gone on forever.’ ‘That’s what friends are for,’ Lester told him. They held each other close for a while, then as they moved away, Peter gave Lester a kiss. Lester kissed him back the same.
They went back out and carried on working until it was time to knock off. ‘See you next Saturday,’ Peter said as they parted, ‘I really look forward to Saturdays now, especially lunch time.’
Lewis had left the garden centre feeling happy and after visiting the police station went over to Ernie’s for the evening. They were having a family barbeque. Ella was there waiting for him, and Ernie’s new employee Len had been invited too.
After a long kiss and a hug for Ella, Lewis went round saying hello to everyone else. When he got to Len, he gave him a hug and said, ‘Hi,’ then he asked him how he was enjoying working with Ernie. ‘It’s wonderful,’ Len said, ‘I’m learning so much and I’m so happy.’
‘Ernie is lovely, he treats me as an equal and going to work is a pleasure. I owe you so much.’ ‘I’m happy to hear it,’ Lewis told him. Later in the evening it worked out that Ernie, Len and Lewis were together and no one else was in the vicinity.
‘Len,’ Lewis said, ‘I have something to tell you. Just after you started to work with Ernie, Butler contacted me and asked for my help. He came to see me and told me because of his uncle he had been diagnosed with asbestosis.’
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