The Life of Lewis - Cover

The Life of Lewis

Copyright© 2021 by Lewis Lucas

Chapter 5: When the Pupil Was the Teacher

Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 5: When the Pupil Was the Teacher - Lewis is 15 and decides to get a Saturday job. Finding one in a Video hire shop helping Mike the manager, he finds himself earning a bit extra every week by having some interesting fitness tests followed by some relaxation including sex lessons and experiences which he thoroughly enjoys.

Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Ma/Ma   Ma/mt   mt/mt   Teenagers   Coercion   Consensual   Rape   Gay   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Torture   Anal Sex   First   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Doctor/Nurse   Teacher/Student  

‘Don’t worry about it,’ Lewis said smiling at him. ‘Your cock has decided it likes me and is standing up to introduce himself.’ That made Lester laugh.

‘How many girlfriends have you had?’ Lewis asked, his hand lying still over Lesters now fully hard cock. ‘None.’ he replied looking sad. ‘So, are you still a virgin?’ Lewis asked. ‘Yes.’ he replied still looking sad. ‘When did you last dream about having sex with a girl?’ ‘Last night.’ ‘And did you fire with a lovely feeling at the end of your dream.’ ‘Yes.’ Lester said looking a lot happier.

‘That’s brilliant,’ Lewis said. ‘Just think of what you’ve told me about yourself in the last few minutes. All that was because you relaxed with my hand resting on your cock, even over your trousers.’

As Lester thought back about what he had revealed he was amazed. ‘I was starting to think that you would need to return for at least one, possibly two, more sessions.’ Lewis told him, ‘But I don’t think that’s going to be necessary now, you’re progressing so well.’

‘Now before we move on, I want to do another medical check. I want to test your spine and the muscles on the back of your knees. What I want you to do whilst I just pop to the bathroom for a wee, is to take your trousers off and lie on the settee face down in your shorts.’

He stood up and went to the bathroom without giving him any time to question it. When he returned several minutes later, Lester was lying face down in just his shorts. He had reasonably slim hips. Lewis sat at his side on the edge of the settee.

‘There are thirty-three bones in your spine called vertebrae,’ Lewis told him, ‘I’m going to examine each one starting at the first one immediately below your head. Have you ever had any problems with your back?’ ‘No, never.’ Lester told him. Lewis felt all over each bone in turn, doing it very gently like a massage.

Lester found it a lovely sensation and his cock squashed underneath him still being hard was doing its best to flex. As Lewis moved lower down his back, he said, ‘The bottom few vertebrae are inside your shorts. Are you ok if I stay on the skin as I go down?’ ‘Yes, that’s ok.’ came the reply.

When Lewis reached his waist, he lifted the back of his shorts with one hand and slid his other hand inside, moving down slowly over each bone. Lester was loving the feelings it was giving him, no one had ever handled his body so gently before. As Lewis’s fingers felt over the very last bone between the top of his cheeks the lovely feeling was making his cock throb like mad. He was so relieved he was lying face down.

When Lewis took his hand out of his shorts and examined the back of his knees Lester felt quite disappointed. Although not as erotic, feeling him examining the back of his knees was very relaxing.

‘Well done,’ Lewis said, ‘That is all perfect. Now if you turn over, we can carry on with the massaging and questions.’ Lester rolled over feeling quite at ease now. It wasn’t until he had settled on his back he was reminded of his hard cock when he saw the tent pole in the front of his shorts.

As he opened his mouth, Lewis said, ‘Well done, you have really relaxed now being able to lie there with a full erection. Sit up, you deserve a hug.’ They went into each other’s arms and kissed then put their heads on each other’s shoulders for a long hug.

Lester wondered if Lewis could feel his cock throbbing as they did. Suddenly it didn’t seem to matter to him anymore. He knew that when they finished their hug, he would be able to lie down without bothering about his cock.

They hugged for a while then had another kiss before Lester lay back down. As Lewis smiled at him Lester was aware his hard cock was waving about in his shorts. ‘Let it do what it wants,’ Lewis told him, ‘You know you’re enjoying the feeling it’s giving you which is natural.’

‘I’m going to start massaging your head in a moment, then I’ll work my way down your front. I’ll ask more questions as I go, and I want you to let your cock do anything it wants and enjoy itself. By staying hard, it’s showing me how much at ease you are feeling with me now, which is good.’

As he rested his hands on Lesters head and started massaging, he asked, ‘Do you have any special friends at school?’ ‘Not really,’ Lester said sounding sad, ‘I tend to keep myself to myself. I suppose Grant would be the one I get on with best.’

As he moved down onto the front of his trousers he asked, ‘Do you and Grant ever do anything together out of school?’ ‘Not really,’ Lester said. ‘We have been to each other’s homes a couple of times, but other than that no.’

‘What is it that you like about Grant?’ Lewis asked as he massaged his chest. ‘He’s exceptionally quiet like I am,’ Lester said. ‘We’re both content to be in each other’s company without feeling the need to do anything, or even speak at times.’

‘Of the things the two of you have done together, which is the one you liked the most?’ Lewis asked as he moved down onto Lesters flat stomach.

Lester went extremely red then he said, ‘It was last summer holidays when we were both fifteen. We decided to take a picnic lunch and get a bus out into the country. We walked for ages, and we probably spoke more to each other that day than we had done all the years we had known each other previously.’

‘Did you talk about girls at all?’ Lewis asked as he moved down onto the front of his shorts. Lester went slightly red and said, ‘A little bit.’ ‘Can you tell me what was said?’ Lewis asked as his hands massaged down over Lesters cock.

It had started going soft, but now it grew again quickly, a combination of Lewis’s massage and Lesters memory of his conversation with Grant. It throbbed happily under Lewis’s touch and Lester was clearly enjoying it. ‘Grant asked me if I’d ever had a girlfriend,’ Lester said. ‘I admitted I hadn’t, and he said he hadn’t either.’

‘Then a while later he asked me if I dreamt about having one when I was in bed at night.’ ‘Yes, I said, it’s probably the nearest I’ll ever get.’ ‘Me too.’ he said sounding sad. ‘Does anything strange happen to you when you dream?’ he asked.

Lewis had massaged his cock a little longer and was now massaging down the front of his bare legs. Lester carried on without a break, ‘How do you mean?’ I asked him. He went very red then took a while to answer. ‘My thingy swells up,’ he said, ‘It worries me that there is something wrong with it. Especially when... ‘ He faded away and went even brighter red.

‘When it does the ‘especially when’ bit,’ I asked, ‘Do you get a lovely feeling at the same time?’ ‘Yes.’ he admitted sounding surprised that I’d guessed. ‘Just before you get the lovely feeling, what are you doing with your thingy?’ I asked him.’

‘Just holding it as I dream.’ he said. ‘Are you holding it still or moving your hand on it?’ I asked. ‘Usually holding it still,’ he said, ‘But I do stroke it sometimes.’ ‘When you hold it still, does it always give you the lovely feeling?’ I asked. ‘No, only very occasionally.’ he said.’

Lewis reached his feet and started back up. ‘When I reach your shorts,’ he said, ‘I’ll make the massage even nicer. But remember you can say stop if you don’t like it, ok?’

‘Ok,’ Lester said, then carried on immediately with his story, ‘I asked Grant, if you stroke it, does it always give you the feeling then?’ ‘Yes, and it’s nice, but I’m scared I might be doing some damage.’ ‘What you are referring to as your thingy is your cock or penis, right?’ I asked.’

‘Yes,’ he said going even redder. ‘Well, you have nothing to worry about,’ I told him, ‘Mine does exactly the same and it’s perfectly ok.’ He looked surprised. ‘Does yours shoot stuff out too?’ he asked. ‘Yes,’ I said, ‘That’s what gives you the lovely feeling.’

Lewis massaged over his shorts once more. Lesters cock was still rampant and throbbed like mad at his touch. Lester paused in his story to make very happy sounding noises. Then he managed to continue.

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