The Life of Lewis
Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas
Chapter 6: The Whisper of Doom
Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 6: The Whisper of Doom - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.
Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa mt/Fa Ma/Ma Ma/mt mt/mt Teenagers Coercion Consensual Rape Gay BiSexual Heterosexual Fiction Incest Torture Anal Sex First Massage Masturbation Oral Sex Petting Doctor/Nurse Teacher/Student
‘Carry on with your story.’ Lewis told him as he rested his hand flat over his now very soft cock. ‘I mopped his chest up with some tissues,’ Lester said, ‘Then I rinsed my hanky out in the little stream at the edge of the clearing.’
‘I washed his chest and then picked up his now very limp cock. As I did, I said, ‘Your cock is different than mine, you’re not circumcised.’ I peeled his foreskin back and dabbed his tip with my wet hanky. He made a happy noise then asked me what I meant.’
‘I showed him how his foreskin covered his tip when it was soft. ‘My cock has had that loose skin cut off when I was a baby for some reason,’ I told him, ‘So mine is called circumcised. Yours being in its natural state is called uncircumcised. You’ll see the difference on mine after you’ve fired me.’
‘He looked excited again at that. ‘Now, what I have just done, you can do for yourself every night from now on if you want to.’ I told him. He looked very delighted at that idea.’
‘Get dressed now,’ I told him, ‘Then you can have a go at firing me.’ I took my top off ready as he was dressing.’
‘I lay down and told him to see if he could remember what to do. ‘Do everything to me that I did to you,’ I told him. If you get stuck just ask.’
‘He looked a bit nervous about undoing my trousers, so I gave him a smile then closed my eyes. As soon as they were loose, I lifted my hips. As he pulled them down and then my shorts, I could imagine him studying my cock and comparing it with his.’
‘Then he took hold of it, explored it all over, and started stroking it. I drew my knees up a bit and opened my eyes, ‘If you want to, you can play with my balls at the same time with your other hand I told him. Then I closed my eyes again.’
‘I felt his other hand sliding up my leg and taking hold of my balls. I heard his excited intake of breath as he felt them. He hadn’t stroked long when my feeling kicked in. I decided to say nothing and let him continue at the same speed.’
‘I opened my eyes for a fraction of a second and saw the pleasure on his face. ‘I’m getting very near,’ I called out, ‘Go just a fraction faster.’ He did and less than a minute later I called out, ‘I’m coming any minute now.’
‘Seconds later my cock throbbed in his grip, and I cried out in delight as such a lovely feeling roared right through me. I shot four jets of cum up in the air as my cry echoed around the clearing. I’d opened my eyes as I fired and saw Grant had his eyes locked on my cum.’
‘When he laid my cock down, I passed him some tissues. He cleaned up my chest then as I had swilled my hanky out before he started, he washed my chest. Then when he picked my cock up to wipe, he said, ‘I see what you mean.’ as he wiped it.’
‘Why don’t you kneel across my thighs facing me,’ I told him, ‘And pull your cock out. Then you can see them both together.’ He did and had a little play with them both. I let him play for a few minutes then I joined in because an uncircumcised one was strange to me.’
‘For several minutes we had four hands playing with two cocks, it was very enjoyable. When I stood up and got dressed, we gave each other a grin and said, ‘That was nice.’ On the way back we chatted a lot more.’
‘After that day we spoke a lot more about lots more things. A week later Grant told me that his nighttime dreams were so much nicer since our day out together.’
‘But the strangest thing of all,’ Lester said, ‘Was that it didn’t hit me until I was in bed that night. I had been completely relaxed the whole time with Grant, even though we were touching each other in such intimate places.’
‘Do you know why?’ Lewis asked him. ‘No.’ Lester replied. ‘Because you were the one in control. You led the way. You were teaching Grant. No one was forcing you to do anything, and you knew that nothing could happen unless you wanted it to.’
‘That proves that you can get over it all,’ Lewis told him with a smile.
‘Well, I think it’s safe to say that you have never told anyone else that before,’ he added, smiling at him. ‘So now we can relax and look at both your problems, then solve them.’
Lester looked at him and asked, ‘You’ve said problems, rather than problem a couple of times,’ he said, looking questioningly at him. ‘What makes you think there are more than one?’ Lewis smiled. ‘Well, you do have two, don’t you. The one early in your teens that made you scared of physical contact and the more recent one that aggravated it so much.’
Lesters mouth dropped open, ‘How did you know that?’ he asked. ‘You told me.’ Lewis said. ‘Not in so many words, but when you’ve heard as many different people’s problems as I have, you pick up on things.’ Lester settled down and gave Lewis a smile. ‘I never dreamt I’d ever be able to tell this to anyone,’ he said, ‘But now I’m thinking you probably already know most of it. Anyway, here goes.’
He was silent for a few moments then he began. ‘I had just turned thirteen,’ he said, ‘My brother Oliver who is ten years older than me had returned to the UK from Malta for a two week stay. It was a business trip, something to do with his work. We were only really able to spend time with him at the weekends. Oliver wanted to see the musical Les Miserable, so the middle weekend of his visit he had arranged tickets for us all and we were all going to London for the weekend. His pal Bill from school also worked for the same firm but was based in London. He was included in our weekend as he did all the bookings for us.’
‘I had met him a couple of times when I was very young when he and Oliver were still at school, but I didn’t really remember much about him. When he met us off the train Friday evening, he seemed nice enough and it was certainly good having a Londoner as a guide to show us round.’
‘Bill was single and was stopping at the same hotel. Saturday evening, we all went out for a pre theatre meal, then went on to see Les Mis which was wonderful. After the show we returned to the hotel and sat in the bar having a drink.’
‘After their drink mum and dad decided to go up to bed. The hotel bar had a lady singer entertaining at the piano, so I decided to stay up a little longer. Oliver and Bill were reminiscing, and I was happy listening to the singer.’
‘I’d had a glass of wine with the meal before the show and had a glass of cider when we came back to the hotel. After that I just had a coke which Bill got me.’
‘It tasted different to the normal coke, but as it came in a glass, I just assumed it was a cheap imitation and thought nothing of it. When Oliver decided to go to bed, Bill said he’d keep me company as he liked the singer too.’
‘He brought me another coke without asking if I wanted one and now Oliver had gone up, he sat beside me listening to the singer. He spoke a few times but didn’t interrupt the singer.’
‘By the time I’d finished my drink I was starting to feel extremely tired, so I told Bill I was going to head on up. ‘I’m ready to go up too,’ he said, and stood up. I went to stand up and felt very wobbly.’
‘Are you ok?’ Bill asked. ‘I just felt a bit giddy,’ I said, ‘Perhaps I stood up too quick.’ ‘Come on,’ he said, ‘I’ll see you up to your room.’ As I took a few steps I felt really odd so when he took my arm, I was glad.’
‘We got into the lift and as we went up, I felt quite dizzy. He saw me to my door, and as I struggled to get my key card in the lock, he took it off me and opened the door. He helped me in and sat me down on the side of the bed.’
‘It must be all the excitement.’ he said, ‘Don’t worry, I’ll see you into bed.’ ‘I tried to say that wasn’t necessary, but I didn’t seem able to form my words. He knelt down and took my shoes and socks off.’
‘Then he started taking my shirt and tie off. I tried to object, but somehow, I just couldn’t speak. Then he pushed me back onto the bed, so I was flat from my knees up. He undid my belt and the front of my trousers and then he slid my zip down.’
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