The Life of Lewis - Cover

The Life of Lewis

Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas

Chapter 8: Sex in the Garden Shed

Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 8: Sex in the Garden Shed - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.

Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Ma/Ma   Ma/mt   mt/mt   Teenagers   Coercion   Consensual   Rape   Gay   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Torture   Anal Sex   First   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Doctor/Nurse   Teacher/Student  

‘I leaned forward and took hold of his cock again. I put my lips round his tip and as he said, ‘Remember, go slow.’ I slid my lips down until they touched his hairs. ‘Now take it off just as slowly. But if you pause half-way up and count five seconds to yourself before you take it right off, you’ll get a bonus week.’

‘As his cock was already in my mouth, I thought I may as well. I lifted my head slowly. When I judged I was half-way I paused and started to count to myself.’

‘I got to two, and he called out, ‘Lester, look at me.’ At the same moment I heard a series of clicks. I looked up at him and saw that he was holding a small camera in one hand.’

‘I jumped up, his cock dropping out of my mouth as I asked, ‘What are you doing?’ ‘I’m just making sure you keep this between us.’ he said. He stood up and got dressed. He looked at his camera then showed me the picture on the screen.’

‘The light from the small window in the shed was enough to give a dull but very clear picture. It was a little dark around the edges, but there was no doubt that it was my face and that I had someone else’s hard cock in my mouth. I was in a terrible panic. Then he said, ‘As long as you behave, no one else will ever see that,’ he said, ‘But upset me and I’ll see that all your school pals see it.’

‘Now, sit down.’ he ordered. ‘I always keep my promises,’ he said, ‘So you’ve no need to worry. You’ve earned three weeks and I’m putting my camera out of my reach. He put it up on a shelf.’

‘I’m going to give you a bonus week as well,’ he said. ‘I’m going to take your cock out and give you a suck. Then we’ll stop for today.’ He knelt down in front of me and undid my belt.’

‘Please don’t do that,’ I said, ‘I don’t like it.’ ‘I’m sure you don’t mean that,’ he said, ‘Think how you’d feel going into school after all your pals had seen that photo.’ I shut up.’

‘He undid my trousers and pulled my zip down. ‘Lift your hips up,’ he ordered. He pulled my trousers and shorts down to my knees. Then he picked my soft cock up and felt it.’

‘That feels nice,’ he said, ‘I’m going to give you a suck regardless, so you may as well let yourself go and enjoy it.’ He leaned forward and put his mouth round my cock.’

‘As he slid it down a couple of times, I couldn’t stop it starting to grow. He went faster. Soon my feeling kicked in and it wasn’t long before I knew I would soon fire.’

‘I’m going to come any minute,’ I called out. He just went faster still, and I shot four loads of cum into his mouth. It felt lovely but I was in a panic to how he would react.’

‘He kept playing with my cock with his mouth as I shrank and then he licked my tip. As he slid his mouth off me, he said, ‘That was nice and your cum tasted lovely. You can’t deny you enjoyed it.’

‘You ate it?’ I said surprised. ‘Yes,’ he said, ‘Was that your first suck?’ he asked. Then without giving me chance to answer added, ‘I love breaking people in. Ok, stay there a second.’ He stood up and I put my hand over my cock.’

‘He pointed at the camera to show it was still on the shelf. ‘Don’t worry,’ he said, ‘I just want a good look at what I’ve just sucked.’ I took my hand away and he took hold of it. He moved it round a bit with his fingers. ‘Nice one,’ he said. ‘Very similar to mine except you’re circumcised.’

‘Ok, get dressed.’ he instructed. As I did, he repeated his promise about the photo and told me I could stay for the next four weeks. ‘Then if you’ve been good and kept this to yourself, you’ll be able to extend it if you want to.’ he added.’

‘As soon as I was dressed, he unlocked the door and stepped out. ‘Well done,’ he said, ‘I can see you finishing this project yet. Don’t forget your wages before you go, I’ll leave them at the till for you.’ Then he went off.’

‘I felt awful. I was pleased I could stay longer but I was scared about the photo. Also, although I was surprised that I didn’t seem to have had a problem with his close contact, it had still brought back everything from the past.’

‘Anyway, I decided there was nothing I could do about it, so I carried on working. When I finished for the day, I went to the till and sure enough there was an envelope for me with eighty pounds in. I nearly had a crash cycling home as my mind was on what had happened.’

‘How was the following week?’ Lewis asked.

‘When I went in the next Saturday I went straight to the shed and made a start. Midmorning Charles came along to see how I was getting on. ‘You’re making good progress,’ he said, ‘Have you got everything you need?’ I told him I had, and that Peter had been very helpful. I thought it wouldn’t do any harm to give him a plug in case Richard tried to get rid of him.’

‘Then at lunch time Peter turned up to join me. He brought sandwiches in too, so we sat and ate together. ‘I hear Richard was in last Sunday,’ he said, ‘Did you get to meet him?’

‘He must have realised from my reaction, because he said, ‘He got to you too, didn’t he?’ ‘Yes,’ I admitted. ‘I’m so sorry,’ he said. ‘I think we had a special bond between us from then onwards.’

‘He was in on Wednesday,’ Peter said. ‘Charles wasn’t here, so I got caught again. But at least I’m safe for another month. I have to admit when he says it buys a month he sticks to it. Was it bad for you?’ he asked.’

‘It could have been worse,’ I said. ‘So far at least he hasn’t shown any signs of violence,’ Peter told me, ‘So I suppose that’s something to be grateful for.’ We got into the habit of having our lunches together on a Saturday from then on. Peter normally had Sunday and Monday off.’

‘A month later, again on a Sunday midafternoon when Charles was off, Richard came to me again. ‘This would get done much quicker with a professional team doing it,’ he said looking over what I’d done. ‘But I’ll keep my promise and let you earn some more weeks.’

‘We went into the shed, and he bolted the door. I had decided he must have fitted the bolt himself the first Sunday before I came into work, I was certain it hadn’t been there on the Saturday. ‘Take your top things off and drop everything else to your ankles.’ he ordered. As I did, he was doing the same.’

‘He had gone fully hard already. He sat down in the chair and told me, ‘If you repeat the suck that you gave me last week but go up and down three times and play with my balls as you do it, you’ll earn another week. If you keep going until I fire, then spit it out you’ll get two weeks. If you do that and swallow the cum, you’ll get three weeks.’

‘I knelt down in front of him and took hold of his balls. I was so tempted to squeeze like mad and run. Then I put my lips round his cock and did the three sucks. Once started it seemed so easy to just carry on. Then when he got near, I could tell by his cock flexing.’

‘As he started shooting, I started swallowing his cum without really thinking about it. Looking back afterwards it didn’t taste too bad. When I had finished, he told me to open my mouth wide. He looked in and asked, ‘Was that the first cum you’ve ever tasted?’ ‘Yes,’ I told him.’

‘He seemed pleased about that. ‘Ok you’ve got three weeks,’ he said, ‘Now you deserve a bonus week.’ He stood up and started getting dressed. ‘You sit down,’ he instructed. ‘I’ll give you a suck like last time.’

‘I did and he knelt in front of me. He took my trousers and shorts off over my feet and put my legs up on his shoulders. ‘Slide forward a bit,’ he instructed. Then he took my balls in his mouth. As he played with them with his tongue, I felt disgusted with myself, but it did feel nice.’

‘Before he had finished, my cock had gone hard. He let my balls slip out of his mouth and put my legs down. After a brief play with my cock and my hairs he put his mouth round my cock and went straight into a suck.’

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