The Life of Lewis
Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas
Chapter 5: The Trap Is Set
Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 5: The Trap Is Set - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.
Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa mt/Fa Ma/Ma Ma/mt mt/mt Teenagers Coercion Consensual Rape Gay BiSexual Heterosexual Fiction Incest Torture Anal Sex First Massage Masturbation Oral Sex Petting Doctor/Nurse Teacher/Student
‘How have you been since last week?’ Lewis asked him as he rested a hand on his head and massaged it. His other hand was flat and still on Nelsons stomach.
Nelson couldn’t help thinking to himself how much nicer it would be if Lewis’s other hand was on his skin and lower down.
‘Mainly great,’ he said beaming, ‘It was such a relief it being all over and knowing the two of them were locked up. Greggs been great too, I now have a friend called Joey as well and they have both been very supportive. There have only been two occasions when there’s been a problem.’
‘Two nights I have woken up in the middle of the night. I must have been dreaming because I was back in the clearing with an enormous cock thrusting hard in and out of my bum. As I woke up, I thought I had been screaming, but I must have imagined it as no one has mentioned it at home.’
‘When I came to in the dark, I’d swear my bum felt terribly sore. But as I realised where I was, I must have fallen asleep again. When I woke up the next morning, I had no pain at all.’
‘That’s a normal happening after what you’ve suffered,’ Lewis told hm, ‘I can cure that for you later. What about the Wednesday night?’ ‘Thanks to your oil the pain was minimal,’ Nelson told him. ‘The only real pain was the stretching, and by the time I went to bed it had practically gone. By morning it had completely disappeared. Even when I went to the toilet there was nothing. Not like on the previous occasions.’
‘Right,’ Lewis said, ‘In a moment you can ask any questions you may have, then we’ll do your lesson. After that I’ll get rid of your nightmares. Questions first.’
‘Does Joey know about what happened?’ Nelson asked. ‘I haven’t told him,’ Lewis said, ‘And I doubt very much if Gregg would have told him. However, if Gregg told him he met you through me, or you were a friend of mine, he could well have guessed. Not what actually happened but the sort of thing that might have happened to you.’
‘That would explain why he’s been so concerned about me,’ Lester said. ‘I’m so glad I know them both. Because Gregg knows, do you think I should tell Joey?’ ‘Thats up to you, I suggest you follow your instincts,’ Lewis told him. ‘But I can tell you that if you do, it won’t go any further.’
‘My other question,’ Nelson said, ‘Is about the appropriate adult at the police station. He was very nice, and I liked him. But I couldn’t understand why he was grinning and winking at me when he said how lucky I was that you were there.’
‘He’s been the appropriate adult for a number of people I’ve taken in there,’ Lewis told him. ‘He guessed a while ago that I’m rarely there by chance and it amuses him, because it’s not a strictly legal way of handling things.’
‘Well, it worked, and I’ll always be grateful to you for it.’ Nelson said with feeling. ‘They were my only questions.’ He added. ‘Then we’ll do your lesson now.’ Lewis told him.
‘What we’re going to do,’ Lewis told him. ‘Is go from first kiss to waking up after having had sex. I’ll teach you everything as we go. We’ll also use our bodies for a practical lesson. You’ll have to imagine that I am a girl for that purpose.’
Nelsons heartbeat had increased at the thought of seeing Lewis naked. He would never have admitted it, even to Lewis, but he had had a couple of nighttime dreams to that effect.
They started off with a face to face stand up kiss then Lewis took him through the whole thing. As they progressed, they stripped each other off. When he took Lewis’s shorts off Nelson was thrilled to see and hold his cock and even more so to be able to do it without fear.’
When they had finished Nelson thanked him. ‘I’ll feel much happier knowing what to do.’ he said. ‘Because you know that, it should give you more confidence with the girls,’ Lewis told him. ‘You’ll find it easier to ask them on a date now.’ Nelsons spirits lifted at that.
‘Now that just leaves your nightmares,’ Lewis told him. ‘Come and lie down again.’ Once settled with his head on Lewis’s lap Nelson felt so happy being there. Especially as Lewis’s erect cock was now flexing against the side of his head. He had an urge to turn his head and kiss it but decided he’d better not.
Then Lewis said, ‘If my cock flexing annoys you, or you want to do anything with it, feel free to move your head away or do anything you like.’ ‘He’s a mind reader too.’ Nelson thought to himself as he turned his head and kissed it. Then he watched it flex like mad. After he had repeated the exercise, which gave him lovely feelings down between his own legs, Lewis said, ‘Ok, pay attention for the moment.’
Nelson lay still and as Lewis took hold of his balls and played with them, he cried out happily. Then he gave him his almost full attention. ‘Lots of boys experiment with each other,’ Lewis told him, ‘Some putting their cocks up each other’s bums too.’
As Nelson looked horrified, he continued, ‘Imagine for a moment that you and I were going to do it. Imagine I am putting my cock up your bum and tell me how it would be different to your experience in the woods.’
Nelson tried to imagine it. Then he said, ‘Well I’d be nervous, but I wouldn’t be scared, because I’d know that you wouldn’t hurt me. Also, I’d know that if I said stop, you would do so immediately.’
‘I would assume that if people do it voluntarily, it must be possible to enjoy it and do it without pain. So, if you were doing it, that would be the way it happened.’
‘Thank you for your faith in me,’ Lewis told him. ‘The reason you are having nightmares is obvious. Your mind is remembering the terrible fear and pain you have suffered, and it is hard for it to stop.’
‘When you have a girlfriend and are having regular sex, it will eventually fade. However, that could be some time off yet. If you were to have the experience of someone you liked and trusted putting their cock up your bum and you were able to enjoy it, your mind would only remember that happy occasion in future.’
‘That is because your mind prefers to remember happy times not bad times. So, if you want to cure your nightmares now or soon, you need to pick someone you’re close enough to, and ask them to do it for you.’
‘Because you are asking them, you will not feel pressurised into it and will not be tense with fear as you were in the woods. Nelson sat and thought about what Lewis had said. He trusted Lewis implicitly, so he accepted what he said was true.’
‘The nightmares had frightened him a lot, so he wanted to get rid of them. He thought about how drastically Lewis’s oil had reduced the pain on the last occasion, and how he had knowingly suffered it to stop it happening again.
A few minutes later he said, ‘I’m scared, but I trust you. I want to try it. I can only think of three people I’d feel safe enough to try it with and the top of the list is in this room with me now. Lewis, will you do it for me?’ he asked looking at him.
‘Yes.’ Lewis told him, ‘Thank you for your trust. Am I right in thinking your other two choices would be Gregg and Joey?’ ‘Yes,’ Nelson said looking surprised, ‘How did you know?’ ‘A guess based on experience.’ Lewis told him.
‘Have a play with my cock, then go and sit in the armchair.’ Lewis instructed. Nelson turned on his side towards Lewis. With his cock directly in front of his face, he reached up and explored Lewis’s cock as it throbbed at his touch. He also explored his balls and loved the experience.
Then he got up and moved over to the armchair. He put his legs up on the arms as instructed by Lewis and moved his bum as close to the front of the chair as he could. ‘You have experienced it from behind in terror,’ Lewis said. ‘Now you will experience it this way to start with. Then before I fire, we will change position.’
‘The reason is, doing it from the front you can see what I am doing and when. I can also see your face and know even before you tell me if you should experience any discomfort.’
‘Once we have proved that you can enjoy it with me this way, we will change position so I will enter from the rear. The reason for that is, it is a more successful cure if it is finished off in the same position that you were in when you suffered it last.’
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