The Life of Lewis - Cover

The Life of Lewis

Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas

Chapter 6: Richard Gets His Just Deserts

Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 6: Richard Gets His Just Deserts - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.

Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Ma/Ma   Ma/mt   mt/mt   Teenagers   Coercion   Consensual   Rape   Gay   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Torture   Anal Sex   First   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Doctor/Nurse   Teacher/Student  

Richard squatted down in front of Lester and put his cock in his mouth. He gave a little suck and played with his balls. He was too busy to see Lesters look of disgust as he said, ‘I keep telling you I don’t want you to do that.’ Lewis had told him when he was acting his voice would reflect his facial expressions. As he stood up Richard said, ‘I’ll give you my usual nice suck when we finish as a reward.’

‘I don’t want a reward,’ Lester said, ‘I want you to stop doing these terrible things to me and making me do them to you.’ ‘Tough,’ Richard told him, ‘If you want to keep on working here and your school pals not to see the photo I took of you, you have no choice.’

He sat down in the chair with his legs apart and his cock now rampant. ‘Kneel down here,’ he said. ‘I want a nice suck today whilst you play with my balls. Usual scale of rewards. Stay on here for one, two, or three, weeks according to how you do it. I don’t like having to swallow all your stuff,’ Lester said, ‘I’m sure it’s not hygienic, apart from being disgusting.’

‘Please yourself,’ Richard said, ‘But if you don’t, you’ll lose a week. Then I’ll be back to see you sooner for another suck.’ Lester knelt down and put his mouth round the very tip of Richards cock and stopped. ‘Come on,’ Richard shouted, ‘I’m getting annoyed with you now. If you don’t suck it this minute, I’ll bend you over and shove it up your bum instead.’

As he spoke, Richard grabbed hold of Lesters hair each side of his head and forced Lesters mouth right down his cock into his hairs. He kept moving Lesters head up and down at speed, making it look as though he was forcing him, and Lester was doing nothing.

Lewis and Peter had moved over close to the shed as soon as they saw Richard and Lester go in. Now Lewis switched his phone to video and got into a position so that his shot filled the whole doorway. Then he said quietly to Peter, ‘Go.’

Peter had already moved into position to stand in front of the lock side of the door and about eighteen inches back. He lifted one foot in the air bringing his knee up near his chin. Then with an almighty thrust with his foot he kicked the door directly over the lock, Lester having taken the key out and put it in his pocket so only the bolt was holding it shut.

At the impact of his foot against the door, the screws on the bolt flew out of the plasticine like bullets and the door flew open with a crash. As Peter threw himself to the side, Lewis got a perfect picture of Richard sitting naked in the chair. He was holding Lesters head and clearly it was his hands forcing Lesters head up and down. Richard was so shocked he kept Lesters head moving up and down a few times before reacting.

Lester followed Lewis’s instructions and didn’t turn to look so his face didn’t show. As soon as Lester felt Richard moving to get up, he rolled sideways onto the floor as Richard stood up. As a result, Lewis got a video of him full frontal with an erect cock. He was unable to close the door to hide himself because Lester was now lying on the floor blocking it.

Still filming, Lewis looked up from the screen and said, ‘Richard George Thompson, I’m arresting you for the sexual assault of a minor and the rape of a minor.’ He read him his rights word perfectly and ordered him to get dressed.

Richard had said nothing. He was looking very worried, but in his head, he was busy working out how to get out of it. Once he was dressed Lewis ordered him to put his hands out in front of him.

Following instructions, Lester now fully dressed, and Peter, had positioned themselves each side of him. With Lewis in front of him he did as he was told. Lewis snapped the handcuffs on him as if he had been doing it for years.

Lewis pretended to ring a number on his phone. ‘Good afternoon sergeant,’ he said, ‘It’s Lewis. I’ve just arrested a Richard George Thompson. He gave him his address. Can you do a Criminal Records check on him please. He waited in silence for a while then said, ‘Really, thank you sergeant. I’ll ring when I’m ready for transport, we have a few things to sort out here first.’

He put his phone down and said to Lester and Peter, ‘He’s done it before. Right let’s all go to Charles office before I call for a police van to collect him.’ Lewis had done that to strengthen Richard’s belief that he was a policeman without him actually saying so.

At a nod from Lewis, Lester walked off out of earshot and rang Charles. ‘It’s Lester,’ he said. ‘Sorry to bother you, but Richard has just been arrested for sexually assaulting a member of staff. The policeman would like you to come in now if you can.’ Charles didn’t argue. ‘I’ll be there in fifteen minutes.’ he said.

Lester had taken a pullover out of the shed and put it over the handcuffs before he left, so Richard could walk through the garden centre discretely.

They had hardly sat down round the table in Charles office when Lester rejoined them. ‘Fifteen minutes,’ he said. ‘Thanks,’ Lewis told him. ‘You two go to the café and have a drink now until I call you.’

When they had gone Lewis took his phone round to Richard. He took the pullover away, then showed him the video he had taken when Peter had kicked the door open. ‘He begged me to let him.’ Richard said.

‘He’s still a minor, so it would make no difference even if he did.’ Lewis told him, ‘But we know he didn’t. I have a video recording taken in this office a week last Wednesday of you raping Peter. I also have a sample taken from Peters bum soon after which has semen in it. I am awaiting forensics, but as soon as they take a sample of yours at the station, I’m sure that will prove to be yours.’

‘I also have a video of this afternoon.’ He put the recording from the camera on and pressed play. Richard watched it and visibly sagged in his chair. ‘Oh my God,’ he said, ‘What have I done?’

Give me your phone Lewis demanded. He went to open it. What is the password Lewis asked. Richard gave it him and Lewis went into gallery.

It didn’t take him long to find the picture of Lester with Richards cock in his mouth.

He scrolled back further and found an identical picture of Peter. Scrolling right back to the beginning there were no more similar pictures. I have found your two pictures of Peter and Lester Lewis told him. Have you sent them or stored them anywhere else. No Richard said, I only took them to keep them quiet, I would never have shown them.

I can’t see any more Lewis said, which earns you some brownie points. So, what made you suddenly attack Peter? He just seemed so young and nice,’ Richard said, ‘I had a terrible urge to hold him and play with his body. I did try to stop myself, but I failed.’

A few minutes later the door opened, and a man came in. ‘Charles?’ Lewis asked as he stood up. ‘Yes.’ he said staring amazed at the sight of Richard sitting in handcuffs and avoiding his gaze.

‘I’m Lewis,’ he said, flashing his police card quickly in front of Charles face. ‘I’m part of a special undercover unit dealing with sexual attacks on juniors.’

‘Please sit down and read these statements.’ Lewis put Peters and Lesters statement on the table. Charles read them both, then looking with disgust at Richard asked if they were both ok. ‘Yes,’ Lewis told him, ‘They’re having a drink in the café at the moment.’

‘You should listen to this too.’ Lewis said. ‘It is a recording of what happened in Lesters site shed this afternoon.’ He pressed audio play and they all listened to it.

‘After I arrested Richard I checked with the criminal records office,’ Lewis said. ‘He has been in trouble for a similar thing before. He quoted the offence and the date plus the sentence. ‘In fairness to him, there has been nothing since.’ Lewis added.

‘What will happen to him?’ Charles asked. ‘Normally he would be taken to the police station, charged, kept in a cell overnight then put in front of the magistrate in the morning.’ Lewis told him. ‘Given the forced rape and his victims ages, he would go to prison for several years.’

Richard looked white as he heard that. ‘You said normally?’ Charles queried picking up on it. ‘Yes,’ Lewis said, ‘My unit is experimental, and we have powers that ordinary policemen don’t have. We are experimenting with punishing criminals in a manner that doesn’t make other innocent people suffer. But I’ll explain more about that shortly.’

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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